
Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy – Piecing It All Together

In this final video in this series, Granison Shines – CMO of Direct Business Marketing, summarizes the past 5 videos on how you should go about your marketing budget and strategy for 2017.

Take a look at the video and let us know if you have any questions.  Be sure to take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here –  There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

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Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy – Campaign Identification

One aspect of your marketing campaigns should be the identification of the strategic marketing campaigns you’re going to launch.  Truthfully, most organizations omit several marketing campaigns, not purposefully, nonetheless omission means prospective leads not getting the attention they need.  Therefore, we need to close the gap on leaving leads exposed for falling through the cracks.

In this video, Granison Shines, CMO of Direct Business Marketing, answers the marketing campaign on “How many strategic marketing campaigns should we be running in our organization?”

If you have any questions, take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here –  There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy – Where To Market

When you think about where you should be marketing, make sure to have our marketing process close in mind – Generate, Capture, Store, and Nurture.  This will help you lay the proper path for marketing success.

Focus on the “Generate” column, the marketing locations, because this is where you’re going to spend most of your marketing budget.  I’m not saying to not spend time on the other 3 sections, I’m just saying that a large portion of your marketing budget will be spent here.  Especially, if you’re running a large marketing campaign.

In this video, Granison Shines, CMO of Direct Business Marketing, discusses on how you should think about where you should be marketing.

If you have any questions, take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here –  There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy – Budget Allocation

To further discuss the budget aspect of your marketing campaign, business owners are asking themselves, “How much should we allocate to our marketing budget?”  Since many have experienced their marketing dollars not returning the investment they wanted or expected, the topic of a business’ marketing budget has become taboo. However, if you’re in business and your marketing, you’re going to have this conversation – period!

In this video, Granison Shines – CMO of Direct Business Marketing, discusses the question of marketing budget allocation and how to make sure you’re not taken to the cleaners.

If you have any questions, take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here –  There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

Your 2017 Marketing Planning and Budget Strategy

I’d say that the marketing budget is one of the most important and least attractive components of your marketing campaign(s) that most business owners do not want to discuss. It can be scary at times, especially when you’re a small business and your operating on limited funds, but you want the best bang for your buck.
So, the question becomes, “how much should I allocate to the marketing budget?”
In this video, Granison Shines – CMO of Direct Business Marketing, discusses this question and more on how you should think about your marketing from a budgetary perspective.
If you have any questions, take advantage of your free consultation by getting on my calendar here – There’s no obligation to reserve our services.

5 Things to Look for When Hiring a Marketing Consultant

This month, we’re going to introduce our Marketing Consulting Series.  Marketing consulting is one of Direct Business Marketing’s forte when it comes to services offered to our clients.  We firmly believe that at some point in your business, all need an outside eye focused on the marketing campaign, even to give it a complete once-over.  Why?  Because if the marketing consultant is worth his/her salt, then they can definitely see the potential holes in your campaign that can save and make you a lot of money.

What is a Marketing Consultant? A marketing consultant is an experienced marketing professional hired by a company to help develop a marketing plan, strategies, and actionable tasks. The consultant may participate in identifying target markets, researching the marketplace, developing solutions, and preparing marketing campaigns. For instance, a recruiting firm like Bradsby Group, often connects companies with top marketing consultants who can elevate their marketing efforts.

In this video, Andrew, Dustin and I discuss what you should look for when you hire sales and marketing freelancer.   There are quite a few intangibles that far surpasses the knowledge and insight of the consultant.  In fact, one should consider what we discuss in this video as the leading determining factor of the hiring process.

Watch the video to find out more…

Nurture Marketing Strategies – Scenario-Based Nurture Marketing

Nurture Marketing involves reaching out to your prospects and clients on a regular basis, touching them via marketing mediums, feeding them the information they need about your business, educating them on various topics regarding your products or services, making them feel good about your business, and building a stronger relationship with them.

You can use any medium you’d like to share this information including, but not limited to: email, video, newsletters, postcards, etc.

In today’s topic, Dustin, Andrew and I discuss the topic of Scenario-Based Nurture Marketing.

Scenario-Based Nurture Marketing involved nurture a prospect according to how they initially interfaced with your organization.  For example, if you met someone at a networking event, then you, or someone within your organization, would take their card and enter their information into a list which contains a series of emails for people you meet at networking events.  It may begin like this, “ (their name ), it was a pleasure meeting you at last night’s event.  I appreciate your offering up some of your time to speak to me.  I’d love to get to know more about you and your business…”  See what I mean.  Make sure the email talks more about THEM; therefore, resist the urge to dive-bag your products and services.  The time will come when they will ask you more about yours.

Of course, the above example is just one scenario in which you may meet with a potential prospect.  For that reason, you may want to sit with a marketing consultant like that ones we have to in order to outline all of the possible scenarios in which you meet client-types.

Listen intently to this video and if you have any question, please feel free to contact me directly at 602 369-8119. Or email me at [email protected]

At the very least, your organization should keep in touch with the leads in your existing database by keeping leads on an Annual Nurture campaign.  For that reason, you can download our “Done-for-You!” Annual Nurture Marketing Campaign here –

Enjoy the video!!

Add A Story To Your Copywriting

We are continuing our conversation on copywriting and, more so, how this feeds into your nurture marketing campaign. Your nurture campaign should be heavily focused on copywriting because you’re going to use email and video to communicate the information you want to your new clients, existing clients, new leads and existing leads. These are the four different types of people that you should have in your database and they are the most neglected piece when it comes to marketing to your database. Some people get a client or lead and don’t follow up on it, don’t try to upsell or convert them to a client. This is imperative and, again, this is where your copywriting skills will show their case for the cause. You’re writing to them, you’re communicating with them and when you do this there are certain pieces that you need to get across, one of them is the story. This works really well if you’re converting leads to clients; you want to make sure you have a story associated with your email campaign.

When you’re writing your story make it emotional; the more emotional it is, the better. Make the story time-saving. Communicate how your product or service can save them time or money, which are two things that are critical to their want and needs. Next, talk about their experience; it can be pleasant or bad. Number five is to make it results oriented – show or tell them how your product or service has helped other clients.

Nurture campaigns are an important part of your business so please check out our website to check out the difference types of campaigns you should have going out to the people in your database right now as well as the number of different services we have to offer.

Addressing The Customers Problem In Your Copywriting

Hello this is Granison Shines with Direct Business Marketing and today we’re going to continue our conversation on copywriting and making sure you understand we’re talking about the nurture campaigns you should have underway right now. You should have campaigns for your new clients, existing clients, new leads and existing leads; the whole idea is to upsell and convert. This is where your copywriting skills are really going to hone in on how you position your product or service and whether you actually complete the sale. You’ll be communicating several bits and pieces of information to them. One of the things we’ll talk about is the problem, which is something you should address. You want them to know that you know what their soft spots are and that you can fulfill those particular soft spots and make sure your provide them with the adequate solution.

First, you need to address that you understand the client’s problem. Establish what their struggles are; you can do this either via writing or video. Next, share specific challenges that the reader faces before telling them you have the solution and unique strategies for beating these challenges. This is where you want to build some value in what you’re talking about and you can communicate more effectively so they’ll immediately understand how you can help them with their problem. They will listen to you more.

If you go to our website you can check out our services, the four different client types you should have in your database and how they should be addressed and the different types of nurture campaigns you should have going out to them. This is the most neglected aspect of most organizations and they are the easiest people to market to so please check out this page to ensure you’re making the most of your nurture marketing campaign.

Utilizing The Post Script In Your Copywriting

Again we’re going to continue our conversation and how it should be integrated with your nurture marketing campaign. This is the most neglected part of a nurture marketing campaign. The current leads in your database are very seldom marketed to. We want to change that with this series and talking about copywriting because there’s a lot of good information. Cross selling, converting and even upselling can be done with just some simple copywriting rules that you keep in the back of your mind. This will make a difference in whether or not they become clients in your database. The four campaigns you have running should be existing clients, new clients, existing leads, new leads. It is proven that the easiest people to sell to are the one that you already have so we want to ensure that you’re utilizing this.

When you’re constructing the offer you want to have the post script. It is the most important piece to communicate the urgency of the deadline of your offer. You can also restate the benefits as much and as often as you can in your post script as well as introduce brand new benefits. It is proven that the headline, bullet points and the post scripts get read the most so make the most of this by having all the pertinent information possible.

Make sure you look at the marketing campaigns on our website at You’ll be able to see all of the information you need as well as pricing for our nurture marketing packages. You can also send me an email at [email protected] or give me a call with any questions you may have regarding our services, post scripts or the nurture marketing campaigns you should have going right now.

Closing The Deal Through Your Copywriting


Today we’re going to talk about closing strong with your copywriting. The closing portion of this is true for the existing leads and clients that you have in your database. When we talk about the nurture marketing campaign and how the copywriting fits into the whole campaign piece, you’re going to sending out emails that will have the right components to help you close the deal.

You want to make sure that you have a call to action, the “here’s what I want you to do next” kind of thing. It makes no sense for you to put an email out or any other type of marketing piece out and not have a call to action so you can close the deal. At the end of the day this is what you want; nothing happens in terms of growth for a business until you sell your product or service. This is where you have to close the deal, so ask for the deal. Can you buy this or do this? However you want to state it, just make sure you ask and have that call to action. Do it in a nice strategic way and make sure that when you’re communicating the offer you restate everything in the offer and that they understand what the offer is. Lastly, tell them exactly what you want them to do every single time. You’d be surprised how many people don’t do this in their nurture marketing campaign emails. Making sure you have this appropriated within your copywriting regiment will help you close the deal.

This whole video series has stemmed from the nurture campaign and making sure you have the nurture campaigns going to your four different types of people in your database. You can check out our website to see the different services that we offer.

Want To Get A Physical Document Into Consumer’s Hands? Add Offline Marketing Into Your Marketing Process

As a marketing manager for a small business have you considered adding offline strategies into your marketing process? Although many marketing processes are internet-based these days, by adding an offline marketing process into your business’s campaign, it can help you get a physical document into consumer’s hands and help your brand get recognized. There are many different types of offline marketing avenues that you can choose to pursue; as a marketing manager, it’s important to know which ones will best fit the needs of both your business and your target market.

Some of the more popular documents that small business marketing managers choose for their marketing campaigns are postcards, a digital business card, flyers and booklets or brochures. These are just a few of the ways to put a physical document into the hands of the public and get them to either check your business out in person, or online if you have a website.

If you need a marketing firm to help you design, produce and print these offline documents, Direct Business Marketing can do that for you. Not only do they offer the previously mentioned offline services, they also can create letterheads, door hangers, envelopes and banners for your business. They have an in-house print shop that will create your documents for you while keeping them aligned with your online marketing processes. You can also check out Los Angeles printing by Platon Graphics, which has become the top choice for reliable and professional printing solutions.

One last thing to keep in mind is that offline documents, such as business cards, booklets, or brochures, can be a good tool to have when meeting with your customers face-to-face; you want to leave a lasting impression on them, and providing them with an amazing booklet design is the way to do that. A well-designed booklet not only showcases your professionalism but also enhances the credibility of your brand.

If you’ve spoken with other marketing managers in your industry, they’ll tell you that DBM is the company to go to for your printing services. We can help you update your marketing processes, reach out to more customers and make your job as a marketing manager much easier with our offline marketing services. Contact Direct Business Marketing today to learn more about how we can provide you with marketing process solutions for your marketing manager duties.