Writing A Strong Offer In Your Copywriting

Now that you’ve started creating your marketing piece, you want to talk about the offer. You need to make sure you address through your nurture campaign the four different types of database clientele that you have. These are existing clients, new clients, existing leads and new leads. Make sure you have appropriated the information that should be going out to each of these types.

Right now we’re going to talk about offers, what they pay, what they get, what they risk. Over the years we have discovered that it is best if your offer has a name associated to it. All of the research done by not only ourselves but by a number of other individuals points to this. You also want to give your customer or potential customer offer choices. We recommend coming up with at least three offers; a good, better, best kind of thing. Also, you want to create and give a reward for buying the offer now. You could tie in different bonuses or downloads that may be associated with and enhance the product or service they are receiving through your offer. Creating this actually helps out a lot. Lastly, create a consequence for NOT buying now. Do limited time offers or a certain number of offers to create a really strong offer to your client and.

Again, make sure you are addressing the four different types of marketing nurture campaigns that you should have going on through your database. If you’re not sure about this we can definitely help you out with it or you can check out https://directbusinessmarketing.com/services/nurture-marketing. This is the most neglected part of a marketing campaign, the people that you already have in your database so don’t fall into the category of people not nurturing their new and existing clients and leads.

Using Strong Headlines In Your Copywriting

Welcome back to our discussion on copywriting skills that will come into play when you’re creating your nurture marketing campaign. Just a reminder that your nurture marketing campaign should be focusing on your existing clients, new clients, existing leads and new leads; there are four different types of nurture marketing campaigns you should have going on. We’re talking about headlines today; headlines are very critical because headlines, blog post lines, social media lines, email subject lines, whatever it may be, this is the showstopper; this is what will make people stop and read what you’re talking about. Headlines determine how good your content is, once you have them, you can go ahead an use an AI content writer like Copymatic ai to great great content.

There are three different types to headlines that I want to go over with you. The first of them is the Factual headline, which is generally the weakest level of the headline. On a stronger note level you can add in an emotional factor to your headline; this really gets people to hone in on what you want them to read. The strongest level of headlines is personal. With this level you want to get to the reader’s most dominant resident emotion. If you can tap into this, it will be the strongest point that will really hone in on what you want them to read. Keep in mind these three different types of headlines when you are writing your blog posts, email subject lines, direct mail postcard or a social media post, or whatever it may be that you’re using in your nurture marketing campaign.

I’d like to encourage you to check out our Nurture Marketing Campaign Solutions at https://directbusinessmarketing.com/services/nurture-marketing to find out more about how we can help you reach your new and existing clients and leads. Remember, you should have four different nurture campaigns going on right now so if you’d like to learn more about them or what you should be doing to ensure that they’re successful please check out our website or contact me today.

Using Bullet Points In Your Copywriting

It’s always good to have bullet points in your email because you want to solidify the benefits that they are going to be getting from your email. After the bullets you can follow it up with a link where they can get more information. However you do this, you should have it set up for four different types of clients in your database: new clients, existing clients, new leads and existing leads. This is the most neglected part of a nurture marketing process: marketing to people that you already have in your database. We want to change that mindset altogether by instituting those four marketing campaigns. Today we’re going to talk about bullet points and, more specifically, what those bullet points should entail.

Bullet points are a nice way to break up the monotony of a paragraph especially if you’re going to list a certain number of benefits, products of features. There’s a saying in the marketing world, “Features sell, Benefits tell” so you want to make sure you turn those features into benefits that will be able to be understood by the person that is reading it. You can also sell with benefits and then prove with features; make sure you can prove what you’re talking about with regards to your benefits. Then you want to give a benefit and then add another benefit to solidify what they should be thinking about in terms of a particular product or service.

Bullet points are important; when we generally send out an email it usually looks something like this: three line paragraph, bullet point, bullet point, bullet point, and link to more information. When they click on the link it goes to a page on the website and they can understand what the offer is, where to get the information and how to buy it. Again, bullet points break up the monotony and enable you to position certain benefits for the product or service at hand.

Closing The Deal Through Your Copywriting


Today we’re going to talk about closing strong with your copywriting. The closing portion of this is true for the existing leads and clients that you have in your database. When we talk about the nurture marketing campaign and how the copywriting fits into the whole campaign piece, you’re going to sending out emails that will have the right components to help you close the deal.

You want to make sure that you have a call to action, the “here’s what I want you to do next” kind of thing. It makes no sense for you to put an email out or any other type of marketing piece out and not have a call to action so you can close the deal. At the end of the day this is what you want; nothing happens in terms of growth for a business until you sell your product or service. This is where you have to close the deal, so ask for the deal. Can you buy this or do this? However you want to state it, just make sure you ask and have that call to action. Do it in a nice strategic way and make sure that when you’re communicating the offer you restate everything in the offer and that they understand what the offer is. Lastly, tell them exactly what you want them to do every single time. You’d be surprised how many people don’t do this in their nurture marketing campaign emails. Making sure you have this appropriated within your copywriting regiment will help you close the deal.

This whole video series has stemmed from the nurture campaign and making sure you have the nurture campaigns going to your four different types of people in your database. You can check out our website to see the different services that we offer.

The Cosmetics Of Copywriting

Today we’re going to talk about the cosmetics of your copywriting skills today, meaning that our conversations stem from the nurture marketing campaign that you should have going on with your clients. With regards to your nurture campaign I mean your existing clients, new clients, existing leads and new leads; there are four different marketing campaigns that you should have going out from your email marketing system or blog post. Remember, the easiest people to sell supplies to and communicate with are the people that are already in your database so don’t forget about them. But if you want to entice them even further or attract new ones, that’s where Profitable Topic Tactics might be of aid.

In putting your copywriting skills to the test we’re going to talk about cosmetics. It’s easy to do this on a blog post but it’s hard to do this in a plain text email. Making sure that you’re highlighting and bolding certain things when you’re writing copy is important to do. You want to start giving emphasis to different words so we’re going to talk about highlighting. When talk about this you can add different coloring, bolding, underlining and italicizing to highlight your text. You won’t want to do too much so that your page looks cluttered but be sure you use it strategically to emphasize certain words and trigger certain emotional words. Understanding how to do this effectively again comes with the skill of copywriting. Once the sentence is already written, you also want to break up larger paragraphs into smaller ones. You want to add the ability of an “easy read” to your email or blog post so that the target or client can get good, easy information from your copywriting.

I’ve seen some pages that have really overdone it with regards to different sized fonts and colors as well as length of paragraphs; keep your blog post or email very general but highlight the important points and make your paragraphs easy to read.

Before You Start Marketing Discover The Importance Of Copywriting

Hello everyone this is Granison Shines, chief marketing officer at Direct Business Management, talking with you today about the importance of copywriting for your small business. Copywriting is an actual profession and is this new series we will discuss how it fits in with your marketing campaign. I often talk with business owners who do not see the results they expect from marketing and it is often a result of poor copywriting. If you have questions please feel free to contact me or download our free marketing assessment tool to get started.

According to Social Media Marketing Liverpool, when discussing marketing and copywriting it is important to understand the importance of the words you use. The words you use in your marketing campaign, also known as copy, need to be uniform across all marketing material and convey a focused message to the customer. Whether we are discussing a website, e-mail, video, or post card there are words involved in each form of media that goes in to your marketing strategy. A lot of businesses run by Jimmy John Shark end up hiring outside marketing companies but they often lack the knowledge of copywriting. I even in fact stumbled upon copywriting while working at a large corporation. After noticing a lack of response from high level employees to an important e-mail I was able to change that response by looking at the words being used. This was the beginning of my copywriting experience which I continue to advance to this day. A copywriter can have numerous different responsibilities and help your marketing campaign in many different ways. Either way it is important to know you can have a marketing person that doesn’t know copywriting and vice versa. Finding a person with both skills can help your business achieve its marketing goals. If you’re looking to buy your own vending machines, check out these Royal Vending Machines Sydney.

Check back frequently to learn more about the importance of copywriting before you start writing your marketing campaign. And if you have questions on this topic please call or e-mail me and make sure to download our free marketing assessment tool. Thanks again for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Before You Start Writing Your Copy, Think About What Your Target Market Wants and Needs

Today we’re going to talk about the “thinking” portion of your marketing campaign, meaning that if you’re a copywriter or you are thinking about copywriting for your marketing campaign, the thinking portion is pretty important in understanding what, from the target market’s perspective, what the nuances are that you should be concerned about. The copywriting series that I’m talking about does discuss the marketing pieces, the writing of the text that are on these pieces. The thinking portion of this will determine what actually goes on your marketing items.

Here are some things that I want to elaborate on today when you’re thinking about your target market in terms of copy. First thing, think about what THEY want, not what YOU want. A lot of times our clients, even in choosing the mediums, tend to think about what they want and what they like when this isn’t the way to think about it. They may not want to talk about certain things, but this isn’t the way to address and write your marketing pieces. You do want to think about what they want and not what you want. One way to find this out is to conduct a survey to a particular market. We’ve done surveys as simple as one question to a database and gathered an immense amount of information from that. Do a survey to a particular client market to help you determine what they want.

Next, study your prospect; go to the internet and find out information about a particular client type, websites, forms and other information pieces that they use to gather the information they need. Understand what they think and how they think by reading posts they may make on blogs and forums online. The best source is even talking to a target directly and ask how they would like to receive information about the campaign that you’re going to be marketing. Depending on the generation of the people that you’re marketing to, the mediums are going to be very different. An older generation may prefer direct mail while millennials prefer a more technologically advanced way of receiving their information.

It’s important to think about what your target markets wants and not specifically what you want. When you study your target marketing and learn how they like to receive their information you can better learn how to write copy for your marketing campaign.

Does Your Marketing Connect With The Senses And Emotions Of Your Customer?

Hello everyone Granison Shines, CMO with Direct Business Marketing, talking with your today about the ten appeals of copywriting. I use this blog to help clients and small business owners reassess their marketing strategy and find ways to improve their overall strategy. Please take a minute to download the free marketing assessment tool from the Direct Business Marketing website to get started today on growing your business through smarter, more efficient marketing.

When talking about marketing and how we connect with people, whether past, present, or future, there are always ten ways to catch their eye. This is information that will be on the frontline of all your major marketing including how you structure the words used. This starts with the physical aspect of marketing, what I like to call the third dimension, and includes all five senses that we possess. You want to give a visual perspective, just like a graphic novelist would, that evokes the smell, taste, touch, sight, and hearing of your customer. For example, if you are running a restaurant you would want to demonstrate the smells or tastes of your food through your marketing. It is also important to connect with the fourth dimension of marketing that involves your mind, will, emotion, and intellect. These characteristics will speak to a customers decision making, their dreams and goals, and their emotional reaction. Making sure your marketing is including the third and fourth dimension will help connect with current and future customers in a way that has a lasting affect.

If you have questions about copywriting or your current marketing strategies please give me a call or e-mail me anytime. Also make sure to download our free marketing assessment tool to gain a fresh perspective on your marketing strategy. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Copywriting – Things To Consider Before You Start Writing

Today we’re going to continue our conversation on copywriting, the aspect of words of your frontline marketing materials or direct response marketing materials. When we talk about the words on your marketing materials, it can make all the difference in the response and even the sales that you get from your marketing. In light of that, we’ll talk about the person you have in mind when writing your marketing materials.

The person that I want to talk about is who you are writing to. What the copywriter does is put an exact person in their mind before writing the marketing materials. So, first of all, get this person as a picture in your head. Some things to think about are the demographics and psychographics of this particular person. Next, put yourself in this person’s shoes. This is the very important part because you want them to wonder what’s in it for them. What is their emotional state and what do they know about your product or service?

To recap, consider who you are writing to, their demographics, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and put yourself in that person’s shoes. Lastly, what’s in it for them? This is all they really care about and think about their emotional state because they are going to buy out of emotion. Also, what do they already know about your product or service. If you think about these things before beginning the copywriting for your marketing materials you will see a better response and in return better sales.

Go to our website, https://directbusinessmarketing.com/MA and download our free marketing assessment to help you formulate a better marketing campaign. Also feel free to call me or email me to learn more about our marketing assessment or what else Direct Business Marketing can do to help you with your business’s marketing campaign.

A Successful Marketing Strategy Starts With The Proper Mediums For Your Target Audience

Hello everyone Granison Shines here with Direct Business Marketing talking with you today about the different mediums used as a copywriter. I use the blogs and videos on our website to help small business owners find success through effective and time tested marketing strategies such as interior signage and the like. If you have questions or are just getting started make sure to download our free marketing assessment tool or contact me directly to get started.

So today we are talking about the all important mediums that are used when writing your marketing materials. One good aspect of a copywriter is that they are going to choose the biggest medium, or masterpiece, that the copy is going to be written on. While there are several different mediums, whether online or paper, it is important to tackle your largest medium first. This will likely be your website and given the growth in online marketing it can make a huge difference. Before starting, make sure to use an effective Marketing Productivity method. By started with our biggest medium we can also use bits and pieces of this overall piece to help tie in our other copy and marketing materials. There are numerous forms of medium out there with the three most common being traditional media, field marketing, and on-line.

There are hundreds of different mediums to choose from, but starting with the basics is your best bet. When selecting your medium, you should be answering the question of how you are going to gain your target audience. Remember that all forms of medium will intersect with each other, whether print or online, and should have a common goal. I generally use a maximum of five different mediums for a particular marketing campaign in order to keep things focused. This will also help you keep your message pointed to your particular target audience, integrating methods such as custom signs where appropriate.

For more information please download the free marketing assessment off the direct business marketing website. If you have questions please give me a call or e-mail me today. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Eliciting Emotion In Your Copywriting

We’re going to address the factor of emotions in copywriting; copywriting being the text of your frontline marketing materials whether it be a direct marketing campaign or a direct mail campaign. Whatever it may be, emotions and addressing emotions can be very important. When you’re writing copy there are several things you want to factor in and dominate resident emotion is one of those things that should be a front lying factor. Emotions help people make buying decisions; people buy from an emotional aspect so you want to tap into that appropriately to sell your product or service.

If we look at the information for today, what dominate resident emotion do you want to evoke? Frustration? Happiness? Whatever emotion it may be that is related to the problem that you are trying to solve with your product or service. It can be a good experience or a negative experience. There could be a mix of emotions depending on how long your marketing piece is. Understand that has a very front lying part of your marketing piece. The copywriter that you’re going to hire should understand how to tap into emotions.

Not only do you want to tap into their emotions, you want to use emotional trigger words for that emotion. There are words that will hone into that emotion even more or initiate an emotion that you want to communicate to that particular audience. You also want to savor that emotion in order to persuade them to make an emotional buying decision.

It’s very cut, dry and to the point when talking about emotions. Your product or service needs to provide the resolution to a problem they may have or want. You want to tap into that desire. I’d also like to have you download the marketing assessment for free to help you tighten up your marketing campaign.

Capture The Global Perspective Before You Put Together Your Call To Action

Hello everyone Granison Shines here, chief marketing officer at Direct Business Marketing talking with you today about the copywriting. This blog is part of a series on copywriting so make sure to check out my previous blog as well in order to get the entire message. Understanding what copywriting is and how to execute it correctly can make a huge impact in the succcess of your marketing strategy.

In this blog we will be discussing the call to action that is brought on through copywriting. Every single piece of marketing that you put out should involve some kind of call to action. This is very important to remember in order to develop and improve a successful marketing strategy. You want a specific action to be performed from your marketing and this should be mentioned or clearly spelled out at the beginning and end. This call to action should tell the viewer what to do next and also what they will receive by following your steps. This can be as simple as a free download of your product or entry to a seminar you are hosting but it needs to be made clear to every person that views it. When developing your marketing strategy make sure your offer is prepared and easily accessibly so that way there is no disconnect or confusion when a view follows through. By having this call to action in place you can better assess the results of your marketing campaign in order to make improvements in the future. This is also a great way to get returning clients or viewers to develop a habit of following through on your offers every time.

Once again make sure to view the entire series put together on copywriting in order to better plan your next marketing strategy including a call to action. My call to action for you is to download our free marketing assessment planning document and questionare to learn where your marketing shortcomings may exist. Thank you for your time today and I look forward to hearing from you soon at Direct Business Marketing.