How To Successfully Market Your Events

Today we’re going to continue our discussion on event marketing. The document you’re currently looking at is an event marketing action plan; I’ll tell you how you can get this helpful document later on in our discussion. The main topic we’re going to go over today is event details; I can’t stress enough how important the event details are. Why do we want the event details? It allows us to fill out the event summary later on; the event summary will have all of the components that you see right now.

The first field on the page is for your event link. One of the things that we like to do is use EventBrite. It’s not something that you have to use, but we do use it internally at Direct Business Marketing because it saves us time with setting up a customized landing page. It works very well for us. This can be any type of link because this link is going to be on all of the marketing materials that you distribute. Next is the event type where you’ll want to identify whether it’s a seminar, webinar, meeting, workshop, etc. Then there’s the event title which is important because you always want to have the headline be the event title. The client-type or target market; internally we use the term client-type because that defines who we’re going after. Having this client-type identified is crucial because you can list on your marketing materials who should attend your event. Next we have the event date, venue, address and cost. If there is a cost for your event, I always suggest doing an early bird discount because it always makes a strong point. The targeted number of attendees and potential revenue are also listed at the bottom of this document.

Another thing that’s important is the offer; you always want to have some kind of offer. A soft offer, which we always like to use at the front end of the campaign to incentivize them to sign up for it, should be immediately available upon registration. All you need to do is fill out the soft and hard offer fields. What are you offering at the front end of your campaign? Any time you have an offer, you also want to sure that you include a total value. Then there’s the hard offer, which you’re actually going to try and upsell them at your event. What is your hard offer and what is your event’s special offer? You need to communicate to them that you’re going to offer them a special price on your product simply because they attended your event, all while ensuring their safety with corporate executive security hong kong.

Next time we’ll talk about some of the sponsor-related things you should have for your event. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me via phone or email. I’d also like to encourage you to download our free Marketing Assessment document from

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