What My Contact Lens Has In Common With Your Marketing

Want to get a clear vision for your marketing?  Get on my calendar and we’ll talk.

And don’t forget to share this post with your colleagues.  Thanks in advance.


How to Build Value in an Offer

In continuing our conversation on offers, watch this video to get more information regarding building value in your offers.

Here are a few pointers I discuss in the video:

  • Show it in parts
  • Compare APPLES to ORANGES
  • Build value with bullet points

Questions? Contact me directly at [email protected] or set an appointment with me here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/scheduler/ 

Overcoming Marketing Campaign Challenges – Part 2

How to turn marketing campaign challenges into business by focusing on our marketing process – Generate, Capture, Store, and Nurture:
– Make sure you have the right marketing message
– Make sure you have a call to action
– Make sure your webform works properly
– Make sure you have an automated follow-up sequence

Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy – Piecing It All Together

In this final video in this series, Granison Shines – CMO of Direct Business Marketing, summarizes the past 5 videos on how you should go about your marketing budget and strategy for 2017.

Take a look at the video and let us know if you have any questions.  Be sure to take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/scheduler.  There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

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Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy – Campaign Identification

One aspect of your marketing campaigns should be the identification of the strategic marketing campaigns you’re going to launch.  Truthfully, most organizations omit several marketing campaigns, not purposefully, nonetheless omission means prospective leads not getting the attention they need.  Therefore, we need to close the gap on leaving leads exposed for falling through the cracks.

In this video, Granison Shines, CMO of Direct Business Marketing, answers the marketing campaign on “How many strategic marketing campaigns should we be running in our organization?”

If you have any questions, take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/scheduler.  There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy – Where To Market

When you think about where you should be marketing, make sure to have our marketing process close in mind – Generate, Capture, Store, and Nurture.  This will help you lay the proper path for marketing success.

Focus on the “Generate” column, the marketing locations, because this is where you’re going to spend most of your marketing budget.  I’m not saying to not spend time on the other 3 sections, I’m just saying that a large portion of your marketing budget will be spent here.  Especially, if you’re running a large marketing campaign.

In this video, Granison Shines, CMO of Direct Business Marketing, discusses on how you should think about where you should be marketing.

If you have any questions, take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/scheduler.  There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy – Budget Allocation

To further discuss the budget aspect of your marketing campaign, business owners are asking themselves, “How much should we allocate to our marketing budget?”  Since many have experienced their marketing dollars not returning the investment they wanted or expected, the topic of a business’ marketing budget has become taboo. However, if you’re in business and your marketing, you’re going to have this conversation – period!

In this video, Granison Shines – CMO of Direct Business Marketing, discusses the question of marketing budget allocation and how to make sure you’re not taken to the cleaners.

If you have any questions, take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/scheduler.  There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy

I’d say that the marketing budget is one of the most important and least attractive components of your marketing campaign(s) that most business owners do not want to discuss. It can be scary at times, especially when you’re a small business and your operating on limited funds, but you want the best bang for your buck.
So, the question becomes, “how much should I allocate to the marketing budget?”
In this video, Granison Shines – CMO of Direct Business Marketing, discusses this question and more on how you should think about your marketing from a budgetary perspective.
If you have any questions, take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/scheduler. There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy

Marketing planning and budgeting for the upcoming year should adhere to a marketing planning process that’s proven to get results.  Every year businesses toil over what and how their marketing plan should look like.  Now, you can use Direct Business Marketing’s process to make your marketing planning sessions more streamlined and strategic.

In part 1 of this short video series, Granison Shines, CMO of Direct Business Marketing, talks about how you can kick off your 2017 marketing planning and budgeting sessions in the right direction.  Using DBM’s marketing process – Generate, Capture, Store, and Nurture.

Be sure to schedule your FREE consultation with Granison here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/scheduler .

Marketing Plans – Out with The Old, In with the New Marketing Plan

It stands to reason that EVERY business could/should have a marketing plan. But it doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Granison shares some great ideas in this video, but we strongly suggest gleaning some knowledge from him or another one of our marketing consultations by signing up for a free marketing consultation. No cost to you, you pick the time, just 30 minutes or less that could change the future and direction of your business.

Remember, Failing to plan is planning to fail.

5 Things a Marketing Consultant Should Do for Your Company

What is a Marketing Consultant?  A marketing consultant is an experienced marketing professional hired by a company to help develop a marketing plan, strategies and actionable tasks to achieve Business Growth.

The consultant may participate in identifying target markets, researching the marketplace, developing solutions and preparing marketing campaigns. Learn more from this digital marketing company.

In this video, Andrew, Dustin, and I talk about how we firmly believe a marketing consultant should do these top 5 things listed below:

  1. Instill set processes from which to work
  2. Hold your team accountable for tasks and action items
  3. Increase the knowledge of your team
  4. Help you carry out the vision for your company
  5. Help you solve your marketing problem

Watch the video as we explain more.

Marketing Management identifies market opportunities and comes out with appropriate strategies for exploring those opportunities profitably.

It has to implement marketing programme and evaluate continuously the effectiveness of marketing-mix. It has to remove the deficiencies observed in the actual execution of marketing plans, policies, and procedures. It looks after the marketing system of the enterprise.  This understanding can serve two objectives. First, it will help them obtain new insights from the experiences they will be acquir­ing on the job in the future. Inevitably they will develop from experience some such structure to serve this crucial need anyway, so they can profit from new experience and new knowledge. If you’re struggling financially, they can also give expert advice on business insolvency.

When it comes to creating a resume, it’s important to use resume buzz words that will catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers and help you stand out from the competition.

This will help you learn how to market yourself as a financial advisor so that when you’re ready to talk to a marketing consultant, you’re well versed. Click this over here now to get some tips on how to be an effective financial advisor.

Nurture Marketing Strategies – Common Nurture Marketing Mistakes

This month, we are going to kick off our Nurture Marketing Series.  We’re going to answer specific questions about how and why you should institute nurture marketing within your organization.  In our marketing process – generate, capture, store, and nurture, we’re going to focus on just the “Nurture” portion of our process.

So, follow us on this 4-part series where Andrew Houglum – the CTO, Dustin Fickbohm – the COO, and me, Granison Shines – the CMO, talk about how Nurture Marketing can help grow your business.
Nurture Marketing involves reaching out to your prospects and clients on a regular basis, touching them via marketing mediums, feeding them the information they need about your business, educating them on various topics regarding your products or services, making them feel good about your business, and building a stronger relationship with them.

You can use any medium you’d like to share this information including, but not limited to: email, video, newsletters, postcards, etc.

Today we discuss the common nurture marketing mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Nurture Marketing Mistake #1 – Frequency
Not nurture marketing enough is just as bad as over-nurturing.  It’s perfectly fine to add leads and clients to your nurture marketing campaign, but organizations should take heed to how often they send out email.  In one case, Dustin says he’d gotten 91 nurture marketing email in 26 days.  In our opinion, that’s way too many.

Nurture Marketing Mistake #2 – Heavily Ladened Graphic Emails  
Don’t get it twisted, there’s nothing wrong with sending graphics in your emails.  What we watch for is that it’s too intense.  One has to be mindful as to what technology their leads and clients are viewing their email.  One of your views could see your email with their device and it could not be as graphic or video friendly as you might think.  Therefore, sending emails that are not graphically intense is a good way to go.

Nurture Marketing Mistake #3 – Not Personalizing the Emails
Many studies have shown that personalization of emails, especially in the subject line, is a good way to get your email opened.  People like to addressed “personally” and giving your emails the appearance of such endeavors can create a better feeling of comradery.

At the very least, your organization should keep in touch with the leads in your existing database by keeping leads on an Annual Nurture campaign.  For that reason, you can download our “Done-for-You!” Annual Nurture Marketing Campaign here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/nurture/

Enjoy the video!!