
Am I Indexed? How to See Your Pages

Hello, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing and today we are going to do a screen capture video on how to check to see if your site is indexed by Google. Google has a number of keyword codes that you can use in the search bar and it will return specific results. For example, to see how many pages are indexed, you can you click the word site and then a colon and then your domain without any www’s in front of it. So this is a domain that we have owned for a while but we haven’t really done anything with as of yet. It is Business Marketing So as you can see there are no pages indexed for that domain. Here is another search for a domain for a client that we created. It is a free As you can see there are about 36,000 pages indexed by Google and they are all listed here. Another thing you can do with this is You can put a key word after this for example Scottsdale and see all the pages that are indexed under the Scottsdale keyword for my website. So it’s kind of a handy trick you can use in Google to check out how many pages you have indexed. So that’s it for today. Here is my contact information: 602-571-5803, and my email is [email protected]. I wanted to direct you to our marketing assessment. Go directly to for marketing assessment. Download it today.

Research Your Keywords To Find Your Customer Base Online

Today I wanted to share some basic information on getting started with choosing the right search keywords for your service or product. Utilizing search engines can be a huge help to driving leads and traffic to your website if done correctly.

In order to make this successful it is important to do some research on what keywords will work best for you. This can easily be attained by using the Google keyword tool to find out how often keywords that pertain to your product or service are searched. Simply go to Google and search Google Keyword Tool. This tool can give you search results for the entire globe or just the United States and is a great research tool. When starting your research I would suggest using very common or general terms that match your product or service to get started. Once you have researched a handful of these general terms you can add locations or the names of people to your keyword to focus your research to key terms. The Google Keyword Tool will allow you to sort through all of these results and find the information you are looking for. Just by browsing around on this tool will give you a good idea of what people, whether in your town or across the globe, or most commonly searching for. It is also important to remember that Google localizes your search to where it thinks you are. So it is not always important to have your location included in the keyword in order to be successful.

Make sure you are utilizing this keyword research any time you blog or create content for your websites. For more information on building your brand and attracting customers, we suggest visiting

Removing Negative Keywords From Your PPC Marketing Campaign Can Save You Money

Today, we’re going to talk about a Pay-Per-Click subject that you need to know about if you’re running your own PPC marketing campaign. Of course, if we’re running your PPC marketing campaign for you, we’ll take care of it, but if not, this is something you should know. With your Pay-Per-Click marketing campaign, you want to take a look at negative keywords.

Basically, when you’re matching on keyword phrases and you’re doing a broad match on “short sale”, for example, anyone that types in these two keywords, your ad will show up. There are a lot of examples of phrases that have those two words, but they’re not looking for what you’re selling, for example JCPenneys “short for sale”. It has “short” and “sale” but those people are looking for clothes, so you’d put JCPenney as a negative keyword. Anytime your keyword shows up and JCPenneys, don’t show my ad; these are like stopping keyword phrases.

If you set up your broad matches and log into your account at Google Ad Words, go to keywords and roll over where it says “keyword details” and select the option that says “all”. This will show every keyword that your ad has ever been shown for. If you go through the list for keywords that don’t match what your ad is selling, add them to your negative keywords list. This can save you lots of money because a lot of times it will be someone that was looking for shorts, as opposed to short sales, but still saw your ad and clicked on it. You want to reserve your money for people who are highly interested to what you’re doing. Find those negative keywords and add them to your campaign because it will save you money.

Again, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing. I would like to draw your attention to our Marketing Assessment at; you can download this document and it will help you with your marketing campaigns and strategies for your business.