
FAQs Of Direct Business Marketing’s PPC Campaign Services

If you’ve considered working with Direct Business Marketing on a PPC campaign for your business, you may have a few questions regarding their services and what a PPC campaign can do your for. We like to tell you, though, that using a PPC campaign as part of your marketing process can have tremendous results for your business; typically results are seen within a week or so.

One of the most frequently asked questions that we often get here at DBM is whether or not a PPC campaign works. The answer is, yes, it does when it’s managed the right way and on a regular basis. That’s why we always encourage you work with a marketing professional, such as DBM, to make the most of your PPC campaign.

We also get asked what kind of results we can expect to see. While this questions isn’t as easy to answer, we can tell you that your results depend many different factors, such as what type of market you’re in and search trends. Again, however, that’s why it’s best to leave the management of your PPC campaign up to an experienced and dedicated marketing firm.

Lastly, customers often want to know how our results are tracked on a PPC campaign. Here at Direct Business Marketing, we have our own set of algorithms that we use to track the successfulness of your PPC campaign. On a monthly basis, we’ll communicate with you via email letting you know just how well your PPC campaign is going. If there are adjustments that need to be made, we’ll do those for you.

Even if DBM didn’t create your existing website, we can help you launch your PPC campaign and update your landing page to ensure that you get the best results possible. Using PPC as part of your marketing process can help you get the results you desire, so please contact an experienced marketing professional at Direct Business Marketing today.

Two Different Models Of PPC; Which One Is Best For Your Business?

If you’re considering using these PPC campaigns in your marketing process, or you want to learn how to PPC, before you get started you should know that there are two different models available for you to use. When considering which type of model to use, it’s important to think about what types of customers you want driven to your site and what the advantages of having them come to your site are.

The first type of PPC model you could potentially use in your marketing process is a flat rate model. With the flat rate model, you work with the website that will host your advertisement to determine a fixed amount that you’ll pay them each time your ad is clicked on. The other type of PPC model is bid-based and can be a little more complicated. If you choose to do a bid-bad PPC campaign in your marketing process, you essentially are competing against other companies for an advertising spot on the hosting website. With a bid-based PPC campaign, it plays out somewhat like an auction. You let the hosting website know how much you’re willing to pay for each advertising spot and when a consumer types in a keyword or phrase, it triggers the competition for that spot. With bid-based PPC, you again pay the hosting website each time your ad is clicked on; instead of being a predetermined amount, however, you pay the hosting website the amount you were willing to pay before the ‘auction’. Get to know how much a server cost to host your website.

When you use a PPC campaign in your marketing process, you will generally see results within the first week or two. If you’re willing to pay a small amount of money to get your ad placed within a search engine’s results list, than a PPC campaign can be very lucrative for your business. If you’d like more information on how to PPC, or how to effectively implement it into your marketing process, contact a marketing professional at Direct Business Marketing today.

Are You Interesting In Paying To Get Into Search Results? Try A PPC Campaign

If you’re looking for help in updating your marketing process and you don’t mind paying money to get results, you can always choose to learn how to do a PPC campaign. A PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, campaign essentially means that you are paying a website, such as Google or Yahoo!, to put your website into their search engines. When you learn how to PPC, we suggest that you work with an experienced and knowledgeable marketing firm like Direct Business Marketing to ensure that your PPC campaign is done correctly and it’s as lucrative as possible.

If you should choose to work with DBM, they’ll set up an initial meeting to go over your marketing process and the ad that you would like to have placed within the hosting website. You’ll also work together to determine which keywords you want to use. After that, Direct Business Marketing takes care of the rest; they’ll check the performance of your keyword and bid amounts to make sure that you’re getting the best results possible from your PPC campaign. If there needs to be a few changes made, they’ll consult with you and make those changes.

When you use a PPC campaign as part of your marketing process you are billed by your hosting website each time your ad is clicked on, which is known as bid-based PPC. If you’d like more information about a bid-based PPC campaign, Direct Business Marketing can provide you with everything you need to know. When managed the right way, a PPC campaign can be a very good strategy to use in your business’s marketing processing. It has the ability to generate a lot of traffic to your website and grow your customer base. Results are typically seen with a week or two, so the sooner you start using PPC in your marketing process, the sooner you can start seeing what great results it has to offer you.

A Well-Managed PPC Campaign Can Help You Meet Your Marketing Objectives

Right now we’d like to go over some of the frequently asked questions that we get at Direct Business Marketing (DBM) with regards to our Pay-Per-Click services and how to use PPC. First we’d like to tell you that a PPC campaign can be a great way to get your website in search results and generate traffic and leads that you may be looking for. It’s also important to remember that a PPC campaign can help you meet some of your business’s marketing objectives and be very effective when managed correctly by a marketing firm such as DBM.

If you choose to do a PPC campaign for your business, it is first key to understand that the results you receive are dependent upon many different factors, some which are out of yours and DBM’s control. You can, however, expect to start seeing results from your PPC campaign within about a week of launching it. We track the results through one of our algorithms and keep you updated on the success of your PPC campaign in our monthly reporting emails that we send to all of our customers.

If you’ve done a PPC campaign before and it wasn’t successful, it’s more than likely due to the fact that marketing and PPC best practices weren’t followed. Direct Business Marketing can help you avoid doing this and ensure that all marketing and PPC best practices are followed at all times to ensure the success of your campaign. Even if your website wasn’t created by Direct Business Marketing we can still look over your existing website and provide you with any updates needed to have a successful PPC campaign. At Direct Business Marketing we want you to meet all of your business’s marketing objectives and we’re here to help you do that through a well-managed PPC campaign.

Let Direct Business Marketing Handle Your PPC Campaign To Generate The Best Results

Direct Business Marketing (DBM) can help you generate more traffic to your website as well as get your website placed in search engines in you’re willing to pay for it through a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign. A PPC campaign is when you pay an advertising site, typically a search engine such as Google or Yahoo!, to host your ad. You are charged by that advertising sight every time a consumer clicks on your ad. A PPC campaign is a great way to meet some of your business’s marketing objectives and if you let DBM help you get started with it, it can be a great success for your business.

The most important thing that you should know about working with DBM on your PPC campaign is that they handle everything for you. A PPC campaign is most successful when it’s managed and analyzed on a daily basis. Because many small business owners don’t have the time or experience to do this, DBM takes care of the daily management aspects for you. We also keep track of the ROI for each PPC campaign that we do for you and keep you updated with results on a monthly basis. When managed correctly, a PPC campaign can be very lucrative for your business, but, again, it’s all in who you let manage it on a daily basis. At Direct Business Marketing we use our own specific algorithms to check the performance of your keywords and bid amounts to make sure that your PPC campaign is generating the best possible results.

If you want your PPC campaign to be a success for your business it’s important that you work with a company that knows how to successfully manage and analyze one. Many of your marketing objectives can be checked off as well when you choose to work with Direct Business Marketing to generate traffic to your site through a PPC campaign.

How Do You Use A PPC Campaign To Gain Website Traffic?

If you have a marketing objective of directing traffic to your website and you are willing to pay to get the traffic there you can use a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign to do so. How do you use a Pay-Per-Click campaign? A PPC campaign is when a business owner posts their ad on a different website. When the ad is clicked, the business owner pays the website owner for each click. When a consumer searches for a specific keyword or phrase if it matches one of the keywords in the list on your website, your ad will be displayed. Using a PPC campaign is a good way to get more traffic to your website and generate leads. Typically a business owner pays the website owner per each click they receive on their ad.

Ther are two different types of models for a PPC campaign. The first type allows the business owner to compete against other companies; each business owner will tell the website owner the maximum amount they’re willing to pay to have their ad shown in a particular spot on the website. This is known as a bid-based PPC campaign. There are some sites that offer flat-rate PPC where the business owner and website owner agree on a fixed price that will be paid to the website owner every time the business owner’s ad is clicked; it is possible to pay more per click for better results within a search engine or in an advertising spot.

If you’re willing to pay to get traffic and leads to your website, a PPC campaign is the way to go. If you learn how to successfully run a PPC campaign, not only will the benefits to your business be great but it can help you solve many different marketing objectives within your company.

What Is A PPC Campaign And How Can It Help My Company’s Marketing?

Have you recently looked over Direct Business Marketing’s (DBM) marketing evaluation tool on our website and determined that it’s time for you to pursue another avenue for marketing your business? There’s always the option of embarking on a campaign involving Search Engine Marketing (SEM), meaning you pay money to put your website into search engines. The most popular form of SEM is Pay-Per-Click campaigns (PPC).

How does a PPC work exactly? Well, as previously mentioned, you essentially pay a website, such as Google or Yahoo, to put your website into their search engine. You are billed by whichever site you choose to advertise on whenever a consumer clicks on your ad, banner or link. This also allows you to have the ability to look at the Return on Investment of your PPC campaigns. When you use a PPC campaign for your business with the help of professional google PPC agencies, it can generate a lot of traffic to your website that generally turn into leads.

It’s important to know, however, that a PPC campaign needs to be run by an experienced and knowledgeable company, such as DBM. We use specific algorithms to manage all of your PPC campaigns to check performance of your keywords, among other things, to make sure that your PPC campaigns are doing as well as possible. Using a PPC campaign for your business does require daily adjustments to also ensure the best results possible. Many small business owners don’t have the time, or the knowledge, to manage their own PPC campaign, so that’s where this houston marketing agency comes in. They offer a few different SEM/PPC packages to meet the needs of your business. You can better determine which package is best for you by also checking out their marketing evaluation.

Direct Business Marketing Can Help You With Your Pay-Per-Click Campaign

If you have recently done a marketing evaluation on your company and are considering using a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign, Direct Business Marketing is here to help you with that. First off, what is PPC and how does it work? PPC goes hand in hand with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and basically means that you are paying money to put yourself and your website in a search engine. You are billed per click by whichever search engine you choose to utilize. If you choose to work with Direct Business Marketing on your PPC campaign, they will go over your marketing evaluation with you and help you identify which keywords to use. We then use specific algorithms on a regular basis to track the results and to ensure that these PPC campaigns are working to the best of their abilities. If an adjustment needs to be made to your PPC campaign, Direct Business Marketing will do that for you.

If you’re hesitant to begin using a PPC marketing strategy for your website, don’t hesitant to contact DBM and learn more about the advantages it has to offer your business. Just know that Pay-Per-Click does really work when managed the right way, such as by companies like DBM. When working with Direct Business Marketing on your Pay-Per-Click campaign, you can expect to see results within a week or so. Of course, this does depend on certain factors, like the competitiveness of your market as well as search trends.

The bottom line is this: if you’ve done a marketing evaluation and are looking for a new marketing campaign to undertake, Pay-Per-Click may be the way to go. By working with Direct Business Marketing on your PPC campaign, they will help you ensure the best results possible from this to improve the success of your business.

Removing Negative Keywords From Your PPC Marketing Campaign Can Save You Money

Today, we’re going to talk about a Pay-Per-Click subject that you need to know about if you’re running your own PPC marketing campaign. Of course, if we’re running your PPC marketing campaign for you, we’ll take care of it, but if not, this is something you should know. With your Pay-Per-Click marketing campaign, you want to take a look at negative keywords.

Basically, when you’re matching on keyword phrases and you’re doing a broad match on “short sale”, for example, anyone that types in these two keywords, your ad will show up. There are a lot of examples of phrases that have those two words, but they’re not looking for what you’re selling, for example JCPenneys “short for sale”. It has “short” and “sale” but those people are looking for clothes, so you’d put JCPenney as a negative keyword. Anytime your keyword shows up and JCPenneys, don’t show my ad; these are like stopping keyword phrases.

If you set up your broad matches and log into your account at Google Ad Words, go to keywords and roll over where it says “keyword details” and select the option that says “all”. This will show every keyword that your ad has ever been shown for. If you go through the list for keywords that don’t match what your ad is selling, add them to your negative keywords list. This can save you lots of money because a lot of times it will be someone that was looking for shorts, as opposed to short sales, but still saw your ad and clicked on it. You want to reserve your money for people who are highly interested to what you’re doing. Find those negative keywords and add them to your campaign because it will save you money.

Again, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing. I would like to draw your attention to our Marketing Assessment at; you can download this document and it will help you with your marketing campaigns and strategies for your business.

Real Estate Marketing With A $1500 Monthly Budget

We’re continuing our marketing action plan series discussing your marketing strategies if you have a $1500 budget. If you haven’t checked out the zero dollar budget and $500 budget from earlier webinars, please check those out today.

First of all, if you have already used some of the previous items, you should implement your pay-per-click campaign or expand the campaign that you already have. You can do this by expanding to other networks like Bing and Yahoo. At this level, if you aren’t using PPC, you are missing out on leads.

Another marketing plan to consider with this budget in mind is an old school tactic that works well. Farm an area with printed material. Find an area that you know well or has the right price point and send out a strategic marketing campaign with a letter, postcard and door hanger.

You can also expand your SEO reach with backlinking and boost your organic search results. And the final thing that you can do with this type of monthly budget is expand your video bloggin efforts. We have a product called TNT that can help you with your online marketing campaigns.

Pay-Per-Click: Does it Really Work?

Join Andrew Houglum as he does an in-depth webinar are pay-per-click (PPC) and provides some tips and tricks on how to ensure it works for you.
