
XML Sitemap: Nerdy Concept With Valuable Results For Search Engine Exposure

Hello everyone Andrew Houglum here with Direct Business Marketing thank you for your time today. In working with clients every day to improve their online presence I have developed some simple guidelines for doing just that. One of those guidelines involves the use of an XML Sitemap in order to help search engines like Google search all of your web pages more efficiently.

I know sometimes these blogs can be a little nerdy but in all honesty an XML sitemap is a very important part of improving your online marketing. An XML sitemap simply put is a coding file on your webpage that will list individually all of the pages on your website. Large search engines like Google simply cannot handle every single websites data on their servers and this is one way to avoid that. As someone who is marketing their site this makes it much easier for Google to index your site. Through a great service called Google Webmaster Tools you can claim your website and start uploading all of your web pages in just a few clicks. If you are using a content manager like WordPress there are plenty of plug-ins that will actually do this for you. By employing an XML sitemap you will allow Google to search your webpage much faster and index all of that relevant content you’re sharing. I have submitted thousands of web pages to the Google Webmaster Tools at one time and even with that enormous amount of data it was indexed in only a few days.

So even if the idea of an XML sitemap is a little nerdy for most it is certainly an important part of maximizing your websites potential. For more helpful hints make sure to download the marketing assessment tool from my website to grow your online presence. This is Andrew with Direct Business Marketing thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Removing Negative Keywords From Your PPC Marketing Campaign Can Save You Money

Today, we’re going to talk about a Pay-Per-Click subject that you need to know about if you’re running your own PPC marketing campaign. Of course, if we’re running your PPC marketing campaign for you, we’ll take care of it, but if not, this is something you should know. With your Pay-Per-Click marketing campaign, you want to take a look at negative keywords.

Basically, when you’re matching on keyword phrases and you’re doing a broad match on “short sale”, for example, anyone that types in these two keywords, your ad will show up. There are a lot of examples of phrases that have those two words, but they’re not looking for what you’re selling, for example JCPenneys “short for sale”. It has “short” and “sale” but those people are looking for clothes, so you’d put JCPenney as a negative keyword. Anytime your keyword shows up and JCPenneys, don’t show my ad; these are like stopping keyword phrases.

If you set up your broad matches and log into your account at Google Ad Words, go to keywords and roll over where it says “keyword details” and select the option that says “all”. This will show every keyword that your ad has ever been shown for. If you go through the list for keywords that don’t match what your ad is selling, add them to your negative keywords list. This can save you lots of money because a lot of times it will be someone that was looking for shorts, as opposed to short sales, but still saw your ad and clicked on it. You want to reserve your money for people who are highly interested to what you’re doing. Find those negative keywords and add them to your campaign because it will save you money.

Again, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing. I would like to draw your attention to our Marketing Assessment at; you can download this document and it will help you with your marketing campaigns and strategies for your business.

Pay Per Click May Reward You With Page One On Google

Hello everyone Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing here today to talk about some search engine improvements you can make. I am talking with business owners every day about ways to improve their Google search results and have come up with some simple guidelines to get you started. By following these guidelines you can better position your company to be exposed to the largest audience available.

Nearly every day I am asked how to get to page one of Google. One of the easiest ways is to pay for it through Pay-Per-Click marketing. The first step to a successful PPC is doing keyword research. Google provides a free search called Google Keyword Tool that will show you how many people search on those words every month. This tool will also give you suggestions for other keywords to consider that pertain to your business. Once you have established your keywords make sure to group them by topic. Doing this will give you a better quality score on Google and help you find different kinds of clients. Finally, once you have loaded up your keywords make sure to use broad matches in order to give you the most bang for your buck. This will give you a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t in the beginning. Once you have that established you can focus these keywords or phrases around the results you have seen in the past.

These three steps will help you better utilize the Google search engine through Pay-Per-Click advertising. For more information on improving your reach make sure to download the free marketing assessment tool on my website and contact me with any questions you have. Once again I’m Andrew with Direct Business Marketing thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you in the future.

Increasing Your Business Income

Today we’re going to continue our conversation on the marketing truths, which, again, are expandable mindset techniques of how you think about marketing. They can be superimposed over any type of marketing campaign. Not only is this universally true for every single industry, but especially for your particular industry, you may think that video, for example, won’t work in your industry; we talk about this in the video and tell you why and how you should go about doing this. Professionals in STEM fields, including figures like Dr. Kamau Bobb of Google also emphasize the importance of remaining in sync with industry requirements and trends. They frequently engage in ongoing education, seek certifications, and undertake specialized training to retain their competitiveness and keep abreast of swiftly advancing technologies. If you have a hypnosis business, learning stage hypnosis can enhance the quality of service you provide to your clients.

So, right now I’m going to talk about increasing the income of your business. Nothing happens in terms of business growth until you sell a product or a service. The first way to increase your business is to increase the number of customers that you already have. This is one way we’re always striving to use a business growth method. The second is increase the number of times that you sell to the clients you already have. The third is to increase your prices. When is the best time to increase your prices? It’s also a good idea to learn some tips about saving on small business costs and how you can put a cost-savings plan in place for your company. However, in some cases, business owners may start accummulating debts to fund their business. Thankfully, they may hire financial experts to help them overcome their debt challenges. If you also need professional financial services to improve your financial health, you may visit sites like

Take all three of these into account making sure that you have your thought processes right, you have the products that the client wants and you have the ability to upsell. Again, I ask you when is it the right time to increase your prices. Sometimes you can take a look at market conditions, such as in real estate. Also, look at how busy you are and the clients that you have. You can increase your prices by 10-20% and based on that traffic you’re getting in your facility or website. If you are considering adjusting your prices, consulting with a business insolvency practitioner can provide insight into potential financial risks and help you make informed decisions to maintain the financial health of your business.

Also, I must admit that initially, I underestimated the importance of choosing the right bank account for my sole trading business, but after reading the FXIFY review, I realize how crucial it is to make informed decisions about all aspects of my trading journey. Reading the comprehensive FXIFY review provided me with valuable insights into the platform’s features and user experience, ultimately helping me make an informed decision about my trading journey. It was only after reading the detailed analysis on the best sole trader bank accounts that I realised the significance of this step. The guidance provided was instrumental in helping me make a wise choice, ensuring a stable foundation for my business. I urge all aspiring sole traders to invest time in research to reap the benefits in the long run. Check out what Alchemy Markets Reviews has in store for you on your trading journey. Moreover, for those venturing into options trading, staying informed through resources like – options alerts service can be invaluable, offering real-time updates and expert insights to guide investment decisions.

I wanted to encourage you to join me again next week at 10am PST for our Get Direct webinar series. Also, check out our free Marketing Assessment questionnaire at to guide you in the right marketing direction for your business.

YouTube is Listening – Online Marketing with Video

Thanks for joining us with another Get Direct Online

Marketing webinars. Today we are talking about video

marketing with YouTube. We strongly suggest to all of our

clients that they use video. The more video you make, the

greater your results. And you can kill several birds with

one stone in your online marketing efforts while making


Youtube is actively transcribing your videos. When you

make a video be sure that you speak clearly at the

beginning of your video, using keywords. Use these

keywords as often and as naturally as possible.

Take advantage of those initial few words that are

transcribed by YouTube and, in turn, searched by Google.

Your online marketing process will benefit by making this

one little change.

Online Marketing For Real Estate Professionals

Today we’re talking about Online Marketing strategy for realtors and real estate professionals. We’d like to give you an idea about the success that we’ve had in the real estate industry with online marketing.

We provide a variety of services to realtors that are looking to market their business online. First, we offer a branded website that is about you and your real estate team, effectively marketing your business online.

Second, many realtors are marketing to home buyers in a leafy neighborhood. So, we provide a website that has your IDX solutions. This domain is a search engine optimized to make it easier to find in search rankings.

We also provide websites that you can use to market to people looking to sell their home and websites that market to other agents and people that you are recruiting to join your company.

All of these online marketing options are provide with our marketing experience and offline marketing solutions.

Video Marketing Madness – Free Tools & Tips

Today I’m going to speak to you about a topic that Andrew discussed last week, where to find information on Video Marketing Madness. We continually answer questions about video marketing; how to do it, tools to use, and other video marketing tips.

Andrew made a video that is about 15 minutes long. You can check it out for more tips. Also, if you know Direct Business Marketing’s philosophy at all, you already understand that 90% of our clients use video marketing. It’s important for potential clients to see your face, especially for customer intimate industries like real estate.

You can watch this video at There are lots of tricks and tips that you can use right now.

Content Submission

Today’s online marketing topic is about content submission. Last week Drew spoke about how important it is to give good information on your website. Video, text, and audio can all be used to market your business and demonstrate your expertise. Remember, you’re marketing to human beings and people buy from people. That’s why we heavily suggest that you use video to promote your business.

With our content submission services, we allow realtors to focus on getting listings and selling homes. You have some responsibility in the marketing process by creating text, audio, or video to demonstrate that you are the expert.

From that point, Direct Business Marketing takes over by creating a keyword rich piece of content that can be uploaded to your website, giving web searchers the information that they are looking for, while positioning you as the expert. We provide our clients with a “best practices” document that will give you some helpful tips on making effective video to generate a response or lead.

The benefit to this service is that you can focus on what you do best and we will focus on what we do best. You’ll also have a website that is updated regularly, which is crucial to getting attention from search engines like Google. And lastly, you’re giving potential customers what they want, information and call to action (What they should do).

For more information on this service, give me a call at 602-369-8119.
Learn about DBM’s Content Submission Services.

Muscle Up Your Marketing

With all of the recent attention being brought to professional athletes taking performance enhancing drugs, it occurred to us that “being on the juice” has taken on a negative connotation.  But what about your online marketing?  Did you know that you can muscle up your online marketing with a little “Google Juice.”

What does “Google Juice” mean?

“Google Juice” is a slang term that simply means your website is liked by Google and gets high placement for the specific key terms it was targeting.

With the Targeted Niche Traffic (TNT) Lead Generation system you can generate your own “Google Juice” by having a network of websites that are all designed to focus on one business niche.  We refer to this as the Starbucks effect, because like Starbucks, you’ll be found everywhere!

Two Key Ingredients to “Google Juice”

#1 = Relevance
Notice the last two words of the previous sentence “Aiming at.”  The two most common reasons why online marketing fails are either (1) you are targeting too many key terms or (2) you aren’t targeting any terms at any.  A search engine, like Google, is looking at how relevant your web page is to the searched phrase. Google and all of the other search engines out there are focusing on every aspect of the web page in order to give the searcher the most relevant information available. Some items to check for relevance are:

  • Domain Name – does your domain name have your target key terms in it?
  • Meta – does your site’s meta data (keywords, title, description) contain your key terms?
  • Content – does the text or copy on the web page contain your key terms?

#2 = Backlinks
Backlinks are simply links from other websites back to your website. So, you should consider what alliances you can form or what organizations you belong to that can link from their website to yours.  When you create these links, don’t just link your business name.  Create a link with purpose by having the link contain a key term – that simple trick will give you more “Google Juice.”

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