
Marketing Campaign to Help Sales Close More Deals – Getting Your Sales Department on Board

In this video, Granison Shines, talks about getting your sales department to buy in on your marketing campaigns. A simple, yet proven, process that he’s used in his corporate days to synergize the departments and to experience more success with marketing campaigns and sales efforts.

The sales department buy-in:

• Set up a meeting with key sales personnel and key marketing personnel
• Identify the product, service, or program for the campaign
• Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
• Outline the marketing strategy according to DBM’s Marketing Process – Generate, Capture, Store and Nurture

Watch the video and then view the case study, and the results, from the marketing campaign. Case study here –

Getting Leads and Sales TOMORROW! – MUST SEE TV

Check out this video full of great nuggets regarding Pay Per Click. If you want sales and leads tomorrow, Pay per click can do that for you. If you don’t like pay per might be crazy. Virtually EVERY business can make money from a pay per click campaign. You should contact DBM right now if you’re not using Pay Per Click. Seriously….you should contact them RIGHT NOW!

Want To Get A Physical Document Into Consumer’s Hands? Add Offline Marketing Into Your Marketing Process

As a marketing manager for a small business have you considered adding offline strategies into your marketing process? Although many marketing processes are internet-based these days, by adding an offline marketing process into your business’s campaign, it can help you get a physical document into consumer’s hands and help your brand get recognized. There are many different types of offline marketing avenues that you can choose to pursue; as a marketing manager, it’s important to know which ones will best fit the needs of both your business and your target market.

Some of the more popular documents that small business marketing managers choose for their marketing campaigns are postcards, a digital business card, flyers and booklets or brochures. These are just a few of the ways to put a physical document into the hands of the public and get them to either check your business out in person, or online if you have a website.

If you need a marketing firm to help you design, produce and print these offline documents, Direct Business Marketing can do that for you. Not only do they offer the previously mentioned offline services, they also can create letterheads, door hangers, envelopes and banners for your business. They have an in-house print shop that will create your documents for you while keeping them aligned with your online marketing processes. You can also check out Los Angeles printing by Platon Graphics, which has become the top choice for reliable and professional printing solutions.

One last thing to keep in mind is that offline documents, such as business cards, booklets, or brochures, can be a good tool to have when meeting with your customers face-to-face; you want to leave a lasting impression on them, and providing them with an amazing booklet design is the way to do that. A well-designed booklet not only showcases your professionalism but also enhances the credibility of your brand.

If you’ve spoken with other marketing managers in your industry, they’ll tell you that DBM is the company to go to for your printing services. We can help you update your marketing processes, reach out to more customers and make your job as a marketing manager much easier with our offline marketing services. Contact Direct Business Marketing today to learn more about how we can provide you with marketing process solutions for your marketing manager duties.

Letting Us Handle Your Marketing Manager Duties Is A Great Solution For Your Business

If you’ve heard anything at all about Direct Business Marketing’s Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) services, you already know that it’s a great solution if you’re interested in outsourcing all of your marketing manager duties. What we’d like to help you determine today is if outsourcing your marketing manager duties by hiring DBM to handle your marketing processes is something that your business could benefit from, and if you have employees using a software like paystub online can be helpful to manage payrolls and even more.

Probably the biggest advantage of letting us be your marketing manager is that we take care of everything for you and make you understand how ucaas can benefit your business. Initially, we’ll sit down with you to see what strategies you already have in place as well as to understand what your target market is. After that, however, everything is up to us. When we’re your marketing manager, we implement, manage and update your marketing processes and campaigns on a regular basis. Having current content on your website, social media site, and everywhere else that you market online is crucial; many small business owners feel as if they don’t have the time for that. With DBM’s marketing manager services, you don’t have to worry about constantly updating your content because we do it for you. We also track the results of your campaigns to ensure their success and make adjustments if necessary. Another benefit to using our marketing manager services is that instead of getting just one trained professional, you get a whole of them. We use the creative resources of our entire marketing team to collaborate on your marketing campaign to generate the traffic, leads and sales that you deserve.

At Direct Business Marketing, we have the same goals in mind for your business that you do. By working with us and taking advantage of our marketing manager services, you can spend your time focusing on other aspects of your business while we take care of the rest.

Have You Tried To Use SEO And Didn’t See Results? Work With DBM And You’ll See The Results You Desire

Have you tried to use SEO and didn’t really see any results? Do you want to learn how to use SEO successfully and implement it into your business’s marketing process? If either of these situations applies to you, Direct Business Marketing has an SEO service to help you and your marketing process.

If you want optimize your website for search engines, it’s first important that you understand the different ways to actually use SEO. The first technique is call on-page SEO and consists of actually placing keywords, video, title tags and relevant content on your website. When a consumer types any of the words or phrases you have on your website into a search engine, your website shows up in the results. The other technique for using SEO is off-page SEO. This technique mainly uses backlinks on such things as press releases or blogs that directs the customer to your website.

One thing that you should know about working with DBM as mentioned and published on Mac J Web is that they will create large amounts of SEO items for your website, and show you how to use them correctly in order to get the best results. The strategies and techniques that we use are white hat, meaning they follow all of the terms and conditions outlined by the search engines. This ensures that your website won’t get banned or blocked, eliminating the purpose of learning how to SEO altogether.

We have a variety of different SEO packages to fit the needs of your business; it typically takes about a month to see the results from your SEO campaign, so it’s important to be patient. You will see results as long as you stick to the SEO practices that we’ve taught you about. For more information on how DBM can help you increase traffic to your website and improve your business’s visibility, contact Direct Business Marketing today to learn how to successfully use SEO as part of your marketing process. Marketing is a crucial part of any company and growth can only be determined by your reach and, you will be able to understand the right way to target your customers and market.

Are You A Marketing Manager Looking To Implement A Website Into Your Marketing Process?

Are you a small business owner or marketing manager for a small business that’s looking to launch your online presence with a website? A website can do a number of things for your small business, such as help you reach customers around the world to market your products and services. It’s a very good strategy to implement into your marketing process to help grow your business. If you’re seeking guidance from business experts, don’t hesitate to tap into valuable resources available to you.

As a marketing manager, the important thing when creating your website is to encourage consumers to take a certain action, such as purchase a product or sign up for a newsletter. Direct Business Marketing can help you with this by helping you plan and develop a website that will get consumers to take that action and keep them coming back. We’ll build it with sound SEO techniques and provide you the capability to update the content of your website on a regular basis as well as add any video, text or images that you desire. One thing you won’t have to worry about as a marketing manager is manually tracking the results. We build in real-time reporting capabilities so you are always up-to-date on how your website is performing. As the marketing manager for your business, we constantly work with you to make sure that your business’s goals are being met.

Not only will we help you implement your website into your marketing process, we’ll also offer you our Marketing Truths to help you keep your campaign as successful as possible as well as weekly webinars discussing various aspects of marketing. Other marketing managers and their small businesses have really benefitted from our Marketing Truths and our weekly webinars and we’d like to encourage you to do the same. For further information on how working with DBM on your building your business’s website can make your marketing manager duties much easy, explore our website at

Our Variety Of Services Can Make Your Job As A Marketing Manager Easier

If you’re the marketing manager for a small or medium sized business, we’d like to tell you about some of the services that we have to provide you at Direct Business Marketing to help you streamline your marketing process and energize your business’s marketing campaign. Being a marketing manager is, at times, no easy task. Competition is fierce these days, especially among small businesses; that’s why DBM is here to help you. We want to make your job as a marketing manager as stress-free as possible with our technologically advanced services and reporting capabilities.

One of the services that we provide to help you generate traffic to your website is Search Engine Optimization. By using SEO, such as keywords, title tags, relevant content and video content, on your website it can improve the rankings that your website gets in search engines and improves your visibility. The SEO techniques that we employ are white hat, meaning they follow the guidelines outlined by search engines; we strive to get the best results possible for your marketing process.

Another service that we can add to your website is mobile optimization. When we mobile optimize your website, it caters to those consumers using a mobile device to view your page. With some marketing firms, you have to have two different websites, but not with DBM. We build a special code into your URL that automatically detects what kind of device the consumer is using and sends them to the correct website. If you’re thinking about this option, it’s important as a marketing manager that you know that over half of all local searches begin on a mobile device of some type. Wouldn’t this be a great way to energize your marketing campaign and reach out to new customers?

At DBM we’re here to help you all marketing managers by providing them with sound marketing processes to help them grow their businesses. Please contact us today for further information on how we can help make your job as a marketing manager easier.

Starting A New Business? DBM Can Provide You With A Marketing Manager To Get Off On The Right Foot

Are you starting a new business and you’re not sure what types of strategies you should implement into your marketing process to get a good start? If you fall into this category, be reassured that there is a marketing firm waiting to help you and that’s Direct Business Marketing. If you’re unsure of what services are available to you and what avenues might be best for the longevity of your business, you can always consult with one of the experienced marketing managers at DBM. They’ll tell you what services we have to offer your marketing process as well as walk you through our marketing assessment to help you determine which strategies are the best for your business and customer type.

One of the services that you may be interested with DBM is our Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) services, especially if you’ve just started out and want to focus on growing your business. When you use our CMO services, DBM basically provides you with your own marketing manager for your business and marketing campaign. The only involvement that you really need to have in our marketing manager services is at the beginning when we plan and strategize what’s best for your business. After that, our marketing managers will implement the campaigns that you have previously discussed and touch base with you on a regular basis so you always know how well your marketing campaigns are going.

Getting all the help that you need is important when you’re starting a new business and Direct Business Marketing wants to make sure that you get off on the right foot. By using our marketing managers to help you out, it provides you with a solid marketing campaign to get your brand awareness out there, yet you still have the time to focus on other things, like growing your business. If you would like more information on getting a successful start to your business and letting DBM’s marketing managers help you with that, please contact us today or explore our website for more information.

DBM’s Two Phase Approach To Building You Sound Marketing Manager Services

If you’re thinking about contacting Direct Business Marketing to inquire about their marketing manager services, we think that’s a great idea for a number of different reasons. When you outsource your marketing manager duties and rely on DBM to build a sound marketing process, it frees up your time and energy to focus on growing your business. Today we’d like to go over part of the implementation process that Direct Business Marketing uses with their marketing manager services so you know what to expect when contacting them.

Direct Business Marketing uses a two phase approach when implementing their marketing manager services into your business’s marketing process. The first phase can be broken down into two different sections. First, we will work with you to go over your existing marketing strategies and the success, or lack thereof, that they’ve brought to your business. DBM will build on any successful marketing campaign that you already have in place because if something isn’t broken, why fix it? They also don’t want to waste the time, energy or money that you’ve already put into these campaigns. Next, they’ll discuss your target customer base and create a marketing campaign that best fits the needs of that customer base; they’ll also create tracking mechanisms that coincide with these campaigns so that you’ll always know what type of results our marketing manager services are bringing you.

The second phase is all about deploying and managing your new marketing campaign. We’ll monitor your processes on a daily basis to ensure that things are running smoothly and we’re getting the results that we anticipated. If things aren’t what we expect them to be, we’ll make adjustments to any marketing process necessary.

Outsourcing your marketing manager duties is a very smart move for your small business and when you work with DBM, you’ll get an entire team of experienced and dedicated marketing professionals to help you generate more leads and sales to grow your business.

Looking To Offer More Payment Options? As A Marketing Manager You Should Choose eCommerce With DBM

While there are many payment options coming up such as Venmo for fundraising, is the small business you work for as a marketing manager looking to improve its online presence by providing customers with more payment options via its website? If it is and you’re interested in a little help with your marketing manager duties by adding something such as this to your marketing process, you should look into an eCommerce package with Direct Business Marketing. Gone are the days when your customers had to phone in their orders or come directly to your store to purchase your products; with DBM’s eCommerce services, it allows your business the capability to accept credit cards as payment via your website. If you are looking for online payment solutions, then you may consider visiting sites like to learn more.

As a marketing manager, we understand that you have many goals and objectives that you try to meet through your marketing process and with eCommerce through DBM we can help you do that by providing your customers ease and accessibility in their online transactions with you. DBM’s eCommerce services use safe and secure payment processing so your customers never have to worry about their personal information being stolen. We also build you an SEO friendly website to generate more traffic and the best search results possible; again, helping you meet more of the objectives you have as a marketing manager.

For businesses seeking even greater convenience in their online transactions, you can go a step further by integrating Amazon Pay as part of your comprehensive service offerings. Embracing the trend of amazon pay stores enables your business to cater to customers who prefer the familiarity and security of using Amazon Pay for their purchases. This not only expands your customer base but also aligns your business with a widely recognized and trusted payment platform, reinforcing the commitment to ease and accessibility that defines the eCommerce experience.

Using eCommerce in your marketing process can be a very beneficial thing for your business and it helps you to reach out to consumers around the world. If you have more questions regarding how DBM can assist you with your marketing manager duties by helping you implementing an eCommerce campaign into your business strategy, please contact one of our experienced marketing professionals today. You can also feel free to check out our website at There’s an abundance of marketing tips and suggestions waiting for you there to help you be the best marketing manager you can possibly be and help you run the most successful marketing campaign possible.

Utilizing eCommerce in your marketing strategy can be highly advantageous for your business, allowing you to connect with a global audience. And when it comes to enhancing your marketing manager duties by seamlessly integrating an eCommerce campaign into your business strategy, Gordeon is your trusted partner. Our experienced marketing professionals can assist you every step of the way. For more information on how Gordeon Fintech can elevate your marketing efforts, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today.

In this revised version, the text smoothly transitions from discussing the benefits of eCommerce to introducing Gordeon’s role in supporting marketing efforts, and it directs the reader to Gordeon’s website for additional resources and assistance.

Explore Direct Business Marketing’s Website If You’re A Marketing Manager Looking To Launch A Web Campaign

As a marketing manager do you feel like your business’s marketing processes should include an online marketing campaign to keep up with others in your industry? Having a website for your business, or any other type of online marketing campaign, can be very beneficial for a small business because it helps you reach out to customers you may not have the ability to reach locally.

If you’d like to have an online presence, as a marketing manager it’s best for you to determine which types of avenues are best for your business. There are many online marketing processes to choose from, such as a website or social media account, and it’s up to you to figure that out. Fortunately, there’s a tool offered by Direct Business Marketing that can help you do this. If you visit, you can download their free marketing assessment tool. This tool is essentially a checklist that can help you determine which online marketing mediums you want to pursue as a marketing manager. It’s based on your business type, your industry and what kind of customers you’d like to target. Many marketing managers of small businesses have utilized this tool to help them improve the marketing processes of their employer and you can, too.

Once you’d downloaded the marketing assessment and determined which marketing processes you’d like to implement, check out the video archives also available to you on DBMs website; through a number of different videos you can learn more about launching a successful online marketing campaign that will provide many benefits to your business. You can also find out more information about their proven Marketing Truths. When applied to any marketing campaign, DBM’s nine Marketing Truths have proven to be successful and bring in the results that are desired.

Again, we’d like to highly encourage you to check out Direct Business Marketing’s website at for a wealth of information on how to have a profitable online marketing campaign; as a marketing manager of a small business, you’d be crazy not to.

Interested In Outsourcing Your Marketing Manager Duties? Try DBM’s CMO Services To Improve Your Marketing Process

Have you tried to revitalize your marketing process and it’s just not working? Maybe because of this you are interested in outsourcing all of your marketing manager duties to an experienced and knowledgeable marketing firm? If so, we have great news for you: Direct Business Marketing is here to help you.

Direct Business Marketing provides a marketing service known as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) services for those small business managers that are tired of trying to make a go of it themselves and just want someone to take over their marketing manager duties. If this sounds like something you are interested in, we’d like to tell you more.

If you let DBM work as your very own marketing manager, they will work with you on strategic planning, consulting and deployment of your new-and-improved marketing processes and campaign. From there, they will take care of everything else. With DBM’s Chief Marketing Officer services, it’s as if you’ve hired your own marketing manager through DBM. They provide experienced, knowledgeable marketing consultants for all of your marketing manager duties, so you’ll work with someone that knows exactly what’s best for your business and customer type.

If you are worried about your business’s goals getting lost in the mix, don’t be. The goals that DBM’s marketing managers have in mind for your business will be aligned with yours; you’ll work together to ensure that leads and sales are generated and that every aspect of your marketing process is as successful as possible.

If you would like to find out more information about outsourcing your marketing manager duties with Direct Business Marketing’s Chief Marketing Officer services, please contact one of their experienced marketing professionals today or check out their website at Together you can build a marketing campaign that meets your goals and expectations; don’t delay, contact them today.


Webinar for Mortgage Businesses


On Demand Webinar – Watch Instantly

How to Generate, Capture & Convert High-Quality Leads For Your Mortgage Business


Join Chief Marketing Officer Granison Shines as he explains the marketing process his company uses to generate consistent high-quality leads for other mortgage businesses.

During this webinar, Granison is going to show you how their system takes your initial consultation process and utilizes it to consult, qualify, and convert website traffic into high-quality leads. Plus, how you can successfully integrate their marketing process, Generate, Capture, Store, and Nurture™ to launch successful marketing campaigns from here on out.

You’ll also learn the following:

  • How to attract high-quality leads for your mortgage business
  • How to eliminate tire-kickers that waste time in your marketing and sales processes
  • Why your Marketing Process is one of the most important Client Interfacing Processes, plus how to perfect it using their system
  • How to get a higher conversion rate from lists you’ve acquired
  • Plus more…

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As a bonus upon registration, you’ll be able to immediately download DBM’s Marketing Process Flowchart For Mortgage-Based Businesses. This one-page document is detailed with proven information on how you can successfully market your mortgage business.

Webinar on SEO – 4 Parts


On Demand Webinar – Watch Instantly

GETTING TO THE TOP OF GOOGLE w/ Dustin Fickbohm – Tips and tricks to getting your business to the Top of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS)


If you’ve ever wanted your business to be at the top of the search engines like, Google, Bing, and Yahoo, but aren’t quite sure how to it’s done, you’ll want to attend this 4-part webinar series hosted by COO of DBM, Dustin Fickbohm.

During this GETTING TO THE TOP Webinar Series, Dustin Fickbohm will reveal how to get to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPS) using simple techniques you can start implementing today! This 4-part webinar series will cover the following:

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Part 1: Directory Submissions

  • The huge benefits of getting your business listed in a multitude of online directories
  • Crafty secrets to help you leapfrog your competitors in the SERPS
  • Proof why online directories should be part of your long-term organic SEO strategy
  • Plus much more…

Part 2: Organic SEO Techniques

  • How to climb the SEO ranks with consistent habits and constant attention
  • How to identify if YOU should be utilizing an Organic SEO Campaign for your business
  • What can YOU do to help your business climb the Search Engine rankings organically
  • What to ask SEO companies so you’re not taken on a financial ride and lose your shirt
  • Plus so much more…

Part 3: Pay-Per-Click

  • The specific questions you should ask yourself when determining whether a Pay Per Click campaign can work for you
  • A general overview of how Pay Per Click works
  • Setting up your campaign the right way
  • Sinful secrets that will have you converting a higher rate than your competitors
  • Plus more to help grow your business…

Part 4: Secret Bonus Technique

  • How this proven SEO Hack produces breakthrough results
  • Why this SEO Hack is little-known and not used by most businesses
  • How to get started with the hack right away!!
  • Plus much, much more…


Nurture Marketing

Nurture Marketing

Nurturing clients and prospects you’d like to become clients, is essential for your business’ growth; however, it is often overlooked.

An effective Nurture Marketing campaign begins with exceptional planning to convert your prospects into clients and sell more to the clients you already have.  For of this reason, we’ve created our Nurturing Marketing Solution.

The goal of the nurture campaigns is to:

  1. Create Top-of-Mind-Awareness to your entire database
  2. Convert leads into clients and
  3. To upsell and cross sell to your clients

That being said, there are 5 types of nurture campaign that should be created:

  1. Annual Nurture Campaign – the objective of this campaign is to create continued awareness and foster a relationship utilizing non-sales based email and/or print mediums.  DBM will provide a nurture campaign that:
    • Includes 30 non-sales emails
    • Automatically disseminate emails from the CRM
    • Includes the design of 3 customized postcards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and a Holiday Season (where applicable)
    • GOAL: Create Top-of-Mind-Awareness (TOMA)
    • INVESTMENT – $450 one-time 
  2. Existing Client Nurture Campaign – The objective of this campaign is to upsell Customer’s existing clients into purchasing more products/services.  DBM will provide XXXX nurture campaign(s) that:
    • Contains 12 follow-up emails to be delivered monthly – 1 / month
      Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the clients have purchased, and identify the appropriate upsell products/services
    • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
    • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
    • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Sell more of your products & services
    • INVESTMENT – $450 one-time
  3. New Client Nurture Campaign – – The objective of this campaign is to assist Customer’s new clients in getting the most out of their recently purchased product/service.  DBM will provide XXXX nurture campaign(s) that:
    • Contains 5 follow-up emails to be delivered in the first 8 days
    • Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the new clients purchased
    • Work with Customer to identify key information or action items
      Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Solidify relationship and answer “What’s next?”
    • INVESTMENT – $300 one-time
  4. New Lead Nurture Campaign – New Lead Nurture Campaign – The objective of this campaign is to convert Customer’s new leads into new clients.  DBM understands that new leads are extremely important, and following up with the leads needs to happen immediately and automatically.  DBM will provide a nurture campaign that:
    • Contains 16 follow-up emails: 5 emails in the first 8 days then 1 email per month after
    • Work with Customer to identify the specific product/service the new leads are interested in
    • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
    • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
    • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
    • GOAL: Showcase expertise & Convert to a sale
    • INVESTMENT – $300 one-time 
  5. eMail Marketing Campaign – The objective of this nurture campaign is to cause the recipient to take action.  This campaign can be used to: reactivate clients, promote an event, new product launch, and many more. DBM will provide a campaign that:
  • Create 5 emails
  • Work with Customer to identify the specific product, service or event to be marketed
  • Work with Customer to identify key information and action items
  • Work with Customer to create the appropriate call-to-actions for the campaign
  • Work with Customer to construct a sales offer (“Hard Offer”) to generate sales (where applicable)
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign; making changes if needed
  • INVESTMENT – $350 one-time

Each has a different message that you’ll need to convey to them. Ultimately, you need to have all 5 running at the same time, plus, you should be on top of your list wrangling. In other words, move leads and clients to their appropriate database for marketing purposes.

DBM Duties:

  • Write a 100% customized Nurture Campaign
    • Create attention-grabbing Headlines
    • Construct Body Copy
    • Create effective Bullet Points (where applicable)
    • Develop appropriate Call-to-Actions for the campaign
    • Construct Hard Offer (where applicable)
  • Research internal upsells and cross-sells from products and/or services you offer
  • Schedule content for delivery from your technological system
  • Design 3 customized postcards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Holiday Season (where applicable)
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the nurture campaign

Contact your DBM Marketing Consultant for package pricing.

Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost. ~Forrester Research


  • Creating the entire Nurture Marketing Campaign for your client-types
  • Installation and configuration of the nurture campaign in your system
  • Analysis of your systems for proper integration
  • List / database wrangling – to keep your leads and prospects in the correct area(s)


How long does it take to implement the Nurture Process & Workflow Solution?

A DBM Marketing Consultant can answer to that question much better once you have an initial conversation.

Who sends out the campaign from our systems?

It totally depends on how you want to work with DBM. We have several clients who like to do it themselves, and we have many other in which we do it for them. We have the capability to manage the entire process if you desire.

Does a Nurture campaign include using offline / traditional media?

In some industries, it is essential to use both, online and offline marketing materials, to facilitate a solid nurture campaign. Some other industries can get by with using just one. This will be one of the items discussed in the initial meeting for your campaign.

Example Campaign

Marketing Process & Workflow Solution

Marketing Process & Workflow Solution

Point blank, you have to have a workable system to manage leads, clients, opportunities, projects, digital content, and sales.  For this reason, DBM’s Marketing Process & Workflow Solution focuses on systematizing an organization’s internal marketing operations and managing it within technological systems.

The goal of this service is to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing by increasing operational efficiency, decreasing costs and waste, and standardizing your internal marketing processes, all designed to increase your Marketing ROI.

We successfully do this by instilling our proven marketing processes which include:


Our Marketing Campaign Development Process

Generate, Capture, Store, Nurture


Our 4D Marketing Workflow

Decide, Design, Do, Document

We can lay our processes and workflows onto industry standard “Off-the-Shelf” systems. Our deployment process allows for ease of use and quick deployment cycles.

Now the question becomes, “Are all of your systems effectively integrated to provide a rock-solid marketing workflow?”  If you can’t emphatically say “YES!”, then DBM’s Marketing Process & Workflow Solution is for you.

Ready to get started? Call (888) 571-5803 or Chat with us at the bottom of this page now.

68% of B2B organizations have not identified their funnel. ~MarketingSherpa


  • Better marketing campaign management
  • Increased operational efficiency within your organization
  • Systematized marketing workflow and processes
  • Improved marketing efficiency and effectiveness
  • Off-the-Shelf systems keeps costs low, eases integration, and quick deployment
  • Digital asset management


How long does the implementation of Marketing Process & Workflow Solution take?

A DBM Marketing Consultant can answer to that question much better once you have an initial conversation.

Why do you feel it is important to have these marketing systems within our business?

We feel it is important because you can leverage the automation of your marketing processes. Plus, it is imperative to have systems that can managed your digital content, projects, leads, and clients, while at the same time, improving both operational efficiency and effectiveness.

If we’re familiar with another technological systems?

We have a vast range of knowledge when it comes to technical systems. During the Marketing Audit, we find out which systems you are currently using and then perform an analysis on whether or not that system will work for what we want to do in terms of marketing automation.

What if I have existing CRM, email or project management accounts, do I have to change everything?

We understand that your technological infrastructure may consist of several systems.  You may already have:

  • A Project Management (PM) System
  • A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System
  • An e-Mail Storage & Delivery System
  • A Marketing Campaign Management System
  • A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system

Our processes and workflows will lay seamlessly on top of your existing infrastructure. I most cases you won’t have to change anything.