What My Contact Lens Has In Common With Your Marketing

Want to get a clear vision for your marketing?  Get on my calendar and we’ll talk.

And don’t forget to share this post with your colleagues.  Thanks in advance.


Is Social Media a Good Traffic Source? – Traffic Generation Blab Replay

There are many companies that are tying up a significant amount of their marketing budget into social media marketing.

Is this a good thing?

Well, we’ve found that you can lose your shirt if you’re not intentional about your marketing.

On the flip side, if you have your ducks in a row, you can rake in leads and sales.

BUT, you have to have certain components in order to maximize your marketing efforts. In example:

  • A carefully selected target market.
  • Something desirable from the prospect looking at the ad
  • Your website with an irresistible lead magnet and web form to capture names and emails at the very least.
  • A true CRM in order to store the leads once they convert.
  • An automated nurture campaign to disseminate emails automatically

These few items, at the very least, will point your campaign in the right direction.

There’s more to be told so watch the video as Andrew, Dustin, and I talk about social media and its ability to be a good traffic source.


Reserve your spot for our upcoming webinar on 5/26/2016 entitled “Best Traffic / Lead Generation Techniques for Your Business”

Does Content Matter? – Traffic Generation Blab Replay

If you have been anywhere near the internet, then you know that content is a major subject when driving traffic to a website.

We’re talking about website content, inbound content, outbound content, you name it.

When talking about driving targeted traffic to your website, the content you have on your lead generation marketing materials really matter.

Meaning, the words and message you have on your postcards, PPC ads, e-newsletters, press releases, etc. should be carefully crafted to pique interest and compel the readers to do whatever you desire them to do.

While website content and online platforms play a pivotal role, the power of consumer mailing lists should not be underestimated. These carefully curated lists offer marketers the opportunity to deliver customized messages directly to potential customers, providing a tangible and individualized experience that complements their digital endeavors.

In an era where online channels are inundated with content, direct mail emerges as a standout medium, capturing attention through its tactile nature.

Whether it’s a personalized postcard unveiling exclusive offers or a targeted email newsletter featuring tailored recommendations, consumer mailing lists empower marketers to deliver precise messages to their intended audience, thereby driving traffic and nurturing enduring customer relationships.

Anything else outside of what was written above will cost you in the long-run due to the fact that your return on your marketing investment will be in the toilet.

Watch the video as Andrew, Dustin, and I talk about lead generating content.

Reserve your spot for our upcoming webinar on 5/26/2016 entitled “Best Traffic / Lead Generation Techniques for Your Business”

Good Traffic vs. Bad Traffic – Traffic Generation Blab Replay

When it comes to traffic generation to your website, we believe there is such a thing as good website traffic and bad website traffic.

Good traffic would be considered as website traffic that is actually looking for what your company has to offer, opts in for your lead magnet, thus converting to a lead, or purchases your product / service.

Bad traffic would be considered as website traffic that stumbles onto your website but is NOT interested in what you have to offer and furthermore, does NOT convert into a lead by opting in for your lead magnet or purchase your product / service.

It’s not rocket science that you obviously want the best traffic you can generate to make its way to your website.

So the questions become:

  • “Who is my ideal client-type that I want to see my website?”
  • “How do I get laser targeted in who I want to come to my website?”
  • “Where do I place my ads so that I can get the most qualified traffic possible?”
  • “How do I institute qualification measures into my marketing process so that I continue to get the right traffic”
  • “What would be the perfect lead magnet to get them to convert into a lead?
  • And others we can ask…

Take a moment to watch the video where Andrew, Dustin, and I blab about good traffic vs. bad traffic.

Register now for our upcoming webinar on 5/26/2016 “Best Traffic / Lead Generation Techniques for Your Business”.

5 Things a Marketing Consultant Should Do for Your Company

What is a Marketing Consultant?  A marketing consultant is an experienced marketing professional hired by a company to help develop a marketing plan, strategies and actionable tasks to achieve Business Growth.

The consultant may participate in identifying target markets, researching the marketplace, developing solutions and preparing marketing campaigns. Learn more from this digital marketing company.

In this video, Andrew, Dustin, and I talk about how we firmly believe a marketing consultant should do these top 5 things listed below:

  1. Instill set processes from which to work
  2. Hold your team accountable for tasks and action items
  3. Increase the knowledge of your team
  4. Help you carry out the vision for your company
  5. Help you solve your marketing problem

Watch the video as we explain more.

Marketing Management identifies market opportunities and comes out with appropriate strategies for exploring those opportunities profitably.

It has to implement marketing programme and evaluate continuously the effectiveness of marketing-mix. It has to remove the deficiencies observed in the actual execution of marketing plans, policies, and procedures. It looks after the marketing system of the enterprise.  This understanding can serve two objectives. First, it will help them obtain new insights from the experiences they will be acquir­ing on the job in the future. Inevitably they will develop from experience some such structure to serve this crucial need anyway, so they can profit from new experience and new knowledge. If you’re struggling financially, they can also give expert advice on business insolvency.

When it comes to creating a resume, it’s important to use resume buzz words that will catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers and help you stand out from the competition.

This will help you learn how to market yourself as a financial advisor so that when you’re ready to talk to a marketing consultant, you’re well versed. Click this over here now to get some tips on how to be an effective financial advisor.

Marketing Consulting and Processes For Business Success

What is a Marketing Consultant? A marketing consultant is an experienced marketing professional hired by a company to help develop a marketing plan, strategies and actionable tasks. The consultant may participate in identifying target markets, researching the marketplace, developing solutions and preparing marketing campaigns.

In this video, Andrew, Dustin and I discuss why a marketing process put in place is a good thing for your business. Here at Direct Business Marketing, we adhere to the Generate, Capture, Store, and Nurture, process which is “THE” marketing process for every industry. Think about it, every marketing campaign has to generate leads, capture those leads, store those leads, and nurture those leads to the sale of your product or service.

What a process does is allow you to execute tasks in a systematic way. Meaning, it allows you and those in your business to be productive, efficient, and profitable. Marketing plans work out great when there is a process in place that allows the business to be flexible and streamlined at the same time.

Watch the video to find out more…

5 Things to Look for When Hiring a Marketing Consultant

This month, we’re going to introduce our Marketing Consulting Series.  Marketing consulting is one of Direct Business Marketing’s forte when it comes to services offered to our clients.  We firmly believe that at some point in your business, all need an outside eye focused on the marketing campaign, even to give it a complete once-over.  Why?  Because if the marketing consultant is worth his/her salt, then they can definitely see the potential holes in your campaign that can save and make you a lot of money.

What is a Marketing Consultant? A marketing consultant is an experienced marketing professional hired by a company to help develop a marketing plan, strategies, and actionable tasks. The consultant may participate in identifying target markets, researching the marketplace, developing solutions, and preparing marketing campaigns. For instance, a recruiting firm like Bradsby Group, often connects companies with top marketing consultants who can elevate their marketing efforts.

In this video, Andrew, Dustin and I discuss what you should look for when you hire sales and marketing freelancer.   There are quite a few intangibles that far surpasses the knowledge and insight of the consultant.  In fact, one should consider what we discuss in this video as the leading determining factor of the hiring process.

Watch the video to find out more…

Nurture Marketing Strategies – Scenario-Based Nurture Marketing

Nurture Marketing involves reaching out to your prospects and clients on a regular basis, touching them via marketing mediums, feeding them the information they need about your business, educating them on various topics regarding your products or services, making them feel good about your business, and building a stronger relationship with them.

You can use any medium you’d like to share this information including, but not limited to: email, video, newsletters, postcards, etc.

In today’s topic, Dustin, Andrew and I discuss the topic of Scenario-Based Nurture Marketing.

Scenario-Based Nurture Marketing involved nurture a prospect according to how they initially interfaced with your organization.  For example, if you met someone at a networking event, then you, or someone within your organization, would take their card and enter their information into a list which contains a series of emails for people you meet at networking events.  It may begin like this, “ (their name ), it was a pleasure meeting you at last night’s event.  I appreciate your offering up some of your time to speak to me.  I’d love to get to know more about you and your business…”  See what I mean.  Make sure the email talks more about THEM; therefore, resist the urge to dive-bag your products and services.  The time will come when they will ask you more about yours.

Of course, the above example is just one scenario in which you may meet with a potential prospect.  For that reason, you may want to sit with a marketing consultant like that ones we have to in order to outline all of the possible scenarios in which you meet client-types.

Listen intently to this video and if you have any question, please feel free to contact me directly at 602 369-8119. Or email me at [email protected]

At the very least, your organization should keep in touch with the leads in your existing database by keeping leads on an Annual Nurture campaign.  For that reason, you can download our “Done-for-You!” Annual Nurture Marketing Campaign here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/nurture/

Enjoy the video!!

Nurture Marketing Strategies – Common Nurture Marketing Mistakes

This month, we are going to kick off our Nurture Marketing Series.  We’re going to answer specific questions about how and why you should institute nurture marketing within your organization.  In our marketing process – generate, capture, store, and nurture, we’re going to focus on just the “Nurture” portion of our process.

So, follow us on this 4-part series where Andrew Houglum – the CTO, Dustin Fickbohm – the COO, and me, Granison Shines – the CMO, talk about how Nurture Marketing can help grow your business.
Nurture Marketing involves reaching out to your prospects and clients on a regular basis, touching them via marketing mediums, feeding them the information they need about your business, educating them on various topics regarding your products or services, making them feel good about your business, and building a stronger relationship with them.

You can use any medium you’d like to share this information including, but not limited to: email, video, newsletters, postcards, etc.

Today we discuss the common nurture marketing mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Nurture Marketing Mistake #1 – Frequency
Not nurture marketing enough is just as bad as over-nurturing.  It’s perfectly fine to add leads and clients to your nurture marketing campaign, but organizations should take heed to how often they send out email.  In one case, Dustin says he’d gotten 91 nurture marketing email in 26 days.  In our opinion, that’s way too many.

Nurture Marketing Mistake #2 – Heavily Ladened Graphic Emails  
Don’t get it twisted, there’s nothing wrong with sending graphics in your emails.  What we watch for is that it’s too intense.  One has to be mindful as to what technology their leads and clients are viewing their email.  One of your views could see your email with their device and it could not be as graphic or video friendly as you might think.  Therefore, sending emails that are not graphically intense is a good way to go.

Nurture Marketing Mistake #3 – Not Personalizing the Emails
Many studies have shown that personalization of emails, especially in the subject line, is a good way to get your email opened.  People like to addressed “personally” and giving your emails the appearance of such endeavors can create a better feeling of comradery.

At the very least, your organization should keep in touch with the leads in your existing database by keeping leads on an Annual Nurture campaign.  For that reason, you can download our “Done-for-You!” Annual Nurture Marketing Campaign here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/nurture/

Enjoy the video!!

Nurture Marketing Strategies – Types of Nurture Marketing Campaigns

Download our “Done-for-You!” Annual Nurture Marketing Campaign here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/nurture/

This month, we are going to kick off our Nurture Marketing Series.

We’re going to answer specific questions about how and why you should institute nurture marketing within your organization.

In our marketing process – generate, capture, store, and nurture, we’re going to focus on just the “Nurture” portion of our process.

So, follow us on this 4-part series where Andrew Houglum – the CTO, Dustin Fickbohm – the COO, and me, Granison Shines – the CMO, talk about how Nurture Marketing can help grow your business.

Nurture Marketing involves reaching out to your prospects and clients on a regular basis, touching them via marketing mediums, feeding them the information they need about your business, educating them on various topics regarding your products or services, making them feel good about your business, and building a stronger relationship with them.

You can use any medium you’d like to share this information including, but not limited to: email, video, newsletters, postcards, etc.

Some of the more common Nurture Campaigns are:

1.    Annual Nurture Campaigns
The objective of this campaign is to create continued awareness and foster a relationship utilizing non-sales based email and/or print mediums.

2.    New Lead Nurture Campaign
The objective of this campaign is to convert Customer’s new leads into new clients.

DBM understands that new leads are extremely important, and following up with the leads needs to happen immediately and automatically.

3.    New Client Nurture Campaign
The objective of this campaign is to assist Customer’s new clients in getting the most out of their recently purchased product/service.

4.    eMail Marketing Nurture Campaign
The objective of this nurture campaign is to cause the recipient to take action.

This campaign can be used to: reactivate clients, promote an event, new product launch, and many more.

5.    Existing Client Nurture Campaign
The objective of this campaign is to upsell Customer’s existing clients into purchasing more products/services that you currently offer.

At the very least, your organization should keep in touch with the leads in your existing database by keeping leads on an Annual Nurture campaign.

For that reason, you can download our “Done-for-You!” Annual Nurture Marketing Campaign here – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/nurture/

Enjoy the video!!

Nurture Marketing Strategies for Marketing Success

This month, we are going to kick off our Nurture Marketing Series.

We’re going to answer specific questions about how and why you should institute nurture marketing within your organization.

In our marketing process – generate, capture, store, and nurture, we’re going to focus on just the “Nurture” portion of our process.

So, follow us on this 4-part series where Andrew Houglum – the CTO, Dustin Fickbohm – the COO, and me, Granison Shines – the CMO, talk about how Nurture Marketing can help grow your business.

Nurture Marketing involves reaching out to your prospects and clients on a regular basis, touching them via marketing mediums, feeding them the information they need about your business, educating them on various topics regarding your products or services, making them feel good about your business, and building a stronger relationship with them.

You can use any medium you’d like to share this information including, but not limited to: email, video, newsletters, postcards, etc.

In this first video, the boys and I discuss the following:

  1. What Nurture Marketing is…
  2. Steps to organizing your nurture marketing campaign…
  3. How often you should send information…
  4. Which mediums you could use…
  5. Which email format will give you the best results and why…
  6. Plus, more…

The good thing about what we’re talking about is, these are the same ideals we use in our own business.

We don’t believe in not practicing what we preach.  Even when we’re extending our consulting advice to our clients, we’re still singing the same song.

So, tune in on what we’re talking about in this video and let me know if you have any questions.

I can be reached directly at 602 369-8119 or feel free to email me at [email protected].

Here’s how you can tell if a nurture marketing strategy would benefit you and your organization.

Go to – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/vmc/.  There you will find Direct Business Marketing’s Virtual Marketing Consultation.

Inbound Marketing Series – Why This Is A Good Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses

Inbound Marketing is described as – promoting a company through its blogs, video, eBooks, eNewsletters, Podcasts, case studies, whitepapers, SEO, physical products, social media, and other forms of content marketing which serve to attract interested customers through the different stages of the sales cycle.

Typically, the top brass at Direct Business Marketing enjoys making videos and sharing those videos on their company’s blog, as well as, social media. It’s been proven to get the best results for them as part of their content marketing strategy. However, this may not be entirely true for you depending on how your audience likes to receive their information.

Other content marketing pieces for a complete inbound marketing strategy include the use of longer video formats such as webinars. About once a quarter, the team will schedule a webinar that is typically 45 to 60 minutes. This allows the team to expound on a subject for a longer duration, therefore, delivering even more juicy content.

There’re a lot of buzz going on right now in the area of inbound marketing. And if you’ve had your ear to the ground, you’d find that inbound marketing, or even content-driven marketing, can do wonders for any small business. The big hang-up most small businesses are having is what to write about on a continual basis.

In this video, Andrew, Dustin, and Granison discuss some of the top-level particulars of inbound marketing. Information like:

  1. The definition of inbound marketing
  2. What’s the first things businesses should do after determining this is the marketing strategy they’d like to deploy
  3. How to discover if Inbound Marketing is for you
  4. And other facts…

Here’s how you can tell if an inbound marketing strategy would benefit you and your organization. Go to – https://directbusinessmarketing.com/vmc/. There you will find Direct Business Marketing’s Virtual Marketing Consultation.