
Who are You Selling to? Know Your Client Types

Hello, this is Granison Shines, chief marketing officer here at Direct Business Marketing. Today we are going to talk about your client types. I want to focus on three different client types or three different things you should focus on when you are talking about client types. First of all, point number one, is your client type a business or business to consumer? Of course that is something that you know automatically because you have a product that you are offering to a specific market. Sometimes you can have a product that offers both. Most of the time you are going to have a product that is going to relate to a business to business product or service that you are selling to a company or a business to consumer. The difference is the masses of course. There are more individuals than there are businesses. For instance, a liquidation store near me can assist you in starting your business. You can also establish a reselling business that can be an exciting venture for you.

Point number two is to understand that each of the client types have different motives as to why they buy. It could be a need vs. a want. Most of the business purchases end up being in a need category to make sure something can be done more efficiently within the business. With consumers we focus on the wants. So however there are some needs that you have to buy also. When it comes to fulfilling the essential needs of your business, explore advanced solutions like those provided by ELITER Packaging Machinery to enhance efficiency and streamline your operations effectively.

Making sure the motivations are clearly understood which will bring us to number three. Number three is the message. Once we know who we are targeting, we know the motives for buying your service, making sure the message from there is conveyed across all the mediums and different messages or different client types have different messages that you have to address. Looking for reliable shipping solutions that prioritize the safety of your items? Alliance Shipping and Packing has built a reputation for their careful handling and secure transportation methods. It’s very important to clearly address what that message is. This is where all the ideas of what you are promoting to the consumer to make sure you have all the bases covered as to why they are going to buy from you.

Again, I’m Granison shines, here is my information. My email address is [email protected]. My number is 602-369-8119. Make sure you download our free Marketing Assessment which will definitely help you out and put you in the right direction for marketing. Go to to get the free marketing assessment.

QR Codes – When to Use Them

Hello, my name is Andrew Houglum, with Direct Business Marketing and today we are going to talk about a topic that annoys me. It is QR codes. QR codes are the little squares with the little boxes and you can use your cell phone and point it at the boxes and it will jump you right to a website. QR actually stands for Quick Response Code. Today we are going to talk about when to use them.

I might end up going off on my soap box here because I see them used wrong so many times. When should you use them? You should use them on print materials only. Don’t put it in the signature of your email. Why is that? A click on the link in the signature of the email is so much easier. I already have my mouse, I am already in your email, and you might as well give me a link instead of a QR code. If you’re thinking I’m going to get out my cell phone and point it at the screen to go to a website when at one instant I can click on my mouse. Don’t put it on your website. QR codes are intended for mobile use with your smart phone so that you can point at the QR code and jump to that specific website for more information. Another helpful tip for QR codes is, don’t link it to your home page. You know where the QR code is being used and what specific instance it’s being used. Most of our home pages are appealing to many different types of people for many different products and services that we are selling. For example on our website we talk about real estate marketing, we talk about SEO, we talk about print marketing, and we talk about all different topics. If I was using a print ad, I would know where they want to go and send them to a landing page. I want to send them to a landing page so I can capture their information. Again, use the QR codes properly. Don’t use them digitally on a signature of your email, it doesn’t make any sense. I can just click on a link rather than get out my cell phone to use it. Again, my name is Andrew Houglum with Direct Business Marketing and my phone number is 602-571-5803. My email address is [email protected]. I want to draw your attention to our marketing assessment. Go to for marketing assessment. You can download it today. Thanks and have a great day.