How Can Direct Business Marketing Help You With Your Marketing Campaign?

Do you need a marketing campaign? If so, today I’m going to discuss our marketing process at Direct Business Marketing. We have four different avenues that we focus on in our marketing campaign, Generate, Capture, Store and Nurture. If you look at the graphic in our video, you’ll see how the four avenues flow together.

The first thing you have to do is generate people to your marketing promotion. Secondly, you have to ensure that you capture that information because a prospect doesn’t change into a lead until they give you, at the very minimum, their name and email address. We also want to store this information in a database or somewhere trustworthy because we want to nurture the lead to the sale.

I want to talk to you about an offer and how you can use our particular marketing process to have better marketing flow within your organization. There are four deliverables you’ll get once you engage with us, in order to see where your marketing is currently and where it is going to go so you can have better success in delivering your products and services. The four deliverables are: marketing audit, current marketing flowchart, marketing assessment and new marketing flowchart.

The marketing audit is a very important document that outlines what you’re currently doing and what the ROI is on what you’re currently doing. The second deliverable is the marketing flowchart, which you have right now. This marketing flowchart will give you a visual perspective of what you’re doing and where the holes are that you need to fill in so that your marketing campaign can be successful. From there we give you the marketing assessment; here’s what you should be doing when we’re marketing towards your client-type. Lastly, you’ll get the new marketing flowchart; from a visual perspective, this is what your new marketing campaign will look like.

Please contact me directly and I can tell you more about how you can get these deliverables and how we can set up your marketing campaign for you. You can reach out to me via telephone at 602.369.8119 or email me at [email protected].

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