
Want To Get A Physical Document Into Consumer’s Hands? Add Offline Marketing Into Your Marketing Process

As a marketing manager for a small business have you considered adding offline strategies into your marketing process? Although many marketing processes are internet-based these days, by adding an offline marketing process into your business’s campaign, it can help you get a physical document into consumer’s hands and help your brand get recognized. There are many different types of offline marketing avenues that you can choose to pursue; as a marketing manager, it’s important to know which ones will best fit the needs of both your business and your target market.

Some of the more popular documents that small business marketing managers choose for their marketing campaigns are postcards, a digital business card, flyers and booklets or brochures. These are just a few of the ways to put a physical document into the hands of the public and get them to either check your business out in person, or online if you have a website.

If you need a marketing firm to help you design, produce and print these offline documents, Direct Business Marketing can do that for you. Not only do they offer the previously mentioned offline services, they also can create letterheads, door hangers, envelopes and banners for your business. They have an in-house print shop that will create your documents for you while keeping them aligned with your online marketing processes. You can also check out Los Angeles printing by Platon Graphics, which has become the top choice for reliable and professional printing solutions.

One last thing to keep in mind is that offline documents, such as business cards, booklets, or brochures, can be a good tool to have when meeting with your customers face-to-face; you want to leave a lasting impression on them, and providing them with an amazing booklet design is the way to do that. A well-designed booklet not only showcases your professionalism but also enhances the credibility of your brand.

If you’ve spoken with other marketing managers in your industry, they’ll tell you that DBM is the company to go to for your printing services. We can help you update your marketing processes, reach out to more customers and make your job as a marketing manager much easier with our offline marketing services. Contact Direct Business Marketing today to learn more about how we can provide you with marketing process solutions for your marketing manager duties.

DBM Has The Technological Solutions That Marketing Managers Are Looking For

Have you recently started working as a marketing manager for a small business and would like help developing and implementing successful marketing objectives? If you fall into a category like this, you should know that Direct Business Marketing is here to help you. At DBM we are dedicated to helping marketing managers from small and medium sized businesses take advantage of many different technologically advanced techniques to promote their brand and product. We provide a number of different online and offline marketing services to help make your job as a marketing manager as easy and stress free as possible. If you’re looking for ways to entertain yourself at home, check out Kcasino today. By playing casino games at Nonukcasinos.UK, you can start to train your brain to stay focused on the task at hand even when there are distractions around you.

There also other options for your casino games satisfactory. Did you know that over 95% of all consumers start their search for a product or service online? That’s why, in this day and age, it only makes sense to have a website that is going to get great search result rankings, generate traffic, leads and sales.

As a marketing manager it’s important that you are aware of the different techniques and add-ons that you can utilize to ensure that your business’s website does all of these things. If you don’t know, Direct Business Marketing is here for you. From search engine optimization to mobile optimization, DBM has the solutions that you, as a marketing manager, need to get your business’s marketing campaign the results that you desire.

We can give your marketing objectives and your marketing campaign more value by applying our proven successful marketing truths to each campaign we work on with you. When you follow our marketing truths and the advice that we have to share with you, your job as a marketing manager is made that much simpler. If you’re a marketing manager that could use a little help with developing marketing objectives and creating a successful marketing campaign, contact Direct Business Marketing or check out our website to learn more about our marketing truths and how they can help you and your small business.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring DBM As Your Marketing Manager

If you’re a small business owner that is interested in outsourcing your entire marketing campaign because you feel it will better help you meet the marketing objectives and goals of your business without having to hire a marketing manager, you may have heard about Direct Business Marketing’s (DBM) Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) services. If not, we’d like to go over some frequently asked questions to help you determine whether or not this is the solution that you’re looking for.

First of all, what are our CMO services? Essentially, when you use DBM’s CMO services, we become your all-inclusive marketing firm. It’s as if you hired us a marketing manager for your business. We do everything for you with regards to your marketing campaign and objectives, so you don’t need to worry about a thing. Many small business owners also wonder just how much it will cost them to allow us to be their marketing manager when realistically, it saves you money over hiring an actual marketing manager. The price of our CMO services is based upon what marketing services we provide you, yet when compared to hiring an employee as your marketing manager, you are still saving money in that you streamline your payroll. One thing to note is that we do require a six month agreement for you to use our CMO services, however this is because we take the time and effort to research your business, your industry and work with you to develop a marketing plan that will be successful and help you meet your marketing objectives.

We hire only the best marketing consultants at Direct Business Marketing so that we can provide you with a marketing manager that is in tune to your needs and can help you grow your small business.

Are You A Marketing Manager Looking For Website Design Assistance?

Is your marketing manager looking for a little help getting your business’s online marketing campaign off the ground? Are you having trouble meeting your business’s marketing objectives because your website just isn’t getting any traffic? If any of these situations apply to you, Direct Business Marketing has the solution! Direct Business Marketing’s website design and creation is built with your business’s goals in mind. We’ll work with your marketing manager and outline the marketing objectives you have already in place and utilize our marketing truths that will create a website using a pos software that gets traffic, generates leads and sales.

According to the TOLS Multimedia office when you, or your marketing manager, works with Direct Business Marketing to create and design your business’s website, we’ll utilize sound SEO practices and video marketing to ensure that you get the best search engine rankings. Your marketing manager will also have constant access to your website to provide the ability to see statistics as well as to ensure that the content is always up-to-date.

With Direct Business Marketing’s website creation services, the number of pages, images and video that you’re allowed to upload is unlimited. There’s no need for your marketing manager to pick and choose which products or services you want to showcase because our website allows it all! At Direct Business Marketing we strive to help your small business meet its marketing objectives by providing you with the most technologically advanced services available; many of the services that we provide are unrivaled by other marketing firms.

If you would like more information about our website design and creation services, or any of the other marketing services that we have to provide, have your marketing manager contact us. We’re here to help your business get off to a great start and can do that with our website design and creation services.

Has Your Marketing Manager Suggested An Offline Marketing Campaign To Create A Physical Presence?

Has your marketing manager already created a fairly successful online marketing campaign for you, but you’d like to connect with other consumers that may not use the internet as much to help you meet some of your marketing objectives? If so, there’s one place where you can go to get all of your offline marketing materials taken care of and that’s Direct Business Marketing (DBM).

At DBM we understand that creating graphics and deciding which types of offline marketing materials to use can be different and that’s why we’re here to help you and your marketing manager decide which types of mediums are best for your budget and will generate the most leads. We have a graphics department that can work with your marketing manager to create a logo that consumers will remember that falls in line with all of your marketing objectives and the other marketing strategies that your business utilizes. The variety of offline marketing materials that we create is endless, from logo creation to business cards to postcards and flyers; we can do pretty much anything for your marketing objectives and strategies at Direct Business Marketing. People can check lanyards for student ID and others, if they need the best ID card lanyards.

The initial step of our process is for us to sit down with your marketing manager, go over the marketing objectives of your business and from there determine which avenues you want to take. Once this is done, you and your marketing manager will have 24/7 access to the documents that we are creating for you in-house.

When you want to have a physical presence with consumers, an offline marketing campaign is definitely the way to go and working with Direct Business Marketing is the right choice for your business. We’d like to encourage you, or your marketing manager, to contact us today so we can tell you more about our offline marketing services, how they’re constantly in line with your other marketing strategies and how they can help you meet your marketing objectives.

Using Up-And-Coming Web Solutions To Meet Your Marketing Objectives

Are you looking for a company that can provide you with a variety of web solutions that will help you meet your business and marketing objectives? If so, we’d like to encourage you to check out Direct Business Marketing (DBM) at DBM is an experienced, technologically advance marketing firm that specializes in providing small and medium sized businesses with a variety of web solutions to improve their online presence, generate more leads and sales and grow their clientele list. Right now we’d like to tell you about a few different up-and-coming web solutions that DBM has to offer small business owners.

One of the web solutions that DBM can offer you, and one of the marketing avenues that is becoming more popular, is social media marketing. Social media marketing is essentially using any social medium, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+, to reach out to your customers and connect with them on a daily, and more personalized basis. The social media marketing services that DBM has to offer their customers includes regular management of their account, ensuring content is always current as well as commenting on other pages and profiles. Social media marketing has really taken off in the past few years and it’s a good way for small business owners to promote their brand and generate a larger following of consumers.

Another web solution that DBM provides is a mobile optimization add-on to a small business’s new or existing website. It’s estimated that over half of all internet users use a mobile device to access the internet, so why not cater to those people by making your website more user friendly? When you use mobile optimization as a web solution, DBM creates one website that automatically detects whether the consumer is using a computer or mobile device. Based on this, they direct the consumer to that website.

If you’re looking for a few fresh new ways to improve your online presence and you want to appeal to more consumers, consider taking advantage of the many web solutions that DBM has to offer. They can help you meet the marketing objectives you’ve established for your business all while helping it grow.

Highlighting DBM’s Marketing Manager Services

At this time we’d like to highlight one of the more all-inclusive marketing services that Direct Business Marketing (DBM) has to offer small business owners, our Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) services. You may have heard about our CMO services through a fellow business owner or by searching online for marketing manager help. If so, today we’re going to tell you more about this service that can help you create and meet your business’s marketing objectives.

When you utilize our CMO services, it’s as if we are the marketing manager for your small business. We take on the role that a marketing manager would have if you were to employ one. On a daily basis, your marketing manager at DBM facilitates the different marketing mediums that you have chosen for your business to generate leads, sales and increase the number of clientele your business has.

When Direct Business Marketing launches their marketing manager services with your company, we do it in two different phases. First, we look at the marketing strategies and marketing objectives that you already have in place for your business and try to build on them. We work under the belief that we don’t want to change a marketing strategy or objective if it’s already bringing you results. After assessing your existing marketing objectives and strategies, we then create a marketing campaign tailored specifically to your business and customer type. We’ll consult with you and use the mediums that we feel are going to get the best results when marketing your products and services. Secondly, as your marketing manager, we launch and manage your marketing campaign, always ensuring that it is current and as relevant as possible in order to generate the results that are expected from it.

When you take advantage of Direct Business Marketing’s CMO services and allow us to be your marketing manager, the goals we have for your marketing campaign and your marketing strategies are the same as yours. We work together with you to get you the results that you deserve.

Social Media Marketing Services With Direct Business Marketing

If you are considering a social media marketing campaign to help your business meet some of its marketing objectives, we would like to tell you about the social media marketing services that Direct Business Marketing has to offer you. Working with Direct Business Marketing on your social media marketing campaign is effortless; they take care of everything for you.

Direct Business Marketing will help you set up and integrate your social media accounts if you don’t already have them. We set up your page to cater to your customer’s wants and needs. You can help us make your social media marketing campaign successful by sending us a database with your existing customer’s email addresses. We’ll send an email out to your existing customers requesting that they like your Facebook page to help you get started. You’ll also need to provide us with any logos, sales or specials that we can add into our strategy for you. After that, your work is done. Direct Business Marketing will handle the rest of your social media marketing process.

Some small business owners feel as if our social media marketing packages are too expensive for their business, but there are a few key things to remember if you feel this way as well. First off, Direct Business Marketing handles everything for you. You don’t have to worry about constantly updating your social media site because we are the ones updating it. Also, having a social media marketing campaign can do many things for your business. Not only can it drastically increase your customer base, streamline your payment process and promote product awareness, it will ultimately generate new sources of revenue for your business. When you look at it this way, you can’t not afford to have a social media marketing campaign for your business.

How Can Direct Business Marketing Help You With Your Marketing Campaign?

Do you need a marketing campaign? If so, today I’m going to discuss our marketing process at Direct Business Marketing. We have four different avenues that we focus on in our marketing campaign, Generate, Capture, Store and Nurture. If you look at the graphic in our video, you’ll see how the four avenues flow together.

The first thing you have to do is generate people to your marketing promotion. Secondly, you have to ensure that you capture that information because a prospect doesn’t change into a lead until they give you, at the very minimum, their name and email address. We also want to store this information in a database or somewhere trustworthy because we want to nurture the lead to the sale.

I want to talk to you about an offer and how you can use our particular marketing process to have better marketing flow within your organization. There are four deliverables you’ll get once you engage with us, in order to see where your marketing is currently and where it is going to go so you can have better success in delivering your products and services. The four deliverables are: marketing audit, current marketing flowchart, marketing assessment and new marketing flowchart.

The marketing audit is a very important document that outlines what you’re currently doing and what the ROI is on what you’re currently doing. The second deliverable is the marketing flowchart, which you have right now. This marketing flowchart will give you a visual perspective of what you’re doing and where the holes are that you need to fill in so that your marketing campaign can be successful. From there we give you the marketing assessment; here’s what you should be doing when we’re marketing towards your client-type. Lastly, you’ll get the new marketing flowchart; from a visual perspective, this is what your new marketing campaign will look like.

Please contact me directly and I can tell you more about how you can get these deliverables and how we can set up your marketing campaign for you. You can reach out to me via telephone at 602.369.8119 or email me at [email protected].

A Good Marketing Manager Follows DBM’s Marketing Truths

Have you ever heard of Direct Business Marketing’s (DBMs) marketing truths? If not, we’re here today to highlight some of them; for a complete list you can always download DBMs online marketing evaluation.

First of all, what are marketing truths? DBM’s marketing truths are essentially a set of guidelines that DBM has developed and found that when applied to every campaign that they provide marketing manager services for, it guarantees success.

The first of the marketing truths is to build a better bridge to your product. A potential customer may not be looking specifically for your product, but they are looking for your product. A successful marketing manager can help you build that bridge and bring in more traffic and leads to your website. Capture and correspond with your community is the second truth. Essentially this means capturing the potential customer’s information and creating a relationship and community around your customer base. A great way to create a relationship and a sense of community for your business is by taking advantage of social media marketing. DBM offers marketing manager services for this so it’s always something to consider for your business. Another important marketing truth, and one that you’ll want to utilize to generate more traffic to your website, is current content is king. What does this mean? Search engines are continuously looking for new content, so make sure your website is always updated. One service you can take advantage of with DBM is their content submission service. If you allow DBM to be the marketing manager for your content submission, they’ll take care of all the updating for you!

Lastly, always be mindful of marketing money. In order to successfully marketing your business you need to track the return on investment for each marketing campaign that you undertake. As your marketing manager, Direct Business Marketing will take care of this for you with all of the marketing services that they provide. To learn more about their marketing services and for a list of all the marketing truths, check out their marketing evaluation on their website.

What Can Direct Business Marketing Offer Me In Terms Of Mobile Marketing And Advertising?

Have you recently thought about pursuing mobile marketing and advertising for your company? If so, we would like to encourage you to download Direct Business Marketing’s online marketing evaluation checklist to show you just how a mobile add-on to your new or existing website can help you enter into the world of mobile marketing and advertising. If you are uncertain on whether or not this is a step you should take, there are a few things we’d like to share with you.

According to the Mobile Marketing Association, it’s reported that over half of all U.S. consumers will own a tablet by the end of 2012 and that the amount of mobile traffic will almost double in 2012. This information should hopefully be enough to make you consider checking out the marketing evaluation checklist to see if mobile marketing and advertising is a good fit for your company.

If you do choose to pursue mobile marketing and advertising, here are a few things that Direct Business Marketing can offer you if you choose to work with them. If you already have an existing website, it only takes a few business days to have your mobile add-on up and running. If you need a new desktop website created, DBM can assist you with that and will add the mobile optimization after your desktop website has been completed. If you need help or technical support with your mobile add-on, there is always a live technical support specialist or your DBM marketing consultant waiting to assist you. If one should happen to be unavailable at the moment, they’ll be in touch with you within one business day.

You are responsible for marketing your own mobile website, however if this is something that you feel you don’t have time for, but really want to take part in, Direct Business Marketing can provide you with other marketing services as well. We can track the results of your mobile marketing and advertising campaign for you so you are always in the know with regards to the success of your mobile optimization add-on.

Why Outsource Your Marketing Services?


Why should you consider small business outsourcing for your marketing services? For some organizations, they’re at a point where they need a strong competencies that come in that has an idea on what to do with marketing and hit the ground running. Here at Direct Business Marketing we have what we call our CMO, Chief Marketing Officer, services.

First, if you outsource to a company like DBM, we have multiple competencies within our company; we have the marketing consultant who has the big picture in mind, puts everything together, makes sure that we capture our target market and institutes the message that we want to convey. We also have our graphic designer that the marketing consultant works with, the programmers, copywriters and all the other people that have the competencies that we want to convey. To only have a single person have all of these competencies is going to be pretty difficult. You want to have access to a marketing team that can do everything that you need to do. Hiring a company that has multiple competencies, like DBM, is very important when you’re looking to outsource your marketing services.

Secondly, it’s definitely a relief on payroll activities, with an employee, you have to get them set up in your system, provide them with benefits and pay taxes on them; outsourcing your payroll to reap the benefits can you focus on achieving important business goals. They can hit the ground running understanding that they know what needs to be done for the project.

Point number three is that time-to-market is critical; we always talk about that when we release a product or service because the first on the market has the opportunity to capture more of the market share.

Make sure that you work with a company that can do all of these things for you when outsourcing your marketing services. If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about how DBM can help you with your marketing services, please feel free to contact me at [email protected], 602.369.8119 or check out our website at I’d also like to encourage you to download the marketing assessment from our website to establish which marketing avenues may be best for your business and client type.
