
Post Event Marketing Starts With A E-Mail Campaign To Answer FAQ’s

Hello everyone Granison Shines here with Direct Business Marketing talking with you today about how to properly market your next event. We have covered this important topic over the course of several video blogs and today we are talking about your post event e-mail campaign. To find our other blogs related to event marketing make sure to browse the Direct Business Marketing website for even more information on hosting the perfect event.

So once you have game planned to host the perfect event there is still work to be done after the day of your big event. I call this the nurture stage of event marketing and this is meant to help sell your product or service. In the nurture stage we want to develop a post event e-mail campaign within the first six days after your event date. These e-mails should answer any frequently asked questions from your event or questions you feel should be asked about your product. You may also want to include a video that creates a hard offer for your product or service in order to capture the sentiment of those who attended. When you start your post event e-mail campaign make sure to explain why you are e-mailing and what these e-mails will included. The day after your eco-friendly tradeshows the first e-mail should include a thank you message along with some information about the videos that you will be sending over. By making this known right away the attendees will not confuse your e-mails with generic post event spam e-mails that they normally delete.

We want to make these e-mails as personal as possible so try not to include fancy graphics and make sure the clients name is used. For any questions about marketing your next event call or e-mail Granison Shines at Direct Business Marketing today. Thank you for joining me and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

How to Market Events – Part 7

Hi, I’m Granison Shines the Chief Marketing Officer at Direct Business Marketing. Now that you have created the information that you will need to market the event, now it’s time to start driving traffic. We are still in the generate and capture phase. One of the things you should have is your own database. From there you also want to write the information out. You want to take the information that you have written out and you want that information to be delivered to your sponsor’s database and your JV partner’s database. You want their people on their list to come to your event. So we are going to kill two birds with one stone here because we should be using social media as we stated earlier. So in the email you will have the subject, the frequency which the first one is going to be the launch email introducing everything and it will probably have the most information in it. Next is the body copy and the social media post you should put online also. You will take a snippet of your body copy and post it on the social media post again driving them to the event page. That information should have the link in it where they can sign up for the event. Next you have to get people to go to your landing page to register. Emails are going to be very handy in your marketing process.

First you will have your launch email, then emails 2 – 4 will be reminder emails then your social media copy. You want to make sure and change it every time you go online and put a link to where the event page is so they can sign up. Then there is the final notice email. Now you have successfully created your email campaign and this information can and should be emailed to your sponsors and your JV partners so they can email something too. Remember to write it out for them and make it easy to copy and paste into their email. This is Granison Shines with Direct Business Marketing. You can reach me at 602-369-8119 or email me at [email protected]. Thanks and have a great day.

How To Successfully Plan Your Events With Our Event Marketing Action Plan Document

Thanks for coming to our Get Direct live marketing webinar where today we’re going to continue our series on the event marketing action plan; this document was specifically designed for you to understand how to market events and all of the components you’ll need to successfully market an event. We’re still in the invitation stage. Today we’re talking about the event summary. This is important because this information is used as the event page copy and will be used on your landing page. It’s critical you provide a paragraph or some bullet points along with a video with the actual text; you do need to have some text and the video will supplement that.

You can see an example on the screen; if you click on the link it will take you to a page on our website that gives you some event summary examples. You’ll see we have a headline, a few paragraphs, bullet points and the soft offer. We always like to use bullet points in our event summaries because they are what get read the most. The soft offer is also very important because it lets the individual know what they’ll receive just for registering for your event. From there, you have some qualifiers and who should attend your particular event; you should identify your target market for this. The event details are also provided at the bottom of the page as well as equipment that may be needed for your event.

If you give this document to whoever plans your events, or even to your graphics department, it makes it such an easy event to plan. Once you get into the habit of filling out this document, you can plan your events in a very timely manner.

Again, thanks for joining me; please feel free to contact me via telephone or email if you have any additional questions. You can also download our free Marketing Assessment at or the document we just discussed, the Event Marketing Action Plan at

Event Marketing Information Captured Through Registration Response E-mail

Hello everyone Granison Shines here with Direct Business Marketing talking with you today about an action plan for event marketing. This is a very important topic which I broken down in several blogs and videos so make sure to go back to part 1 in order to get the most out of our even marketing material.

An events marketing action plan is great way to outline every thing that needs to be done for your event. For this blog we are discussing the registration response e-mail that is used to confirm a client has committed to your event. This can also include a ‘soft offer’ which will allow your client to download additional information or a product surrounding the event. This e-mail should have a simple structure and be set up to auto-respond once the client has signed up. In order to fill all of the seats for your events make sure to use a proper landing page, or website, that your clients can you to sign up. The e-mail needs to include the date, time, location, and a download link in order to avoid any confusion. If there is any kind of investment required for your event make sure to also list this in the e-mail. By having an auto-response e-mail in place you are providing clear details about your event and also reminding your client to put it on their calendar. Once you have the details of your event in place it is important to be able to capture the information provided by those attending.

One easy way to do this is by sending out an auto response e-mail and including a download link. These easy steps in your event marketing will keep your clients focused on your product or service until the day of your event. Once again this is Granison Shines with Direct Business Marketing thanks for your time and have a great day.

How to Market Events – Part 4

Hello, this is Granison Shines, Chief Marketing Officer here at Direct Business Marketing. We are a marketing firm for many different types of clients and many different types of industries. We are looking at our document called the event marketing action plan. This is a plan that will allow you to develop everything you need with all the resources in one area. The event marketing action plan should be a campaign. So now we are looking at the generate and capture section here we have some marketing items that need to be developed. So on this document you’ll see that the standard items are in grey. Those are the ones that should be constructed for every event. Making sure you have that information handy all the time will help you create the event marketing pieces that you are going to need.

One thing you want to do is create a video. We have found out the landing pages that have a video with it do a lot better when it comes to sign ups. You want to have some outbound emails to market to your database and you also want to be able to cut and paste them and give them right to your event sponsors. You want to automatically step up your post-event email drip campaign. The EventBrite page with the custom link but basically with each landing page that you make can have its own link. You want to have the registration response email saying thank you for signing up for the event and offer them their free download. The social media marketing such as face book because you should have friends, you should have a business page to your face book. You want to make sure you change your cover page every time you do an event. Then you want to outline your social media posts and that could be face book or twitter. Then you also want to have a flyer. These are the basics that you should have for every event. From here we can get into other marketing items. These can be anything like another series of videos, pay per click campaign. You can do anything you want to.

When we talk about marketing avenues this is with whom and where the marketing items will be deployed. Say for instance you developed a flyer. That flyer should go to your sponsor, your JV partner, on your social media, your own database, and the venue where the event is going to be. This is a good way to track where they are coming from. We will show you how to cut and paste emails that will be able to be sent to the JV partners, the sponsors and everyone else. This is Granison Shines, the Chief Marketing Officer at Direct Business Marketing. You can contact me at 602-369- 8119 or you can email me at [email protected]. Thank you very much.

How to Market Events

Hello there, I’m Granison Shines here, the chief marketing officer at Direct Business Marketing. I would like to continue our conversation on event marketing. We are looking at the event marketing action plan. I think this whole document is important but when it comes to marketing events, the event sponsors or the JV partners are really going to help you market your event. If you own a business, most likely you know people who have other businesses and it’s important that when you have event sponsors, there is one big important factor. one, they have a list that they market to and the more in touch they are with that list, the better the response is going to be for your event. This will help you identify where your traffic is going to come from. Point number two, is you want that person that you know or that other business to have the same client type but they sell a different product or service from you. Don’t invite your competitor to send out information to their list because they probably aren’t going to want to do it.

Here you just want to document the name, the company, phone number, email and company logo. You want to address where they got their company logo and why because you want to start adding value to your event sponsors and JV partners. You want to start adding value by putting their logos on the websites and the marketing materials and event sign-up sheet. You want to give them time to speak at your event and to be there to network. You all can make money from this event if it is done right. It’s important to understand that the event sponsor and the JV partner are very critical for the success of your event. Again, I’m Granison Shines and you can reach me at 602-369-8119 or you can email me at [email protected].

How To Successfully Market Your Events

Today we’re going to continue our discussion on event marketing. The document you’re currently looking at is an event marketing action plan; I’ll tell you how you can get this helpful document later on in our discussion. The main topic we’re going to go over today is event details; I can’t stress enough how important the event details are. Why do we want the event details? It allows us to fill out the event summary later on; the event summary will have all of the components that you see right now.

The first field on the page is for your event link. One of the things that we like to do is use EventBrite. It’s not something that you have to use, but we do use it internally at Direct Business Marketing because it saves us time with setting up a customized landing page. It works very well for us. This can be any type of link because this link is going to be on all of the marketing materials that you distribute. Next is the event type where you’ll want to identify whether it’s a seminar, webinar, meeting, workshop, etc. Then there’s the event title which is important because you always want to have the headline be the event title. The client-type or target market; internally we use the term client-type because that defines who we’re going after. Having this client-type identified is crucial because you can list on your marketing materials who should attend your event. Next we have the event date, venue, address and cost. If there is a cost for your event, I always suggest doing an early bird discount because it always makes a strong point. The targeted number of attendees and potential revenue are also listed at the bottom of this document.

Another thing that’s important is the offer; you always want to have some kind of offer. A soft offer, which we always like to use at the front end of the campaign to incentivize them to sign up for it, should be immediately available upon registration. All you need to do is fill out the soft and hard offer fields. What are you offering at the front end of your campaign? Any time you have an offer, you also want to sure that you include a total value. Then there’s the hard offer, which you’re actually going to try and upsell them at your event. What is your hard offer and what is your event’s special offer? You need to communicate to them that you’re going to offer them a special price on your product simply because they attended your event, all while ensuring their safety with corporate executive security hong kong.

Next time we’ll talk about some of the sponsor-related things you should have for your event. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me via phone or email. I’d also like to encourage you to download our free Marketing Assessment document from

Not Just Another Event, Make Yours Great With Effective Marketing

Hello everyone Granison Shines here with Direct Business Marketing talking with you today about the importance of event marketing and some tools to make sure it is a success. At Direct Business Marketing we have been utilizing event marketing for years and in the time have found what works and what doesn’t when preparing for your upcoming event. If you are getting ready to host an event or just looking to improve on the last one you had please reach out to me with any questions or comments.

First of all it is important to be aware of all the different types of events you can host to help educate your customer. Whether it is a town hall meeting, live webinar, or a workshop we have put together four of the key components to a successful event. People tend to buy from a credible, educated source and by hosting an event you are able to grow your credibility and also your customer base. An event will also require your customer base to act in some fashion before a specific date in order to be involved. A call to action before your event helps focus your customer base on the benefits your product or service will provide to them. Hosting an event will also imply scarcity to your customer and this can also serve as a call to action. A successful event will only be available to a certain number of people with an allotted amount of time making your message that much more powerful. The final component of a successful event deals with the fact your customer must make a commitment in order to attend the event. By developing this psychological factor of marketing you are gaining their attention and curiosity long before the event.

I hope this has provided some great information to get you started planning your next successful event. Make sure to download our marketing assessment tool off of the Direct Business Marketing website to find other great tools for your marketing needs. Thanks again for your time and make sure to stop back soon for more great marketing advice.


Nurture Marketing

Nurture Marketing

Nurturing clients and prospects you’d like to become clients, is essential for your business’ growth; however, it is often overlooked.

An effective Nurture Marketing campaign begins with exceptional planning to convert your prospects into clients and sell more to the clients you already have.  For of this reason, we’ve created our Nurturing Marketing Solution.

The goal of the nurture campaigns is to:

  1. Create Top-of-Mind-Awareness to your entire database
  2. Convert leads into clients and
  3. To upsell and cross sell to your clients

That being said, there are 5 types of nurture campaign that should be created:

  1. Annual Nurture Campaign – the objective of this campaign is to create continued awareness and foster a relationship utilizing non-sales based email and/or print mediums.  DBM will provide a nurture campaign that:
    • Includes 30 non-sales emails
    • Automatically disseminate emails from the CRM
    • Includes the design of 3 customized postcards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and a Holiday Season (where applicable)
    • GOAL: Create Top-of-Mind-Awareness (TOMA)
    • INVESTMENT – $450 one-time 
  2. Existing Client Nurture Campaign – The objective of this campaign is to upsell Customer’s existing clients into purchasing more products/services.  DBM will provide XXXX nurture campaign(s) that:
    • Contains 12 follow-up emails to be delivered monthly – 1 / month
      Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the clients have purchased, and identify the appropriate upsell products/services
    • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
    • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
    • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Sell more of your products & services
    • INVESTMENT – $450 one-time
  3. New Client Nurture Campaign – – The objective of this campaign is to assist Customer’s new clients in getting the most out of their recently purchased product/service.  DBM will provide XXXX nurture campaign(s) that:
    • Contains 5 follow-up emails to be delivered in the first 8 days
    • Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the new clients purchased
    • Work with Customer to identify key information or action items
      Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Solidify relationship and answer “What’s next?”
    • INVESTMENT – $300 one-time
  4. New Lead Nurture Campaign – New Lead Nurture Campaign – The objective of this campaign is to convert Customer’s new leads into new clients.  DBM understands that new leads are extremely important, and following up with the leads needs to happen immediately and automatically.  DBM will provide a nurture campaign that:
    • Contains 16 follow-up emails: 5 emails in the first 8 days then 1 email per month after
    • Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the new leads are interested in
    • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
    • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
    • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Showcase expertise & Convert to a sale
    • INVESTMENT – $300 one-time 
  5. eMail Marketing Campaign – The objective of this nurture campaign is to cause the recipient to take action.  This campaign can be used to: reactivate clients, promote an event, new product launch, and many more. DBM will provide a campaign that:
  • Create 5 emails
  • Work with Customer to identify the specific product, service or event to be marketed
  • Work with Customer to identify key information and action items
  • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
  • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
  • INVESTMENT – $350 one-time

Each has a different message that you’ll need to convey to them. Ultimately, you need to have all 5 running at the same time, plus, you should be on top of your list wrangling. In other words, move leads and clients to their appropriate database for marketing purposes.

DBM Duties:

  • Write a 100% customized Nurture Campaign
    • Create attention-grabbing Headlines
    • Construct Body Copy
    • Create effective Bullet Points (where applicable)
    • Develop appropriate Call-to-Actions for the campaign
    • Construct Hard Offer (where applicable)
  • Research internal upsells and cross-sells from products and/or services you offer
  • Schedule content for delivery from your technological system
  • Design 3 customized postcards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Holiday Season (where applicable)
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign

Contact your DBM Marketing Consultant for package pricing.

Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost. ~Forrester Research


  • Creating the entire Nurture Marketing Campaign for your client-types
  • Installation and configuration of the nurture campaign in your system
  • Analysis of your systems for proper integration
  • List / database wrangling – to keep your leads and prospects in the correct area(s)


How long does it take to implement the Nurture Process & Workflow Solution?

A DBM Marketing Consultant can answer to that question much better once you have an initial conversation.

Who sends out the campaign from our systems?

It totally depends on how you want to work with DBM. We have several clients who like to do it themselves, and we have many other in which we do it for them. We have the capability to manage the entire process if you desire.

Does a Nurture campaign include using offline / traditional media?

In some industries, it is essential to use both, online and offline marketing materials, to facilitate a solid nurture campaign. Some other industries can get by with using just one. This will be one of the items discussed in the initial meeting for your campaign.

Example Campaign