
Is Social Media a Good Traffic Source? – Traffic Generation Blab Replay

There are many companies that are tying up a significant amount of their marketing budget into social media marketing.

Is this a good thing?

Well, we’ve found that you can lose your shirt if you’re not intentional about your marketing.

On the flip side, if you have your ducks in a row, you can rake in leads and sales.

BUT, you have to have certain components in order to maximize your marketing efforts. In example:

  • A carefully selected target market.
  • Something desirable from the prospect looking at the ad
  • Your website with an irresistible lead magnet and web form to capture names and emails at the very least.
  • A true CRM in order to store the leads once they convert.
  • An automated nurture campaign to disseminate emails automatically

These few items, at the very least, will point your campaign in the right direction.

There’s more to be told so watch the video as Andrew, Dustin, and I talk about social media and its ability to be a good traffic source.


Reserve your spot for our upcoming webinar on 5/26/2016 entitled “Best Traffic / Lead Generation Techniques for Your Business”

As A Marketing Manager Are you Looking For A New Strategy To Add To Your Marketing Process?

Are you the marketing manager of a small business and you’re looking to update your marketing process with strategies that are somewhat newer to the marketing world? If so, you may want to consider using social media in your marketing process. A social media account for your business can open up a world of possibilities; the only catch is that you need to ensure, as a marketing manager, that you’re using your social media account the right way.

So, as a marketing manager, what do you need to know about successfully running a social media marketing campaign? First of all, you need to update your status (if you’re using Facebook) or your content, on a daily basis and at different times during the day. Say one of your followers only goes views their social media account in the afternoon; if you update your content in the morning, they could miss seeing it, so it’s important as a marketing manager to mix it up a little bit every day. You also want to ensure that you’re posting content that will get the attention of your followers. Again, if you’re using Facebook, your success is dependent upon how many people like, comment on or share your posts; don’t be afraid to put a little personality into your content. Lastly, it’s also important as a marketing manager to ensure that you’re interacting with your followers on their social media pages. This can be a very important key because it can build and strengthen that relationship between you and your social media followers. Once this relationship is strong, it’s highly likely they’ll recommend your business, products and services to their friends and family.

Adding social media to your marketing process can be very beneficial for your small business. As a marketing manager, it’s critical that you follow these simple tips to get the best results possible and ensure the success of your social media campaign.

Social Media Web Solutions From DBM Can Reignite Your Marketing Process

Have you been searching for a web solution that will help improve your online presence and build a more personal relationship with your customers? If so, social media marketing can do this for you. Many small business owners are hesitant to use social media marketing as a web solution for there business, but there’s really no need to be. Graphically illustrated messages’ engaging and interactive nature is one of the main reasons. While it is important to manage your campaign on a daily basis, if you do choose to add it as a web solution to your marketing process, there is help out there for you.

Direct Business Marketing offers a social media marketing service so that you don’t have to worry about managing your account all on your own but can still take advantage of the benefits it has to offer as web solution. When you choose to work with DBM and implement social media marketing into your marketing process, the only involvement required of you as a business owner is at the very beginning. After you’ve given your list of email contacts and your logo or graphic to DBM, they take care of the rest. They’ll manage your social media account(s) for you on a daily basis to ensure that you’re building the personal relationships with consumers that you desire. By posting relevant and attention grabbing content and interacting with your followers on your social media page, DBM provides you with a web solution that has the potential to do amazing things for the growth and prosperity of your business.

If you’d like to learn more about taking advantage of DBM’s social media web solutions and how they can help reinvigorate your marketing process, contact one of their experienced and knowledgeable marketing professionals today or check out their website at for more information.

Tips And Suggestions To Maximize Your Video SEO Campaign

If you’re thinking about starting to add video SEO into your marketing process, there are few tips and suggestions that we’d like to share with you in order to help you make the most of your video SEO campaign. Before we get started, though, we’d like to tell you that if you’ve thought about using video SEO but don’t want to post a video of yourself on the internet, there are other ways to use video SEO in your marketing process. Search engines typically also consider animated graphics, PowerPoint slides, among other things, as video content as well. Not to mention, if you are using tools like rank tracker to keep track of your website’s performance, it will reflect on the performance of your videos as well. Which means, adding videos to your new or already existing site, can enhance the performance of your site.

The first suggestion that we’d like to offer you is to keep your video short and sweet; try to get to the point with what you’re talking about and keep your videos to only a few minutes long. You’d hate to waste your time on a video just to have consumers tune out after the first couple of minutes. Secondly, use keywords in the title and description of the video because search engines can’t tell what the actual content of your video is. Because of this, it can also be beneficial to upload the same video in various places with different titles. This ensures that you don’t miss any keywords that consumers may be typing in to search engines. With video SEO we also recommend that you include the video in your sitemap. This lets the search engines know that you have video on your website and allows them to index those specific pages. Lastly, if you use social media marketing, once you’ve uploaded your video, post a link to it on your social media account to connect with those consumers as well.

If you implement video SEO into your marketing process, it can quickly move your website to the top of a search engine’s results list. It’s a great way to generate more traffic to your website and secure new customers; take advantage of this easy marketing strategy today to get the search engine results and website traffic that you desire.

Determine What Type Of Customer You’re Targeting When Choosing Your Marketing Mix

Have you recently review the marketing process of your business and determined that you need a new marketing mix of strategies and mediums? When considering what type of marketing mix may work best for your business, you should first look at what types of clients you already have and what types you are trying to reach out to.

If you are targeting a specific neighborhood with your business, or would like people to actually have a physical document in their hand, you should really add an offline marketing process into your marketing mix. There are many different offline marketing options, such as postcards, door hangers and flyers, all of which can be successful and promote your business’s brand, products and services.

If you want to target a younger generation of consumers, you might consider adding social media marketing or mobile optimization into your marketing mix. It’s estimated that over 70% of all young adults use social media to connect with friends and businesses online and that two-thirds own a smart phone and use it to access the internet. This number is only expected to grow as social media outlets continue to become more popular. With this being said, you can see that social media marketing and mobile optimization are two very good ways to reach out and connect with millions of people belonging to a younger generation.

No matter what type of marketing avenues you decide on for your small business, it’s always best to evaluate what types of existing customers you have and what type you would like to target. When you do this at the beginning of planning your marketing process, it can make deciding which strategies to add into your marketing mix a whole lot easier. When you choose a marketing mix that has a variety of different strategies, it can help grow your business and customer base even more than you’d ever imagine.

Direct Business Marketing Can Help Your Marketing Process By Providing You With A Variety Of Web Solutions

Do you need to review the current marketing processes of your small business to see what types of web solutions may better help you generate traffic, leads and sales? If this is the case, you should know that Direct Business Marketing is here to help you not only reevaluate your marketing processes and provide you with suggestions on how to improve them, but they also can provide you with a variety of web solutions as well.

Direct Business Marketing is an experienced marketing firm that specializes in helping small and medium sized businesses meet their marketing goals by providing them technologically advanced web solutions and sound marketing advice. Whether you need an update to your website because you’re not getting the traffic you desire or you want to embark on a completely new marketing strategy, such as social media marketing, Direct Business Marketing is here to help you with that.

Every time Direct Business Marketing reviews a marketing process or launches a marketing campaign with a client, they apply a set of marketing truths to it to ensure results and success. These marketing truths are essentially nine proven items that found to help improve a business’s marketing campaign and process; when partnered together with one of their web solutions, you’re equipped with a marketing process and campaign that will be unrivaled by other businesses in your industry.

For further information on the web solutions that Direct Business Marketing has to offer you, or to learn more about their marketing truths and how they can improve your marketing process, check out to download their marketing assessment quesitionnaire, view any of their web solution videos or take part in their live webinar marketing series.

Social Media Marketing Can Energize Your Entire Marketing Process

If you are on the fence as to whether or not you should add social media marketing to your marketing process, we’re here to tell you that the benefits of a social media marketing campaign could potentially be one of the most powerful marketing strategies you utilize for your business. When you use social media marketing it provides you with the chance to put valuable information into your customer’s lives on a daily basis. When you do this, you can leverage that information to gain more customers through having your current followers like or comment on your content. You can also connect with your customers and followers on a more personal level, learn what they like to do and gain some insight as to how to appeal to them more as a small business. Again, the success of your social media marketing campaign is measured by the number of likes and comments received, how often your content is shared with others and how often your brand is mentioned.

If this sounds like a lot to take on for your business, Direct Business Marketing is here to help you update your marketing processes, plan and implement a social media marketing campaign. The best news is that when you let us help you with your social media marketing campaign, the only thing you need to provide us with is a list of current email customers, your logo, sales and specials; we take care of the rest. Our marketing experts are responsible for setting up your account, updating your content on a daily basis and commenting on pages and profiles of your friends. When we make it this simple for you and your business you’d be wrong to not use social media marketing.

Direct Business Marketing has the tools and knowledge that you want and need in your marketing processes and your social media marketing campaign. Contact us today or check out our website at for further information on how social media marketing can ignite your business’s entire marketing campaign.

Launching A Social Media Marketing Campaign? Use Facebook To Get Started

If you’ve considered revamping your marketing process by delving into the world of social media marketing, most small business owners launch their social media marketing campaign on Facebook simply because it has a few advantages over Twitter and Google+. First of all, Facebook is the most widely used social media site in the world with over one billion users; that’s almost 10 times more followers than Twitter has alone. Facebook profiles are also more detailed than Twitter and allow a user to share more information with the public. On Facebook, not only can you update your status, but you can also post photos, videos and have more content than you can on Twitter. One nice thing about a social media marketing campaign on both Facebook and Twitter is that you can back link your business’s Twitter page to Facebook.

A good youtube marketing company or social media marketing campaign on any social media site can be very beneficial to your business if you know what you’re doing. On Facebook, for example, marketing experts suggest that you have a profile and cover photo that accurately promotes your business, brand and product. You want to show your business’s logo or an image that your followers are going to remember. Create a distinctive brand identity with’s exceptional roofer logo designs. When you update your status or post content, make sure that it’s relevant and will grab the attention of your fellow Facebook friends. The success of your social media marketing campaign is measured by the number of ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ that you get on your content, so don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve and let your personality show. Lastly, make sure you are interacting with your customers and friends by also ‘commenting on’ or ‘liking’ their status updates and content posts. By doing this you’ll strengthen your owner-customer relationship.

Using social media marketing as part of your business’s marketing process can be a smart move if you are trying to stay current with the times and want to generate some customers, just ensure that before you get started you know what you’re doing to ensure the success of your campaign.

Need Help Handling Your Social Media Marketing Campaign? DBM Is Here For You!

Are you looking for someone to help you manage your social media marketing campaign because you just don’t have the time or knowledge to successfully handle it? If this is the case for you, please contact Direct Business Marketing today. Direct Business Marketing is an experienced marketing firm that specializes in a variety of different marketing solutions for small businesses and social media marketing just happens to be one of their fortes.

If you’ve included social media marketing as part of your marketing process it’s one of the best steps you could have taken to improve that marketing process and working with Direct Business Marketing is an even better step. With DBM’s social media marketing services, you have the option of marketing your business on three of the most popular social media sites, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Many small business owners start their social media marketing campaign on Facebook and once they see just how helpful it is to their marketing process, they move on to the next social media site.

DBM offers a few different social media marketing packages and with each package you’re offered the following: an initial meeting to go over your marketing process and goals for your social media account, daily posting of relevant content by an experienced marketing expert, a monthly report showing statistics of your social media marketing campaign and commenting on pages and profiles of followers. Of course, these are the services that are included with all social media marketing packages; there are additional services included in each package to fit the needs of your business. What other marketing firm provides services such as these all while helping you improve your marketing process?

Working with DBM on your social media marketing campaign is the way to go if you want to generate grow your customer base, promote your brand and showcase your products and services. If you need help with implemented social media marketing into your marketing process, contact Direct Business Marketing today because they’re ready to help you.

Social Media Marketing Can Be Great For Your Marketing Process When You Use It Correctly

Have you thought about attempting some new marketing strategies in order to help your marketing processes be more successful? If so, there’s a new marketing trend that many small business owners are taking advantage of and that’s social media marketing. Social media marketing is pretty self-explanatory; many small business owners find themselves using Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to create an account for marketing their business. If you use social media marketing correctly, it can do wondrous things for your business. Facebook, for example, has over 1 billion active users as of 2012 and Twitter has over 100 million; think about the number of consumers you could market to if you were to create a Facebook or Twitter account.

So, how do you go about implementing social media marketing into your marketing process and how do you correctly use it? One experienced marketing firm, Direct Business Marketing, provides tips and suggestions on a weekly basis to small business owners to help them with situations such as this. With regards to social media marketing as part of your marketing process, DBM always encourages that you have current, relevant content. Your social media friends want to see information that’s going to grab their attention and content that they can share with other friends, so don’t be afraid to let your personality show when posting content to your site, but remember that you need to update on a daily basis to ensure that your business and products are always out there for your followers to see. It’s also important to interact with your followers, like or comment on the content that they are posting and really build that personal relationship with them. When you do this, it builds on their sense of trust and they feel as if they know you better; consumers want to buy from people that they know, like and trust.

If you are at all interested in using social media marketing in your marketing process, make sure you do things the right way and give Direct Business Marketing a call for additional help or information.

Do I Need A Marketing Manager For My Social Media Campaign?

Are you considering a social media marketing campaign but aren’t really sure how to navigate those waters and you’d like some help from a marketing manager? Do you want to use a social media marketing campaign to help you meet your marketing objectives as well? If either of these situations applies to you, you should know that when you use a marketing manager from Direct Business Marketing, they can help you with your marketing objectives as well as managing your social media account.

Direct Business Marketing provides marketing manager services for social media accounts so that you, as a small business owner, can have the advantage of promoting their brand via social media while not having to worry about managing their own account. An experienced marketing manager will update your social media account on a regular basis with fresh, captivating content that will get the attention of your many followers. On Facebook, for example, the goal for your small business is to get your page’s content “liked” or “commented on”. When one of your followers takes these actions, their friends see it and in turn have the opportunity to see your page, your brand and your products.

As your marketing manager for your social media account, DBM will collaborate with you to create and develop future campaigns. They will generate photos, images, or even apply AI cartoonizer effects to turn your photos into engaging cartoons, enhancing your visual content. Using the photo to cartoon transformation, they can create unique and eye-catching visuals. DBM will post relevant content to your social media pages five days a week and provide you with monthly reports showcasing the progress and success of your campaign, ensuring you’re always informed.

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A social media account can do tremendous things for your business if you know how to use it the right way; a marketing manager from DBM can ensure that this is done. Contact one of our experienced marketing managers at Direct Business Marketing to get your social media marketing campaign launched today.

Are You Looking For A Marketing Campaign That Is Technologically Advanced?

Do your marketing objectives, or your marketing campaign, need a fresh new start or just an update to help you be more technologically with the times? If this applies to your small business, there are a few different options out there for you to appeal to a variety of consumers on different marketing avenues.

One of the first techniques you can employ for your marketing campaign is mobile optimization of your website. When you use mobile optimization, you essentially have a website that is user-friendly to any type of mobile device, such as a smart phone or tablet. Mobile optimization can help you reach out to a variety of consumers that you may never have had the opportunity to come across before as many people these days mainly use their smart phone or mobile device to access the internet.

Another option to help you reach out to a wide range of consumers and get your product out there is to use a social media marketing campaign. When you use social media marketing, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+, it allows you to create a following of customers and to connect with them on a more personal level as well as on a daily basis. There are over a billion active users that are currently on Facebook, so the number of people that you can reach out to is astronomical.

If either of these marketing strategies appeals to you with regards to your marketing campaign you should contact Direct Business Marketing for more information on how to get started. DBM can go over your marketing objectives and your existing marketing campaign with you and help you determine which strategies will help meet the needs and goals of your business. They’ll apply their proven successful marketing truths to any marketing campaign that they undertake with you to ensure that your business’s marketing needs are being met.