
The Cosmetics Of Copywriting

Today we’re going to talk about the cosmetics of your copywriting skills today, meaning that our conversations stem from the nurture marketing campaign that you should have going on with your clients. With regards to your nurture campaign I mean your existing clients, new clients, existing leads and new leads; there are four different marketing campaigns that you should have going out from your email marketing system or blog post. Remember, the easiest people to sell supplies to and communicate with are the people that are already in your database so don’t forget about them. But if you want to entice them even further or attract new ones, that’s where Profitable Topic Tactics might be of aid.

In putting your copywriting skills to the test we’re going to talk about cosmetics. It’s easy to do this on a blog post but it’s hard to do this in a plain text email. Making sure that you’re highlighting and bolding certain things when you’re writing copy is important to do. You want to start giving emphasis to different words so we’re going to talk about highlighting. When talk about this you can add different coloring, bolding, underlining and italicizing to highlight your text. You won’t want to do too much so that your page looks cluttered but be sure you use it strategically to emphasize certain words and trigger certain emotional words. Understanding how to do this effectively again comes with the skill of copywriting. Once the sentence is already written, you also want to break up larger paragraphs into smaller ones. You want to add the ability of an “easy read” to your email or blog post so that the target or client can get good, easy information from your copywriting.

I’ve seen some pages that have really overdone it with regards to different sized fonts and colors as well as length of paragraphs; keep your blog post or email very general but highlight the important points and make your paragraphs easy to read.

What Are The Advantages Of Learning How To Email Market And Adding It To Your Marketing Process?

Have you thought of adding “Learn how to email market” to your business’s to-do list? If so, you should know that if you do learn how to email market, it can have a positive impact on your small business and its marketing process. In 2011, it’s estimated the businesses throughout the country spent over $1.5 billion on learning how to email market; it’s a growing trend that many people are obviously taking advantage of. Use an email address validation tool that can help you achieve an effective email campaign today,

If you have considered about adding it to your marketing process, but aren’t so such learning how to email market is going to be advantageous to your small business firsy you could find E Database Marketing online, we’d like to tell you about a few of the advantages it can have for you.

One of the most important factors in the success of a small business is its customer, right? When you learn how to email market, drawing in new customers typically isn’t a problem. Over half of all internet users in the US check their email at least once a day making email marketing a very easy way to promote your business. When you learn how to email market, you can also reach out to a large number of consumers that have chosen to receive emails about a certain topic; if your business falls into that category, those consumers will receive one of your emails. You can also use an email verifier | IPQualityScore to help you eliminate all the invalid email addresses and reduce the email bounce rate by a good 90%.

Also, when you learn how to email market it costs much less and is a much more efficient method that using traditional mail. With traditional mail, there are costs involved with designing, producing and mailing your marketing documents; when you learn how to email market, the only thing you have to do is design your email and send it. Lastly, when you learn how to email market, the exact return on investment can be calculated so you always know just how successful of an email marketing campaign you’ve implemented into your marketing process.

Hopefully, if you’ve considered adding “How to email market” to your to-do list, we’ve just convinced you that it’s something you should get started right away. The sooner you implement it into your marketing process, the sooner you can start reaping the benefits of this marketing strategy.

Interested In How To Email Market? There Are Two Different Strategies To Know About

If you’re considering how to email market to make it effective for your business’s marketing process, we’d like to tell you about the two different types of email marketing campaigns that you can use. Depending on your business type and the industry that you’re in, choosing how to email market one type over the other could make a huge difference in the results that you see.

The first type of way to email market is known as transactional email marketing. This type of email marketing is caused by an action that the consumer has with your business, such as purchasing a product or service from you or signing up for a newsletter. If a consumer takes an action like this, they often receive a confirmation email or a receipt. These are the transactional emails. It’s estimated that when you have transactional emails for your customer’s purchases, over half of the transactional emails that are sent out are read; this is an extremely high open rate when compared to other types of emails. It’s because of these high open rates that transactional emails are a great way to email market other products or services you have to offer or even to just build on the existing relationship with your customer.

The other kind of email you want to keep in mind when figuring out how to email market is known as a direct email. These types of emails are used only to send out an advertisement for your business and are typically sent to a collected list of email addresses.

Learning how to email market can be an extremely profitable marketing process for your business if you take the time to do it right. Email marketing is second only to search engine marketing when it comes to the most effective online marketing process. Consider learning how to email market today in order to take your business to new and exciting levels.

Learning How To Email Market Can Benefit Your Business’s Marketing Process

If you want to use a marketing process that can help you reach a large amount of people in a small amount of time, you should consider learning how to email market. When you learn how to email market you can either marketing to existing customers or send an email out to a list of potential customers. Either way, email marketing can be used to advertise your business, a sale or special you have coming up; when learn how to email market it provides you with the possibility of building loyalty and trust between you and the consumer as well as promoting brand awareness. It’s estimated that over $1.5 billion was spent in learning how to email market in 2011 and that number is only expected to increase, so it’s apparent that it’s a successful marketing process to use for your small business.

When you use an email marketing campaign in your business’s marketing process it provides you with a few different advantages. First, it’s much cheaper than sending out offline marketing materials such as postcards or flyers because there’s no need to pay for printing, production or postage. While there is time involved in creating the email and graphics that you wish to send to your customers, this can be done for relatively little time or money. Also, when you learn how to email market, you can track your return on investment so you’re always aware of the success of your campaign and the positive effects it has on your marketing process.

As you can see, learning how to email market can be very advantageous to your small business; it’s considered to be the second most effective online marketing technique out there, so if you’re looking to grow your business further and generate a broader customer base, you should consider adding email marketing into your business’s marketing process.

Not Every E-mail Needs To Be Business Related, Make Sure To Mix It Up

Hello everyone Granison Shines here Chief Marketing Officer with Direct Business Marketing thank you for your time today. If you are looking for great tips to improve your small business marketing strategy make sure to check my blog frequently as I update you with the tools to success. If you have questions about your specific marketing strategy feel free to contact me through our website or call me directly to discuss how Direct Business Marketing can help you.

In my blog today I wanted to issue a little reminder to small business owners who are utilizing the nurture e-mail campaign. While e-mail marketing is a critical part of a successful marketing strategy we don’t want to bombard clients, or potential clients, with constant business related e-mails. For this reason it is always a good idea to spinkle in the occasional non-business e-mail to keep things fresh. Whether it is a funny picture of cats or a great recipe for cookies the last thing we want to do is get your potential clients burned out on daily e-mails full of strictly business related offers. By mixing in a few fun e-mails now and then it will give your potential client a reason to look forward to your e-mail instead of just assuming it is more of the same. These fun e-mails could even be a great way to interact with a potential client and help you learn about their interests or hobbies. In using these fun e-mails and also video blogs you are also allowing your clients to get to know you as a person and not just someone who sends out e-mails. Gaining this comfort level and avoiding the perception of someone who is only focused on business may help you open up communication with your clients.

So don’t forget to mix things up when utilizing your nurture e-mail campaign in order to put a smile on your clients face and attract their attention. For more information make sure to download our free marketing assessment tool on the Direct Business Marketing website. I’m Granison Shines, thank you again for your time and have a great day.

What Are The Advantages Of Learning How To Email Market?

If you want to set up an email marketing campaign, or if you want to learn how to email market, Direct Business Marketing (DBM) is here to help you launch your campaign. At DBM we want to help you meet all of your marketing objectives and can help you do so by using our own set of marketing truths. If you want to learn how to email market, there are few advantages that we’d like to share with you to help you determine if this is a path that you’d like to take.

Cost is always an important factor when considering what marketing avenues to pursue, especially for a small or medium sized business. One thing you should know is that if you learn how to email market, it can cost much less and reach consumers much faster than traditional mail. With traditional mail, you need to take into consider mail times, producing and printing your marketing items as well as the cost of postage. With email, there’s none of this. If you’re still worried about cost for your marketing campaign, many business owners and researchers state that that learning how to email marketing is the second most cost effective online marketing medium that a business can use.

If you learn how to email marketing, you can reach out to a large number of consumers all at one. If you’re concerned that an email marketing campaign won’t get you the results you desire, you should know that over half of all Americans check their email at least once a day. Open and click rates with email marketing campaigns can be very high and if you choose to learn how to email market, the results can be easily tracked so you always know just how successful your campaign is. If you’d like more help with learning how to successfully email market and how it can help you meet your business’s marketing objectives, contact a marketing consultant at Direct Business Marketing today.

Learning How To Email Marketing? There Are Two Different Types You Should Know About

Has your company decided it’s time to learn how to email marketing in order to reach out to new customers and build stronger relationships with existing ones? Using an email marketing campaign can be one of the easiest ways to promote brand awareness and build loyalty and trust with your customers. It’s also a great way to satisfy some of the marketing objectives established by your business. If you’ve decided to delve into the world of email marketing, there are two different types of email marketing that you should know about.

If you’ve just learned how to email market, you may have been surprised to learn that purchase confirmation emails and email receipts are actually a type of email marketing. These are known as transactional emails; their main purpose is to share information regarding an action that the customer has taken. While many business owners don’t see these as a way to email market, they are actually a golden opportunity. Transactional emails have very high open rates, meaning that the email is actually opened up and read by the consumer. Over half of all transactional emails are opened and if a business owner takes advantage of this fact, it provides them the chance to do much more with that customer. Some business owners that have learned how to email market are realizing that transactional emails provide them the opportunity to cross sell, up sell or to extend the email relationship with their customer. When this is done, the chances of making another sale are highly likely.

The second type of email you should know about if you’re learning how to email market is direct emails. These involve promoting an announcement or message to the consumer; customers that receive these emails can either be existing customers or a list of collected potential customers. Direct emails are also a good way to promote brand awareness and wide your customer base. The open rate isn’t as high with direct emails, but it still provides you the capacity to connect with a large number of consumers at once.

Whether you’re taking part in an email marketing campaign or not, you should know that it’s an easy way to meet some of the marketing objectives that your company has. If you take advantage of it and learn how to email market, the results could be very beneficial to the growth and success of your business.

Looking For An East Marketing Strategy? Learn How To Email Market

If you’re looking for an easy way to satisfy some marketing objectives of your business, Direct Business Marketing (DBM) suggests you looking into how to email market your customers. Email marketing is as it sounds; using email to send a marketing message to a group of existing or potential consumers. Business’s often use email marketing to build loyalty, trust and promote brand awareness. It’s an easy way to reach out to a large group of customers all at once.

There are a few different ways that business’s use email marketing to satisfy some of their marketing objectives. First, a business owner learns how to email market for the purpose of building the relationship with their existing customers and to encourage repeat business. Second, email marketing can be used with cold lists to try and obtain new customers and widen their customer base. Third, business owners may add an advertisement for their business to an email that is sent out by another company. These are all ways to email market and can all be very successful if used the right way. You can learn more about this on Damon Burton Youtube channel.

If you’ve considering learning how to email market, it is becoming a very common marketing medium for many companies, especially small businesses. It’s projected that in the United States alone, over $1 billion was spent on learning how to email marketing in 2011; it is projected to more than double by the year 2016.

If you’re looking for a new marketing medium to help you with your marketing objectives, you may want to look in to learning how to email market; it’s a very simple and cost effective avenue to choose to get the word out about your products and services. Not only is email marketing easy to use, it’s also easy to track the success of an email marketing campaign. If you learn how to email market, you’ll always know exactly what your return on investment is so that you can ensure you marketing dollars are being spent in the right place.

Email Campaign Example

Hello, this is Granison Shines, Chief Marketing Officer at Direct Business Marketing. Today we are going to talk about email campaigning. Remember you should always be building your list; you should have a list of potential clients and/or clients stored in your CRM that has the auto responder connected to it so you can email. Now, the whole philosophy or the mindset is that you want to keep top of mind awareness so that you are always in front of them. Now, if you look at the email campaign, remember we have the four step campaign process such as generate, capture, store and nurture. This whole campaign is all about nurturing. We do have some generate items here we are going to talk about. There should be six emails with five of them non-business, and one of them business. We will talk about this a little more in another video series. The five emails that go out are non-business so they could be community related topics. Then you are going to hit them with an offer. So if you look all the way to the store portion here, this is where the email is going to come out of your auto responder and then pushing it out to your clients. What you want to do is make sure your clients to go to your website. You want them to see the information on your blog post. We will elaborate on this on a different series that we are going to do. We will talk about what type of email to send, plain text email or html email so you can track it. It looks like a plain text email with no graphics, leading them back to your website that has all the graphics and the video on it for your email campaign. This diagram is a very nurturing mindset for your email campaign so keep in mind this graphic information here. If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at 602-369-8119 or you can email me at [email protected]. Don’t forget to download our free Marketing Assessment. It will tell you how you could be marketing for your marketing campaign.

Post Event Marketing Starts With A E-Mail Campaign To Answer FAQ’s

Hello everyone Granison Shines here with Direct Business Marketing talking with you today about how to properly market your next event. We have covered this important topic over the course of several video blogs and today we are talking about your post event e-mail campaign. To find our other blogs related to event marketing make sure to browse the Direct Business Marketing website for even more information on hosting the perfect event.

So once you have game planned to host the perfect event there is still work to be done after the day of your big event. I call this the nurture stage of event marketing and this is meant to help sell your product or service. In the nurture stage we want to develop a post event e-mail campaign within the first six days after your event date. These e-mails should answer any frequently asked questions from your event or questions you feel should be asked about your product. You may also want to include a video that creates a hard offer for your product or service in order to capture the sentiment of those who attended. When you start your post event e-mail campaign make sure to explain why you are e-mailing and what these e-mails will included. The day after your eco-friendly tradeshows the first e-mail should include a thank you message along with some information about the videos that you will be sending over. By making this known right away the attendees will not confuse your e-mails with generic post event spam e-mails that they normally delete.

We want to make these e-mails as personal as possible so try not to include fancy graphics and make sure the clients name is used. For any questions about marketing your next event call or e-mail Granison Shines at Direct Business Marketing today. Thank you for joining me and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.


Nurture Marketing

Nurture Marketing

Nurturing clients and prospects you’d like to become clients, is essential for your business’ growth; however, it is often overlooked.

An effective Nurture Marketing campaign begins with exceptional planning to convert your prospects into clients and sell more to the clients you already have.  For of this reason, we’ve created our Nurturing Marketing Solution.

The goal of the nurture campaigns is to:

  1. Create Top-of-Mind-Awareness to your entire database
  2. Convert leads into clients and
  3. To upsell and cross sell to your clients

That being said, there are 5 types of nurture campaign that should be created:

  1. Annual Nurture Campaign – the objective of this campaign is to create continued awareness and foster a relationship utilizing non-sales based email and/or print mediums.  DBM will provide a nurture campaign that:
    • Includes 30 non-sales emails
    • Automatically disseminate emails from the CRM
    • Includes the design of 3 customized postcards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and a Holiday Season (where applicable)
    • GOAL: Create Top-of-Mind-Awareness (TOMA)
    • INVESTMENT – $450 one-time 
  2. Existing Client Nurture Campaign – The objective of this campaign is to upsell Customer’s existing clients into purchasing more products/services.  DBM will provide XXXX nurture campaign(s) that:
    • Contains 12 follow-up emails to be delivered monthly – 1 / month
      Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the clients have purchased, and identify the appropriate upsell products/services
    • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
    • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
    • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Sell more of your products & services
    • INVESTMENT – $450 one-time
  3. New Client Nurture Campaign – – The objective of this campaign is to assist Customer’s new clients in getting the most out of their recently purchased product/service.  DBM will provide XXXX nurture campaign(s) that:
    • Contains 5 follow-up emails to be delivered in the first 8 days
    • Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the new clients purchased
    • Work with Customer to identify key information or action items
      Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Solidify relationship and answer “What’s next?”
    • INVESTMENT – $300 one-time
  4. New Lead Nurture Campaign – New Lead Nurture Campaign – The objective of this campaign is to convert Customer’s new leads into new clients.  DBM understands that new leads are extremely important, and following up with the leads needs to happen immediately and automatically.  DBM will provide a nurture campaign that:
    • Contains 16 follow-up emails: 5 emails in the first 8 days then 1 email per month after
    • Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the new leads are interested in
    • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
    • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
    • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Showcase expertise & Convert to a sale
    • INVESTMENT – $300 one-time 
  5. eMail Marketing Campaign – The objective of this nurture campaign is to cause the recipient to take action.  This campaign can be used to: reactivate clients, promote an event, new product launch, and many more. DBM will provide a campaign that:
  • Create 5 emails
  • Work with Customer to identify the specific product, service or event to be marketed
  • Work with Customer to identify key information and action items
  • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
  • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
  • INVESTMENT – $350 one-time

Each has a different message that you’ll need to convey to them. Ultimately, you need to have all 5 running at the same time, plus, you should be on top of your list wrangling. In other words, move leads and clients to their appropriate database for marketing purposes.

DBM Duties:

  • Write a 100% customized Nurture Campaign
    • Create attention-grabbing Headlines
    • Construct Body Copy
    • Create effective Bullet Points (where applicable)
    • Develop appropriate Call-to-Actions for the campaign
    • Construct Hard Offer (where applicable)
  • Research internal upsells and cross-sells from products and/or services you offer
  • Schedule content for delivery from your technological system
  • Design 3 customized postcards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Holiday Season (where applicable)
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign

Contact your DBM Marketing Consultant for package pricing.

Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost. ~Forrester Research


  • Creating the entire Nurture Marketing Campaign for your client-types
  • Installation and configuration of the nurture campaign in your system
  • Analysis of your systems for proper integration
  • List / database wrangling – to keep your leads and prospects in the correct area(s)


How long does it take to implement the Nurture Process & Workflow Solution?

A DBM Marketing Consultant can answer to that question much better once you have an initial conversation.

Who sends out the campaign from our systems?

It totally depends on how you want to work with DBM. We have several clients who like to do it themselves, and we have many other in which we do it for them. We have the capability to manage the entire process if you desire.

Does a Nurture campaign include using offline / traditional media?

In some industries, it is essential to use both, online and offline marketing materials, to facilitate a solid nurture campaign. Some other industries can get by with using just one. This will be one of the items discussed in the initial meeting for your campaign.

Example Campaign