
What Can Direct Business Marketing Offer Me In Terms Of Mobile Marketing And Advertising?

Have you recently thought about pursuing mobile marketing and advertising for your company? If so, we would like to encourage you to download Direct Business Marketing’s online marketing evaluation checklist to show you just how a mobile add-on to your new or existing website can help you enter into the world of mobile marketing and advertising. If you are uncertain on whether or not this is a step you should take, there are a few things we’d like to share with you.

According to the Mobile Marketing Association, it’s reported that over half of all U.S. consumers will own a tablet by the end of 2012 and that the amount of mobile traffic will almost double in 2012. This information should hopefully be enough to make you consider checking out the marketing evaluation checklist to see if mobile marketing and advertising is a good fit for your company.

If you do choose to pursue mobile marketing and advertising, here are a few things that Direct Business Marketing can offer you if you choose to work with them. If you already have an existing website, it only takes a few business days to have your mobile add-on up and running. If you need a new desktop website created, DBM can assist you with that and will add the mobile optimization after your desktop website has been completed. If you need help or technical support with your mobile add-on, there is always a live technical support specialist or your DBM marketing consultant waiting to assist you. If one should happen to be unavailable at the moment, they’ll be in touch with you within one business day.

You are responsible for marketing your own mobile website, however if this is something that you feel you don’t have time for, but really want to take part in, Direct Business Marketing can provide you with other marketing services as well. We can track the results of your mobile marketing and advertising campaign for you so you are always in the know with regards to the success of your mobile optimization add-on.