Google Featuring Websites That Utilize Video; Take Advantage Of Video SEO Today!

Recently it was found that videos were more likely to receive a first page search result listing over traditional web pages. This should convince you to take advantage of video SEO by using videos as a marketing medium for your business, right? When doing a marketing evaluation for your business, it is important to know what strategies are going to get your website noticed and one of those strategies is by using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In this case, more specifically, let’s talk about video SEO. Video SEO is a set of techniques to ensure that Google helps you out a little bit and gets you to the top of their search results list.

How does it work? Basically, Google finds your video content, indexes it and then displays it when keywords linked to your video and content are entered into their search engine by the consumer. When a term is typed in by the consumer that matches a keyword, meta tag, title tag, or anything else that is linked to your video, it places your video at the top of the search results list on Google.

As of late, Google has even been featuring websites that use video over websites that don’t. If you’re not using video on your website, now is probably the time to start and take advantage of video SEO to drive more traffic to your website. If you would like to learn other ways to employ and utilize video SEO and how it can move your website to the top of Google results and improve the success of your business, Direct Business Marketing can help you with that. They’ll provide you with a marketing evaluation tool to see if using video on your website and taking advantage of video SEO is the right path for you.

Using Video SEO To Move Your Website To The Top Of Google’s List

Are you looking for a new Search Engine Optimization technique for your webpage? Direct Business Marketing suggests using video SEO for a number of reasons. First of all, if you’re not using video as one of your marketing techniques, you should really do a marketing evaluation of your company and try to implement video into your marketing campaign. “Why?” you may be asking. It’s simple: people love to watch video and would rather simply watch a video rather than read a block of text. Using videos and video SEO as part of your marketing strategy also puts you on a more personal level with the consumer. They’ll hear your tone of voice, see your body language and facial expressions. Using video in your marketing evaluation helps the consumer come to know you and trust you. It’s for these reasons that you should do a marketing evaluation and see if using video would fit into your business model.

But what does this have to do with video SEO? When you use videos on your website, it actually moves your webpage to the top of the search engine’s results and showcases your video along with the link to your website. Is there a better way to get you noticed on Google or Yahoo and drive traffic to your site? Direct Business Marketing specializes in video SEO. We have you create a video, upload it to your website as well as YouTube. In the comments section of YouTube, we always encourage you to put your website link. By doing this, it ensures that your video (and website link) will be indexed into Google’s search engine and lets Google know your content exists.

Because of the ever changing search algorithms that Google uses for its search results, it’s impossible to know what type of text and content will get your website on the first page of their results. One thing we do know, though, is that by utilizing video on your website and employing video SEO techniques, your website and video suddenly are towards the beginning of the consumers search result list.

Am I Indexed? How to See Your Pages

Hello, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing and today we are going to do a screen capture video on how to check to see if your site is indexed by Google. Google has a number of keyword codes that you can use in the search bar and it will return specific results. For example, to see how many pages are indexed, you can you click the word site and then a colon and then your domain without any www’s in front of it. So this is a domain that we have owned for a while but we haven’t really done anything with as of yet. It is Business Marketing So as you can see there are no pages indexed for that domain. Here is another search for a domain for a client that we created. It is a free As you can see there are about 36,000 pages indexed by Google and they are all listed here. Another thing you can do with this is You can put a key word after this for example Scottsdale and see all the pages that are indexed under the Scottsdale keyword for my website. So it’s kind of a handy trick you can use in Google to check out how many pages you have indexed. So that’s it for today. Here is my contact information: 602-571-5803, and my email is [email protected]. I wanted to direct you to our marketing assessment. Go directly to for marketing assessment. Download it today.

Which Marketing Mix Model Is Best For Your Business?

It used to be that the marketing mix that people applied to their business’ marketing evaluation followed the guidelines of just the four Ps: product, price, promotion and place. These four Ps were known as the product oriented model of the marketing mix. Now, however there’s another model to follow, the four Cs, which are a consumer-oriented model of the marketing mix. When doing a marketing evaluation for your business, you should first determine which model is best for your company, the four Ps or the four Cs. Since the four Cs are newer to the marketing industry we’ll go through them with you. The four Cs are quite similar to the four Ps and tie into them quite nicely.

The first C is Consumer; by changing the first portion of the model from product (as it is in the four Ps) to consumer, it changes the entire scape of the marketing mix. Now, the focus is on the consumer instead of the product. Price has been replaced by Cost, in relation to the cost of ownership to the customer. For example, what’s it going to cost them to use your product or service? The third C is Communication whereas in the four Ps it’s promotion. Now the focus is on communicating between your business and the consumer. It’s no longer focused on just promoting the product. The fourth C is Convenience. How easy is it for the consumer to find out information about your product or purchase it? If you want to ensure a successful business and an expanding customer base, convenience to your accessing your product is key. Thanks to the internet, this is much easier to do so long as the correct content and information is easy to find online.

Which model you follow, the four Ps or the four Cs, really depends on the industry that your business belongs to. Many people believe that the four Cs are now the model to adhere to, but this isn’t always the case. Carefully consider which type of marketing mix is best for you when doing a marketing evaluation for your company and everything should fall into place just fine.

Research Your Keywords To Find Your Customer Base Online

Today I wanted to share some basic information on getting started with choosing the right search keywords for your service or product. Utilizing search engines can be a huge help to driving leads and traffic to your website if done correctly.

In order to make this successful it is important to do some research on what keywords will work best for you. This can easily be attained by using the Google keyword tool to find out how often keywords that pertain to your product or service are searched. Simply go to Google and search Google Keyword Tool. This tool can give you search results for the entire globe or just the United States and is a great research tool. When starting your research I would suggest using very common or general terms that match your product or service to get started. Once you have researched a handful of these general terms you can add locations or the names of people to your keyword to focus your research to key terms. The Google Keyword Tool will allow you to sort through all of these results and find the information you are looking for. Just by browsing around on this tool will give you a good idea of what people, whether in your town or across the globe, or most commonly searching for. It is also important to remember that Google localizes your search to where it thinks you are. So it is not always important to have your location included in the keyword in order to be successful.

Make sure you are utilizing this keyword research any time you blog or create content for your websites. For more information on building your brand and attracting customers, we suggest visiting

The Four Ps Of Your Business’ Marketing Mix

If you’re just starting out with your small business and you’re trying to determine exactly what your product or brand is offering, you may have heard a term known as marketing mix when working on your business’ marketing evaluation. Your marketing mix can be crucial to your business and goes hand-in-hand with the four Ps of marketing: price, product, promotion and place. Right now we’ll got through the four Ps of a marketing mix and hopefully be able to help you better determine just what your marketing mix should be.

The first of the four Ps is Product. Obviously, your product (or service) is out there to satisfy a need or want from a potential client. Products can be tangible or intangible and all have a growth and maturity phase and then, unfortunately, a decline. Your job when doing your marketing evaluation and determining the best marketing tools for your business is how to avoid that decline and the difficulties that can arise as your product or service moves through the different phases. To do this, you can take into consideration the product mix when doing your marketing evaluation. There are several ways to do this such as increasing the number of product lines you have or the depth of them; in the long run you want your different products to complement one another.

The second P is Price, which is the amount a customer pays for your product or service. Price will determine your profit, revenue and success of your company. If you’re unsure of how to set the prices of your product, it’s best to ensure they complement the three other Ps in the marketing mix for best results.

The third P is Promotion. How are you going to market and advertise your product? This is also a very important part of the marketing mix because if you’re not correctly promoting your product and getting the word out about it, the success of your business could suffer severely.

Lastly, there’s Place. You want to ensure that your product is at a place that is conveniently accessible to your customer base, whether it’s in a store or online. To guarantee a successful business and a good marketing mix, you need to ensure that each of the four Ps complement each other seamlessly.

There Are Many Different Web Solutions Available For You To Take Advantage Of

Direct Business Marketing offers many different web solutions for your business if you’re currently revamping your company’s marketing campaign. When doing a marketing evaluation and wanting to try a new marketing avenue, such as online marketing, there are many web solutions to successfully launch this type of effort.

The first type of web solution that DBM offers is the creation and development of professional, customized websites. Our websites are proven to generate leads, expand your customer base and increase sales for your business. Direct Business Marketing can create several different websites for you that appeal to all different types of clientele and generate, capture and store these leads while nurturing your already existing customer relationships.

One way that DBM draws traffic to your website and offers you another web solution is by using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). DBM uses white hat techniques to ensure that your website is at the top of the search results when a potential customer is searching Google, Yahoo or any other search engine for a product or service like yours. There are many different ways to utilize this web solution, such as backlinking to other webpages, title tags, keywords or meta tags.

One last web solution that can be utilized for your business is social media marketing. By using social media marketing, you are further able to expand your customer base, interact with your customers on a daily basis and get to know them on a personal level.

There are many different web solutions out there that DBM has to offer you when doing a marketing evaluation for your company. They can help you determine which ones are best for your company, give your online presence more value and help you take steps in the right direction to ensure the success of your online marketing campaign.

Doing A Marketing Evaluation? Check Out DBM’s Social Media Marketing Services

Are you looking for a company that can help you with your business’ marketing evaluation and enlighten you as to the power of social media marketing? If so, Direct Business Marketing has a social media marketing service for every business owner out there. But first, what is social media marketing and why it is showing up on your marketing evaluation checklist? Social media marketing entails using social mediums, such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+, to reach out to customers on a daily basis, expand the number of clientele your company has and increase revenue for your business. If your business hasn’t entered into the world of social media marketing, but you’re interested to learn more about it, contact Direct Business Marketing to hear more about the services they provide.

DBM has a few different social media marketing packages to off you depending on your business needs. Direct Business Marketing will help you set up your social media accounts, can create custom photos for your social media pages and provide you with monthly reports showing the success of your social media marketing campaign.

If you’d like Direct Business Marketing to help you with your current marketing evaluation, they can offer you more information on all of their social media marketing services. Remember, the success of your social media marketing campaign depends heavily on how often your product or service is mentioned and can only come from an engaged fan base. To build upon the success of your business, check out Direct Business Marketing’s marketing evaluation tool and see if social media marketing is a good fit for your small business. Social media marketing is definitely something to look into if you’re looking for a new marketing avenue to pursue; not only can it provide you with new customers, it can generate a tremendous amount of revenue for your business if you use it correctly.

Do I Really Need To Use Social Media Marketing For My Business?

Some business owners that are new to the social media marketing world have many questions when it comes to creating a social marketing account for their business. When doing their marketing evaluation, they have come across social media marketing but are unsure what it all entails. If you’ve been left wondering just exactly why you should have a social media account for your business, we’ll tell you a few reasons why.

First of all, social media marketing gives you the opportunity to connect with your clients on a daily basis and provide value to them. Using social media marketing offers you an online presence that will generate leads and increase sales for your business when used correctly. It can often times be difficult to know how long it will take to see results from using social media marketing, but if you’ve done your marketing evaluation and determined that this is the way to go, you should continue to update the content on your social media account because it’s a great medium to use to reach out to many people at the same time.

If you are committed to making your social media marketing campaign successful, you will want to ensure that you continue to mention your products and services and provide your followers with updated, relevant content to create an engaged fan base. Once you have created this engaged fan base, they’ll share, like and comment on your content, allowing more social media users to see your business page, products and services.

If you’re still unsure whether or not social media marketing is the way to go for your marketing evaluation, check other business pages on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ and you’ll see the number of followers they have and the capabilities that these social media outlets have to offer them.

What Are The Advantages Of Using Social Media Marketing?

When doing a marketing evaluation on their business, many business owners often wonder why they even need a social media marketing account and what the benefits of it are. For some, especially old business owners, it’s hard to understand how powerful Facebook, Twitter and Google+ have become, but in a technologically driven world, they are the way to communicate with a large amount of people at the same time.

If you implement social media marketing into your marketing evaluation there are many advantages to having a social media account. It allows you to reach out to your clients on a daily basis and offers you, the business owner, the opportunity to learn more about your clients and their interests. When you get on a more personal level with your customer base, they’re more likely to put their trust in you and refer you to friends and family. Not only will your customers refer you by word of mouth, but their social media friends will see that they have liked your business and chances are they’ll look into your product or service and see what you have to offer. Ultimately, more leads will be generated as well as more revenue when you choose to add social media marketing to your marketing strategy.

If you use social media marketing the right way, use it effectively and create good, current content, it can do tremendous things for your business. The number of people joining Facebook, Twitter and Google+ only keeps growing, so the next time you are doing a marketing evaluation and trying to determine what’s best for your company, consider social media marketing to be an avenue that will be very much to the advantage of your business. Make sure you have all of your bases covered and you’ll love how much social media marketing helps grow your business.

What Are You Selling? Your Marketing Message Depends Upon This

Are you selling your widget or you? This video today is going to cover what you’re selling, which depends on the type of business you have: low cost leader, product innovator or customer intimate businesses.

It’s very important to understand that your advertising message is going to depend on the type of business you have. If you’re a low cost leader, such as Wal-Mart or Best Buy, the relationship doesn’t really matter because it’s a commodity product; your advertising is focused more on price. If you’re a product innovator, you’ll focus on the features and benefits of your product, such as Apple, HP, Samsung, for example to help the consumer make their decision based on those things rather than price. When you get to a customer intimate business, it’s all about you. You’re selling you and they’re buying you. The products and services they can get from someone else, but if you sell yourself, they’ll be more apt to buy from you. If you give them good information, then you’re selling you. If you’re a real estate agent, a marketing company, or an insurance agent, they’ll buy from you because you communicate with them and you sell yourself to them. Price and product can be important, but the relationship is more important than those two.

If you’d like more information on determining your business type and how you should market your business, please contact me, Granison Shines, at Direct Business Marketing. You can reach me via email at [email protected] or telephone at 602.369.8119. I’d also like to remind you to download our Marketing Assessment from; our unique marketing assessment can help you determine which type of marketing avenues are best for your business and customer type, so please check it out today. Thanks again for coming to our Get Direct live marketing webinars; I look forward to seeing you next week, same place and time.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

One marketing avenue that is relatively new, but becoming quite successful and popular, is social media marketing. If you have been doing a marketing evaluation and are looking for a fresh new medium to pursue, social media marketing is it. Essentially, social media marketing entails marketing by using Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to connect with clients and potential clients on a daily basis. All three of these social mediums are used by millions of people around the world each day and adding them into the marketing evaluation for your business allows you to reach potential clients that you may not have been able to connect with on other marketing avenues.

If you use social media marketing effectively, it can help your business tremendously. For example, if you create a Facebook page for your business and get a certain number of people to like your page, each time one of those people comments or likes something that you have posted on your business page will be seen by friends of those people. This in turn brings in more fans of your Facebook page, builds your customer list and grows your network of qualified leads. If you put your logo on your Facebook page, people will come to recognize it when they see it in other places and raise brand awareness for your product.

The next time you do a marketing evaluation for your business, make sure you see if social media marketing is a good fit for your business. The benefits of using social media marketing can be extremely powerful for your company if you use it the correct way. If you’re new to social media or don’t understand how it works, just know this: by leveraging your social media presence new sources of revenue will be generated for your business.