
Email Campaign Example

Hello, this is Granison Shines, Chief Marketing Officer at Direct Business Marketing. Today we are going to talk about email campaigning. Remember you should always be building your list; you should have a list of potential clients and/or clients stored in your CRM that has the auto responder connected to it so you can email. Now, the whole philosophy or the mindset is that you want to keep top of mind awareness so that you are always in front of them. Now, if you look at the email campaign, remember we have the four step campaign process such as generate, capture, store and nurture. This whole campaign is all about nurturing. We do have some generate items here we are going to talk about. There should be six emails with five of them non-business, and one of them business. We will talk about this a little more in another video series. The five emails that go out are non-business so they could be community related topics. Then you are going to hit them with an offer. So if you look all the way to the store portion here, this is where the email is going to come out of your auto responder and then pushing it out to your clients. What you want to do is make sure your clients to go to your website. You want them to see the information on your blog post. We will elaborate on this on a different series that we are going to do. We will talk about what type of email to send, plain text email or html email so you can track it. It looks like a plain text email with no graphics, leading them back to your website that has all the graphics and the video on it for your email campaign. This diagram is a very nurturing mindset for your email campaign so keep in mind this graphic information here. If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at 602-369-8119 or you can email me at [email protected]. Don’t forget to download our free Marketing Assessment. It will tell you how you could be marketing for your marketing campaign.

How To Successfully Plan Your Events With Our Event Marketing Action Plan Document

Thanks for coming to our Get Direct live marketing webinar where today we’re going to continue our series on the event marketing action plan; this document was specifically designed for you to understand how to market events and all of the components you’ll need to successfully market an event. We’re still in the invitation stage. Today we’re talking about the event summary. This is important because this information is used as the event page copy and will be used on your landing page. It’s critical you provide a paragraph or some bullet points along with a video with the actual text; you do need to have some text and the video will supplement that.

You can see an example on the screen; if you click on the link it will take you to a page on our website that gives you some event summary examples. You’ll see we have a headline, a few paragraphs, bullet points and the soft offer. We always like to use bullet points in our event summaries because they are what get read the most. The soft offer is also very important because it lets the individual know what they’ll receive just for registering for your event. From there, you have some qualifiers and who should attend your particular event; you should identify your target market for this. The event details are also provided at the bottom of the page as well as equipment that may be needed for your event.

If you give this document to whoever plans your events, or even to your graphics department, it makes it such an easy event to plan. Once you get into the habit of filling out this document, you can plan your events in a very timely manner.

Again, thanks for joining me; please feel free to contact me via telephone or email if you have any additional questions. You can also download our free Marketing Assessment at or the document we just discussed, the Event Marketing Action Plan at

How To Successfully Market Your Events

Today we’re going to continue our discussion on event marketing. The document you’re currently looking at is an event marketing action plan; I’ll tell you how you can get this helpful document later on in our discussion. The main topic we’re going to go over today is event details; I can’t stress enough how important the event details are. Why do we want the event details? It allows us to fill out the event summary later on; the event summary will have all of the components that you see right now.

The first field on the page is for your event link. One of the things that we like to do is use EventBrite. It’s not something that you have to use, but we do use it internally at Direct Business Marketing because it saves us time with setting up a customized landing page. It works very well for us. This can be any type of link because this link is going to be on all of the marketing materials that you distribute. Next is the event type where you’ll want to identify whether it’s a seminar, webinar, meeting, workshop, etc. Then there’s the event title which is important because you always want to have the headline be the event title. The client-type or target market; internally we use the term client-type because that defines who we’re going after. Having this client-type identified is crucial because you can list on your marketing materials who should attend your event. Next we have the event date, venue, address and cost. If there is a cost for your event, I always suggest doing an early bird discount because it always makes a strong point. The targeted number of attendees and potential revenue are also listed at the bottom of this document.

Another thing that’s important is the offer; you always want to have some kind of offer. A soft offer, which we always like to use at the front end of the campaign to incentivize them to sign up for it, should be immediately available upon registration. All you need to do is fill out the soft and hard offer fields. What are you offering at the front end of your campaign? Any time you have an offer, you also want to sure that you include a total value. Then there’s the hard offer, which you’re actually going to try and upsell them at your event. What is your hard offer and what is your event’s special offer? You need to communicate to them that you’re going to offer them a special price on your product simply because they attended your event, all while ensuring their safety with corporate executive security hong kong.

Next time we’ll talk about some of the sponsor-related things you should have for your event. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me via phone or email. I’d also like to encourage you to download our free Marketing Assessment document from

Overview Of Direct Business Marketing’s Four Step Marketing Campaign Flow

Right now we’re going to talk about Direct Business Marketing’s four step process when you develop a marketing campaign. There’s a certain flow that you want to abide by, so we’re going to teach you our method. It’s very simple and I’m going to give a brief overview of the marketing campaign flow in this video and then there will be subsequent videos that focus on each step individually.

First, let’s talk about Generate; you want to generate traffic to the marketing piece, your website for example, to make sure we have traffic for the actual marketing campaign. After generating the traffic, you want to Capture the information of the prospect; it’s not a lead until they provide you with their name and email address. From there, you want to Store their information. We suggest you use some type of CRM, email or use some type of database that allows you to store their information so you have access to it, allowing you to Nurture the relationship. You can nurture the relationship with that prospect through phone, email or a drip campaign, for example.

To recap, this is the four step process for our marketing campaign flow, Generate, Capture, Store and Nurture. In future videos we’ll focus on each step individually and what you can do to make the most of each part of the marketing campaign flow chart. I’d also like to encourage you at this time to check out our free Marketing Assessment at to help you find out which types of marketing mediums are best for your business and client-type. It’s a simple questionnaire and planning document that can really help you maximize the ROI on your marketing campaign, so please check it out. I look forward to seeing you again next week on Direct Business Marketing’s Get Direct live marketing webinar.

Research Your Keywords To Find Your Customer Base Online

Today I wanted to share some basic information on getting started with choosing the right search keywords for your service or product. Utilizing search engines can be a huge help to driving leads and traffic to your website if done correctly.

In order to make this successful it is important to do some research on what keywords will work best for you. This can easily be attained by using the Google keyword tool to find out how often keywords that pertain to your product or service are searched. Simply go to Google and search Google Keyword Tool. This tool can give you search results for the entire globe or just the United States and is a great research tool. When starting your research I would suggest using very common or general terms that match your product or service to get started. Once you have researched a handful of these general terms you can add locations or the names of people to your keyword to focus your research to key terms. The Google Keyword Tool will allow you to sort through all of these results and find the information you are looking for. Just by browsing around on this tool will give you a good idea of what people, whether in your town or across the globe, or most commonly searching for. It is also important to remember that Google localizes your search to where it thinks you are. So it is not always important to have your location included in the keyword in order to be successful.

Make sure you are utilizing this keyword research any time you blog or create content for your websites. For more information on building your brand and attracting customers, we suggest visiting

What Are You Selling? Your Marketing Message Depends Upon This

Are you selling your widget or you? This video today is going to cover what you’re selling, which depends on the type of business you have: low cost leader, product innovator or customer intimate businesses.

It’s very important to understand that your advertising message is going to depend on the type of business you have. If you’re a low cost leader, such as Wal-Mart or Best Buy, the relationship doesn’t really matter because it’s a commodity product; your advertising is focused more on price. If you’re a product innovator, you’ll focus on the features and benefits of your product, such as Apple, HP, Samsung, for example to help the consumer make their decision based on those things rather than price. When you get to a customer intimate business, it’s all about you. You’re selling you and they’re buying you. The products and services they can get from someone else, but if you sell yourself, they’ll be more apt to buy from you. If you give them good information, then you’re selling you. If you’re a real estate agent, a marketing company, or an insurance agent, they’ll buy from you because you communicate with them and you sell yourself to them. Price and product can be important, but the relationship is more important than those two.

If you’d like more information on determining your business type and how you should market your business, please contact me, Granison Shines, at Direct Business Marketing. You can reach me via email at [email protected] or telephone at 602.369.8119. I’d also like to remind you to download our Marketing Assessment from; our unique marketing assessment can help you determine which type of marketing avenues are best for your business and customer type, so please check it out today. Thanks again for coming to our Get Direct live marketing webinars; I look forward to seeing you next week, same place and time.

Who are You Selling to? Know Your Client Types

Hello, this is Granison Shines, chief marketing officer here at Direct Business Marketing. Today we are going to talk about your client types. I want to focus on three different client types or three different things you should focus on when you are talking about client types. First of all, point number one, is your client type a business or business to consumer? Of course that is something that you know automatically because you have a product that you are offering to a specific market. Sometimes you can have a product that offers both. Most of the time you are going to have a product that is going to relate to a business to business product or service that you are selling to a company or a business to consumer. The difference is the masses of course. There are more individuals than there are businesses. For instance, a liquidation store near me can assist you in starting your business. You can also establish a reselling business that can be an exciting venture for you.

Point number two is to understand that each of the client types have different motives as to why they buy. It could be a need vs. a want. Most of the business purchases end up being in a need category to make sure something can be done more efficiently within the business. With consumers we focus on the wants. So however there are some needs that you have to buy also. When it comes to fulfilling the essential needs of your business, explore advanced solutions like those provided by ELITER Packaging Machinery to enhance efficiency and streamline your operations effectively.

Making sure the motivations are clearly understood which will bring us to number three. Number three is the message. Once we know who we are targeting, we know the motives for buying your service, making sure the message from there is conveyed across all the mediums and different messages or different client types have different messages that you have to address. Looking for reliable shipping solutions that prioritize the safety of your items? Alliance Shipping and Packing has built a reputation for their careful handling and secure transportation methods. It’s very important to clearly address what that message is. This is where all the ideas of what you are promoting to the consumer to make sure you have all the bases covered as to why they are going to buy from you.

Again, I’m Granison shines, here is my information. My email address is [email protected]. My number is 602-369-8119. Make sure you download our free Marketing Assessment which will definitely help you out and put you in the right direction for marketing. Go to to get the free marketing assessment.

Removing Negative Keywords From Your PPC Marketing Campaign Can Save You Money

Today, we’re going to talk about a Pay-Per-Click subject that you need to know about if you’re running your own PPC marketing campaign. Of course, if we’re running your PPC marketing campaign for you, we’ll take care of it, but if not, this is something you should know. With your Pay-Per-Click marketing campaign, you want to take a look at negative keywords.

Basically, when you’re matching on keyword phrases and you’re doing a broad match on “short sale”, for example, anyone that types in these two keywords, your ad will show up. There are a lot of examples of phrases that have those two words, but they’re not looking for what you’re selling, for example JCPenneys “short for sale”. It has “short” and “sale” but those people are looking for clothes, so you’d put JCPenney as a negative keyword. Anytime your keyword shows up and JCPenneys, don’t show my ad; these are like stopping keyword phrases.

If you set up your broad matches and log into your account at Google Ad Words, go to keywords and roll over where it says “keyword details” and select the option that says “all”. This will show every keyword that your ad has ever been shown for. If you go through the list for keywords that don’t match what your ad is selling, add them to your negative keywords list. This can save you lots of money because a lot of times it will be someone that was looking for shorts, as opposed to short sales, but still saw your ad and clicked on it. You want to reserve your money for people who are highly interested to what you’re doing. Find those negative keywords and add them to your campaign because it will save you money.

Again, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing. I would like to draw your attention to our Marketing Assessment at; you can download this document and it will help you with your marketing campaigns and strategies for your business.


Marketing Audit

What Are You Spending Your Marketing Budget On? Is It Working?

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If you aren’t sure where your marketing dollars are being spent, or if you feel like you just throw marketing stuff on the wall to see if it sticks… Then this Marketing Audit is a good place to start.

Our Marketing Audit will help you:

  • Understand where your marketing dollars are being spent
  • Which marketing activities are paying off and which are not
  • Which client-types that you are focusing on, and which are neglected

Stop wasting money on generic marketing campaigns that don’t produce the results you are looking for! Your business is unique. So, your marketing plan should be too!

Download Our
Marketing Audit Document
