
Getting Leads and Sales TOMORROW! – MUST SEE TV

Check out this video full of great nuggets regarding Pay Per Click. If you want sales and leads tomorrow, Pay per click can do that for you. If you don’t like pay per might be crazy. Virtually EVERY business can make money from a pay per click campaign. You should contact DBM right now if you’re not using Pay Per Click. Seriously….you should contact them RIGHT NOW!

Are You Interesting In Paying To Get Into Search Results? Try A PPC Campaign

If you’re looking for help in updating your marketing process and you don’t mind paying money to get results, you can always choose to learn how to do a PPC campaign. A PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, campaign essentially means that you are paying a website, such as Google or Yahoo!, to put your website into their search engines. When you learn how to PPC, we suggest that you work with an experienced and knowledgeable marketing firm like Direct Business Marketing to ensure that your PPC campaign is done correctly and it’s as lucrative as possible.

If you should choose to work with DBM, they’ll set up an initial meeting to go over your marketing process and the ad that you would like to have placed within the hosting website. You’ll also work together to determine which keywords you want to use. After that, Direct Business Marketing takes care of the rest; they’ll check the performance of your keyword and bid amounts to make sure that you’re getting the best results possible from your PPC campaign. If there needs to be a few changes made, they’ll consult with you and make those changes.

When you use a PPC campaign as part of your marketing process you are billed by your hosting website each time your ad is clicked on, which is known as bid-based PPC. If you’d like more information about a bid-based PPC campaign, Direct Business Marketing can provide you with everything you need to know. When managed the right way, a PPC campaign can be a very good strategy to use in your business’s marketing processing. It has the ability to generate a lot of traffic to your website and grow your customer base. Results are typically seen with a week or two, so the sooner you start using PPC in your marketing process, the sooner you can start seeing what great results it has to offer you.

A Well-Managed PPC Campaign Can Help You Meet Your Marketing Objectives

Right now we’d like to go over some of the frequently asked questions that we get at Direct Business Marketing (DBM) with regards to our Pay-Per-Click services and how to use PPC. First we’d like to tell you that a PPC campaign can be a great way to get your website in search results and generate traffic and leads that you may be looking for. It’s also important to remember that a PPC campaign can help you meet some of your business’s marketing objectives and be very effective when managed correctly by a marketing firm such as DBM.

If you choose to do a PPC campaign for your business, it is first key to understand that the results you receive are dependent upon many different factors, some which are out of yours and DBM’s control. You can, however, expect to start seeing results from your PPC campaign within about a week of launching it. We track the results through one of our algorithms and keep you updated on the success of your PPC campaign in our monthly reporting emails that we send to all of our customers.

If you’ve done a PPC campaign before and it wasn’t successful, it’s more than likely due to the fact that marketing and PPC best practices weren’t followed. Direct Business Marketing can help you avoid doing this and ensure that all marketing and PPC best practices are followed at all times to ensure the success of your campaign. Even if your website wasn’t created by Direct Business Marketing we can still look over your existing website and provide you with any updates needed to have a successful PPC campaign. At Direct Business Marketing we want you to meet all of your business’s marketing objectives and we’re here to help you do that through a well-managed PPC campaign.

How Do You Use A PPC Campaign To Gain Website Traffic?

If you have a marketing objective of directing traffic to your website and you are willing to pay to get the traffic there you can use a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign to do so. How do you use a Pay-Per-Click campaign? A PPC campaign is when a business owner posts their ad on a different website. When the ad is clicked, the business owner pays the website owner for each click. When a consumer searches for a specific keyword or phrase if it matches one of the keywords in the list on your website, your ad will be displayed. Using a PPC campaign is a good way to get more traffic to your website and generate leads. Typically a business owner pays the website owner per each click they receive on their ad.

Ther are two different types of models for a PPC campaign. The first type allows the business owner to compete against other companies; each business owner will tell the website owner the maximum amount they’re willing to pay to have their ad shown in a particular spot on the website. This is known as a bid-based PPC campaign. There are some sites that offer flat-rate PPC where the business owner and website owner agree on a fixed price that will be paid to the website owner every time the business owner’s ad is clicked; it is possible to pay more per click for better results within a search engine or in an advertising spot.

If you’re willing to pay to get traffic and leads to your website, a PPC campaign is the way to go. If you learn how to successfully run a PPC campaign, not only will the benefits to your business be great but it can help you solve many different marketing objectives within your company.

What Is A Web Solution?

If you are looking for a company to help you go over a marketing evaluation checklist and provide you with many different types of web solutions, Direct Business Marketing is here to help you. If you are browsing the internet, check out DBM’s website. On there you’ll find a free marketing evaluation tool that can help you determine different types of marketing campaigns that will best fit your business profile. In addition, one of the best ways to ignite your creative inspiration is by watching your competitors’ ad campaigns. You can use the meta ad library to check out the best ad strategies of your competitors.

Not only can Direct Business Marketing help you with your marketing evaluation, they can also provide you with many different web solutions for your business. What is a web solution, exactly? A web solution is basically anything that helps your company’s online presence. It could be online marketing, website design, Pay-Per-Click management, Search Engine Optimization, etc. There are many different types of web solutions that Direct Business Marketing can help you with.

Conversion Rate Optimization and a fast ROI is what drives this Web Design Company in Massachusetts. Some clients results are an 800% increase in organic traffic and a 400% increase in revenue.

If you’re interested in learning more about the different types of web solutions they have to offer, or if you would like to know more information about a specific one, feel free to contact them or browse their website. There are many resources available to you on their website at no charge, such as their marketing evaluation checklist, which lists different types of web solutions, and archived videos of their weekly marketing webinars.

If you want or need to improve your online presence and don’t know where to turn, reach out to Direct Business Marketing and take advantage of the many tools and resources they have to offer you. They’ll work with you and help you determine which web solutions will best fit your business to expand your customer database, increase sales and get your product information out to the general population. If you’re hesitant to launch an online marketing campaign, keep in mind that more and more people every day look to the internet to find what they’re looking for; realizing what web solutions are best for your company is definitely the way to go.

What Is A PPC Campaign And How Can It Help My Company’s Marketing?

Have you recently looked over Direct Business Marketing’s (DBM) marketing evaluation tool on our website and determined that it’s time for you to pursue another avenue for marketing your business? There’s always the option of embarking on a campaign involving Search Engine Marketing (SEM), meaning you pay money to put your website into search engines. The most popular form of SEM is Pay-Per-Click campaigns (PPC).

How does a PPC work exactly? Well, as previously mentioned, you essentially pay a website, such as Google or Yahoo, to put your website into their search engine. You are billed by whichever site you choose to advertise on whenever a consumer clicks on your ad, banner or link. This also allows you to have the ability to look at the Return on Investment of your PPC campaigns. When you use a PPC campaign for your business with the help of professional google PPC agencies, it can generate a lot of traffic to your website that generally turn into leads.

It’s important to know, however, that a PPC campaign needs to be run by an experienced and knowledgeable company, such as DBM. We use specific algorithms to manage all of your PPC campaigns to check performance of your keywords, among other things, to make sure that your PPC campaigns are doing as well as possible. Using a PPC campaign for your business does require daily adjustments to also ensure the best results possible. Many small business owners don’t have the time, or the knowledge, to manage their own PPC campaign, so that’s where this houston marketing agency comes in. They offer a few different SEM/PPC packages to meet the needs of your business. You can better determine which package is best for you by also checking out their marketing evaluation.

Direct Business Marketing Can Help You With Your Pay-Per-Click Campaign

If you have recently done a marketing evaluation on your company and are considering using a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign, Direct Business Marketing is here to help you with that. First off, what is PPC and how does it work? PPC goes hand in hand with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and basically means that you are paying money to put yourself and your website in a search engine. You are billed per click by whichever search engine you choose to utilize. If you choose to work with Direct Business Marketing on your PPC campaign, they will go over your marketing evaluation with you and help you identify which keywords to use. We then use specific algorithms on a regular basis to track the results and to ensure that these PPC campaigns are working to the best of their abilities. If an adjustment needs to be made to your PPC campaign, Direct Business Marketing will do that for you.

If you’re hesitant to begin using a PPC marketing strategy for your website, don’t hesitant to contact DBM and learn more about the advantages it has to offer your business. Just know that Pay-Per-Click does really work when managed the right way, such as by companies like DBM. When working with Direct Business Marketing on your Pay-Per-Click campaign, you can expect to see results within a week or so. Of course, this does depend on certain factors, like the competitiveness of your market as well as search trends.

The bottom line is this: if you’ve done a marketing evaluation and are looking for a new marketing campaign to undertake, Pay-Per-Click may be the way to go. By working with Direct Business Marketing on your PPC campaign, they will help you ensure the best results possible from this to improve the success of your business.

Removing Negative Keywords From Your PPC Marketing Campaign Can Save You Money

Today, we’re going to talk about a Pay-Per-Click subject that you need to know about if you’re running your own PPC marketing campaign. Of course, if we’re running your PPC marketing campaign for you, we’ll take care of it, but if not, this is something you should know. With your Pay-Per-Click marketing campaign, you want to take a look at negative keywords.

Basically, when you’re matching on keyword phrases and you’re doing a broad match on “short sale”, for example, anyone that types in these two keywords, your ad will show up. There are a lot of examples of phrases that have those two words, but they’re not looking for what you’re selling, for example JCPenneys “short for sale”. It has “short” and “sale” but those people are looking for clothes, so you’d put JCPenney as a negative keyword. Anytime your keyword shows up and JCPenneys, don’t show my ad; these are like stopping keyword phrases.

If you set up your broad matches and log into your account at Google Ad Words, go to keywords and roll over where it says “keyword details” and select the option that says “all”. This will show every keyword that your ad has ever been shown for. If you go through the list for keywords that don’t match what your ad is selling, add them to your negative keywords list. This can save you lots of money because a lot of times it will be someone that was looking for shorts, as opposed to short sales, but still saw your ad and clicked on it. You want to reserve your money for people who are highly interested to what you’re doing. Find those negative keywords and add them to your campaign because it will save you money.

Again, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing. I would like to draw your attention to our Marketing Assessment at; you can download this document and it will help you with your marketing campaigns and strategies for your business.

Pay-Per-Click: Don’t Take Every Keyword Suggestion that Google Gives You

Hello, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing. I want to talk about a mistake that a lot of people make when they are managing their pay-per-click account. If you have a pay-per-click account through Google Ad Words, up at the top they have a lot of suggestions to help your campaign along. Now, something to keep in mind with these suggestions is Google’s whole goal in life is to spend your money that you have allocated for your budget as quickly as humanly possible. They want the money. Your goal is not to do that. Your goal is to have higher conversions or get the right clicks to your website or people that are looking for your products and services. From time to time, Google will make suggestions for keyword phrases telling you that you can get 20 more clicks if you use their keyword phrases. Again, our goal isn’t clicks, our goal is conversions. So, analyze every one of those suggested terms. There is a button that says, accept all suggestions. Don’t ever do that, because you want to go through the suggested terms and make sure they match for you. I’ll give you one example. Let’s say you are a realtor and maybe you are looking for people to sell their house, well some suggestions might be homes for sale. Well, those are buyers, that are someone looking to buy a house, not sell a house. So you don’t want to take those keywords. You have to weed through those keywords and don’t take every suggestion because what you will end up with is you will blow through your pay-per-click budget and not have the conversions that you want. You might want to find out more here!

Here’s my contact information and my name again is Andrew Houglum, with Direct Business Marketing. My phone number is 602-571-5803 and my email address is [email protected]. I want to draw your attention to for marketing assessment. It’s a great tool to use to assess your marketing today. Thanks and have a great day.

Pay Per Click May Reward You With Page One On Google

Hello everyone Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing here today to talk about some search engine improvements you can make. I am talking with business owners every day about ways to improve their Google search results and have come up with some simple guidelines to get you started. By following these guidelines you can better position your company to be exposed to the largest audience available.

Nearly every day I am asked how to get to page one of Google. One of the easiest ways is to pay for it through Pay-Per-Click marketing. The first step to a successful PPC is doing keyword research. Google provides a free search called Google Keyword Tool that will show you how many people search on those words every month. This tool will also give you suggestions for other keywords to consider that pertain to your business. Once you have established your keywords make sure to group them by topic. Doing this will give you a better quality score on Google and help you find different kinds of clients. Finally, once you have loaded up your keywords make sure to use broad matches in order to give you the most bang for your buck. This will give you a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t in the beginning. Once you have that established you can focus these keywords or phrases around the results you have seen in the past.

These three steps will help you better utilize the Google search engine through Pay-Per-Click advertising. For more information on improving your reach make sure to download the free marketing assessment tool on my website and contact me with any questions you have. Once again I’m Andrew with Direct Business Marketing thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you in the future.

Pay-Per-Click: Does it Really Work?

Join Andrew Houglum as he does an in-depth webinar are pay-per-click (PPC) and provides some tips and tricks on how to ensure it works for you.


Marketing Plan Document


Plan and Organize Your Marketing

Download The Marketing Plan Document That Will Help You Organize & Construct Successful Marketing Campaigns – 100% Guaranteed!


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BONUS: As a Bonus if you buy now, you’ll receive a complementary 30-minute marketing consulting session with Granison Shines, CMO of Direct Business Marketing. (a $150.00 value)
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We have a 100% money-back guarantee that this document will help organize your marketing plan in a much more organized fashion or we’ll refund 100% of your money back to you!

Ever been tasked with putting together a marketing campaign? There’s a lot to be discussed and even more to get accomplished, right? Important topics like the tone of the campaign, the messaging across all mediums, the creation of all the marketing materials, videos to be shot, landing pages that need to be built, you name it!!! Well, what if you had one document that organized everything you need to launch successful marketing campaigns, every time. Wouldn’t that make organizing your marketing plan easier for you?

Look no further, DBM has decided to unveil the internal document they’ve used to launch successful marketing campaigns for their clients. This document covers it all when it comes to what you need to think about and what you need to accomplish when organizing and planning your marketing campaigns.

With this authentic document you’ll be able to:

  • Properly organize your marketing campaign in the appropriate stages – Generate, Capture, Store, and Nurture
  • Organize all of your to-do marketing tasks in one document
  • Share the document with other team members as the “master” marketing plan document
  • Properly create the tone and message of your marketing for consistency
  • Organize and construct marketing campaigns faster for quicker time-to-market
  • Plus more…

You’ll also receive:

  • Lifetime access to 10 instructional videos on how to fill out each section of the document
  • Lifetime updates of the Marketing Plan document

$49 Instant Download

Webinar for Mortgage Businesses


On Demand Webinar – Watch Instantly

How to Generate, Capture & Convert High-Quality Leads For Your Mortgage Business


Join Chief Marketing Officer Granison Shines as he explains the marketing process his company uses to generate consistent high-quality leads for other mortgage businesses.

During this webinar, Granison is going to show you how their system takes your initial consultation process and utilizes it to consult, qualify, and convert website traffic into high-quality leads. Plus, how you can successfully integrate their marketing process, Generate, Capture, Store, and Nurture™ to launch successful marketing campaigns from here on out.

You’ll also learn the following:

  • How to attract high-quality leads for your mortgage business
  • How to eliminate tire-kickers that waste time in your marketing and sales processes
  • Why your Marketing Process is one of the most important Client Interfacing Processes, plus how to perfect it using their system
  • How to get a higher conversion rate from lists you’ve acquired
  • Plus more…

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Watch Instantly

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As a bonus upon registration, you’ll be able to immediately download DBM’s Marketing Process Flowchart For Mortgage-Based Businesses. This one-page document is detailed with proven information on how you can successfully market your mortgage business.

Getting to the Top of Google Replay

Please see the webinar replay videos below:

Part 1: Directory Submissions.  Aired Oct. 8th



Local SEO

One-Time Payment
  • One-time fee of $1,000 $900
  • Your business submitted and verified in 50+ directories
  • Entire process complete in 30-60 days*
6-Month Payment Plan
  • $200 $180 payment X 6 months
  • Your business submitted and verified in 50+ directories
  • Entire process completed in 180 days*

SEO Local Order Form – Download here!


Part 2: Organic SEO Techniques.  Aired Oct. 13th



Organic SEO

  • Keyword Research Only – $300 $270 One-Time
  • 10 Keywords – $300 $270 per month
  • 20 Keywords – $600 $540 per month
  • 50 Keywords – $1,000 $900 per month

Organic SEO Order Form – Download here!


Part 3: Pay-Per-Click.  Aired Oct. 15th




First Month Management FREE

PPC Order Form – Download here!


Part 4: Secret Bonus Technique.  Airing on Oct. 20th



Social SEO

  • Put you into 8 business directories – $200/one-time fee
  • Provide ongoing backlinking to those business directories – $300/month based on 8 business directories


Questions?? Please call Granison Shines at 602 369-8119 or email at [email protected].

Webinar on SEO – 4 Parts


On Demand Webinar – Watch Instantly

GETTING TO THE TOP OF GOOGLE w/ Dustin Fickbohm – Tips and tricks to getting your business to the Top of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS)


If you’ve ever wanted your business to be at the top of the search engines like, Google, Bing, and Yahoo, but aren’t quite sure how to it’s done, you’ll want to attend this 4-part webinar series hosted by COO of DBM, Dustin Fickbohm.

During this GETTING TO THE TOP Webinar Series, Dustin Fickbohm will reveal how to get to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPS) using simple techniques you can start implementing today! This 4-part webinar series will cover the following:

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Part 1: Directory Submissions

  • The huge benefits of getting your business listed in a multitude of online directories
  • Crafty secrets to help you leapfrog your competitors in the SERPS
  • Proof why online directories should be part of your long-term organic SEO strategy
  • Plus much more…

Part 2: Organic SEO Techniques

  • How to climb the SEO ranks with consistent habits and constant attention
  • How to identify if YOU should be utilizing an Organic SEO Campaign for your business
  • What can YOU do to help your business climb the Search Engine rankings organically
  • What to ask SEO companies so you’re not taken on a financial ride and lose your shirt
  • Plus so much more…

Part 3: Pay-Per-Click

  • The specific questions you should ask yourself when determining whether a Pay Per Click campaign can work for you
  • A general overview of how Pay Per Click works
  • Setting up your campaign the right way
  • Sinful secrets that will have you converting a higher rate than your competitors
  • Plus more to help grow your business…

Part 4: Secret Bonus Technique

  • How this proven SEO Hack produces breakthrough results
  • Why this SEO Hack is little-known and not used by most businesses
  • How to get started with the hack right away!!
  • Plus much, much more…


Calculator Marketing Plan

[row] [span7]

Average Leads from Actual Clients

Average Leads
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 3-Month Total
All Clients (including those that didn’t market at all) 5.2 4.8 4.5 14.6
Clients who ran one specific marketing campaign 20.1 18.3 19.1 43.2
Clients who two specific marketing campaigns 22 19.9 21.2 56.4
Clients who actively market their calculator on an ongoing basis 27.8 26.5 25.4 79.7

[/span7] [span5]

The Proof is in the Pudding

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Ok, the “Leads-to-Listings” research results are in!!! Every Real Estate Agent that regularly markets one or both of our calculator products – The Short or Stay Calculator and/or the Home Profit Calculator – is getting leads which turn into listings. And each of those agents has a VERY SPECIFIC and CONSISTENT marketing campaign. They trusted us to set them on the path to success and we did!! Now we want to share that success with you, and at the same time, make this so simple for you that getting leads will be a virtual certainty. [alert_box style=”success” close=”no”]The chart on this page is lead statistics gathered from actual, current calculator clients. The statistics show that when the calculator is actively marketed, the leads come in![/alert_box] [/span5] [/row]

How’d We Generate the Leads?

Looking at our most successful campaigns we’ve identified the top lead-generating marketing mediums. Every campaign includes the Home Profit Calculator and/or the Short Or Stay Calculator coupled with one or more of the following:
[row_in] [span3]


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) the best and quickest method to generate leads into your calculator system. We recommend that every client start here. Why? Because it can be set-up quickly and a direct ROI can be measured. Plus, you have the added benefit of being on “page 1” of Google! More info on PPC.

DBM-icon-offline-marketingPrint Farming

Blanketing your geographic farm area with post cards and flyers monthly is a great way to bring in leads and to create solid brand awareness which assists in your word-of-mouth, referral business. Homeowners in your area will start to associate your brand with real estate without even thinking about it.


With the prices of both radio and online radio advertising coming down, this medium is a great way to generate leads. People listen on their drive or while at work, so for the most part – you have a captive audience. When using radio it’s critical that you select a “talk” station as opposed to a “music” station.

DBM-icon-search-engine-optimization-seoSEO Local / Metro

Being listed in over 100 online directories and having your website show up via organic search engine results helps homeowners find you. This medium isn’t as quick-hitting as the other, but it is important in a balanced long-term marketing plan. More info on SEO.

[accordions] [accordion title=”Calculator Marketing Flowchart”]
At the end of the day, here’s what your marketing campaign should look like from a visual perspective.
Traditional Seller or Short Seller Flowchart 2014 Matrix
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What’s Next?

We’ve found that the only reason most agents don’t market their calculator system is because they don’t know how. So, we’ve put together a number of hands-off marketing packages to make it easy!

In a nutshell, we’ve created 14 packages that will turn leads into listings for your real estate business. Honestly, the only reason you wouldn’t get listings is if you had absolutely no follow-up skills  – other than that, this simply works!

PPC Print Farming SEO Monthly Investment
Basic * $675
Enhanced * $1,275
Basic * 1,000 pieces ** $1,420
Enhanced * 1,000 pieces ** $2,020
Basic * 2,500 pieces ** $2,120
Enhanced * 2,500 pieces ** $2,720
Basic * 1,000 pieces ** Local $1,620
Enhanced * 1,000 pieces ** Local $2,220
Basic * 2,500 pieces ** Local $2,320
Enhanced * 2,500 pieces ** Local $2,920
Basic * 1,000 pieces ** Local / Metro $1,920
Enhanced * 1,000 pieces ** Local / Metro $2,520
Basic * 2,500 pieces ** Local / Metro $2,620
Enhanced * 2,500 pieces ** Local / Metro $3,220

NOTE: Radio marketing can be added to any one of these packages, but would require a custom quote.

– These prices don’t include our CRM tool; which we recommend for anybody who doesn’t currently have one. Our CRM tool is $200 / month for unlimited users and unlimited contacts. Ask us for more info.

* – a portion of the monthly fee will be paid directly to Google for clicks. The monthly portion is $500 for Basic and $1,000 for Enhanced. This amount IS included in the monthly investment. That is, the monthly investment is an all inclusive price.

** – represents the number of post cards / print marketing materials, we will design, print, and send on your behalf. Printing and postage IS included in the monthly investment. That is, the monthly investment is an all inclusive price.



Tracking and Managing Leads

Once this campaign is in place and launched into your target market, it is imperative to track the result in order to manage the campaign in terms of leads and listings. And to get a perspective on when you should take the next step to increase the traction of the campaign. For this reason, we provide 24/7 access to your personalized dashboard.

This dashboard tracks highly important key metrics such as:

  1. # of leads
  2. Number of visitors
  3. Google Analytics
  4. Tracking codes for each medium
  5. PPC / SEM Ads
  6. Keywords
  7. And much more…

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